Archived First cash office shift tomorrow

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my last day in cash office I took my time. got it all done cleaned up, vacuumed, sanitized, wrote a goodbye note to the other cash office workers, I looked for a few minutes and left.
I learned cash office right after Q4 and the best advice I can give is know your steps, follow them carefully, and don't get distracted! Check your work constantly, because it's easier to fix a mistake early on versus later in the count. Make sure they give you access to the cp4000 program as well.
because it's easier to fix a mistake early on versus later in the count.
There are several steps that - once you go past - there's no fixing any 'oopsies'.
I always told my trainees to check their grand total before doing the transfer to safe because, anything you find afterwards, there's no way to back up & fix.
There are several steps that - once you go past - there's no fixing any 'oopsies'.
I always told my trainees to check their grand total before doing the transfer to safe because, anything you find afterwards, there's no way to back up & fix.

I used to have to count my earnings and register at end of the day at my old job, is cash office similar?
Cash office counts ALL the registers while recording the amounts for each register (location), transfers the amount to the safe balance, rebanks registers via 'start-funds' (a strap containing the currency needed for an opening register), deposits excess currency ($100s, $50s & excess $20s) & maintains on-hand coin & currency for the store via cash orders.
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