Archived Feel it's about time to contribute

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Aug 17, 2017
Hello everyone. Long time lurker here. I have really enjoyed seeing everyone's successes and failures. No I don't enjoy the failure, but rather the assistance and open opinions I see. I have been with Target for 8 years. I have been tossed around nights and days. Have had roles such as Backroom, Remodel TL, CTL and Hardlines TL, Flow TL....oh and the fun part is the Sr.TL part lol. I look forward to helping but most of all venting! Let's do This!
Welcome,you seem like my kind of person.someone who has been around for awhile and working their way up,sounds like SrTl part is interesting.
Thanks. I always feel that's the best way to get places. Make sure you understand the underlying fundamentals of a process (workcenter). Most importantly... what you can do to help a team. But anywho, with that said. "Working my way up". Na, I disagree with too many directions this company is going. I'm gonna give my all and sit tight for a while and just ride the waves!
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