Archived Flexible Fulfillment? Anyone launch yet?? Deets!

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forgive me if this has been answered, I have not had to deal with this process yet. what are the quantity limits that trigger the amount of stock shown online? is it we have this many in stock and does the trigger point change by what type of item it is? what happens during q4 when we literally dump every toy we have down an aisle/endcap?
forgive me if this has been answered, I have not had to deal with this process yet. what are the quantity limits that trigger the amount of stock shown online? is it we have this many in stock and does the trigger point change by what type of item it is? what happens during q4 when we literally dump every toy we have down an aisle/endcap?

I didn't see any information as far as the trigger point on workbench. As for toys, it just means you're going to want to check the item picture and then go searching. You'll need to set up a base camp and hire a Sherpa, but it should go well.
I don't know what the hell on hand figure they're going with, but it's not the one shown in item search. I had an order come in today, and before I even filled it, I checked item search to see the location on floor and not only did it claim it didn't have one, the On Hand also said 0. Either it decreased the OH when the order came in, or it's letting people order things we don't even have. Either method is sketchy. Luckily, I found it without too much hassle, but what happens in the future...
I don't know what the hell on hand figure they're going with, but it's not the one shown in item search. I had an order come in today, and before I even filled it, I checked item search to see the location on floor and not only did it claim it didn't have one, the On Hand also said 0. Either it decreased the OH when the order came in, or it's letting people order things we don't even have. Either method is sketchy. Luckily, I found it without too much hassle, but what happens in the future...
It doesnt drop the on hand count, we've had -1 and -2 on hand counts before.
That is a pretty bad rollout process with that being the case. Part of the rollout had them sending us printers along with labels, specifically for FF and nothing else. I take it people snag them for everything else?

The printers and PDAs at my store vanished immediately after they showed up. It took over a week find and secure them properly.
I don't know what the hell on hand figure they're going with, but it's not the one shown in item search. I had an order come in today, and before I even filled it, I checked item search to see the location on floor and not only did it claim it didn't have one, the On Hand also said 0. Either it decreased the OH when the order came in, or it's letting people order things we don't even have. Either method is sketchy. Luckily, I found it without too much hassle, but what happens in the future...

As soon as the guest completes the order it removes it from on hands. So you will have some stuff that shows up as on hands of zero, I've even seen -1 show up on the on hands for some items. It was supposed to be a threshold of I think 5 on hands for it to be eligible for fulfillment but apparently that went out the window.
We have 2 dedicated printers for that the system refuses to recognize, and the other that flow team keeps taking and changing the labels in, despite the giant "Flexible Fulfillment" label on it, and it being locked up.....and then we get in trouble for not being able to find it (Ummm.....we know where we keep it, can't help it if other people feel the need to steal it)....
We have two new, dedicated printers that stay in the backroom.

Ditto, they came late last week.

[URL="" said:
NoRedCards[/URL]]We have 2 dedicated printers for that the system refuses to recognize, and the other that flow team keeps taking and changing the labels in, despite the giant "Flexible Fulfillment" label on it, and it being locked up.....and then we get in trouble for not being able to find it (Ummm.....we know where we keep it, can't help it if other people feel the need to steal it)....

Yes! This right here!
I just have to mention how flexible fulfillment is going at my store.

There is no communication from the ETLs on this. Granted, this is because the ETLs themselves don't know anything about flexible fulfillment, and have their own ideas as to where stuff goes. For example, we used to store the stuff in the backroom. Then up at guest services. Then we started putting it in the electronics backroom.

Nobody knows where the stuff is. The only thing people order is clothing, and we NEVER CAN FIND THE STUFF.

It's referred to as "the worst fucking thing" by pretty much all of guest services.
I just have to mention how flexible fulfillment is going at my store.

There is no communication from the ETLs on this. Granted, this is because the ETLs themselves don't know anything about flexible fulfillment, and have their own ideas as to where stuff goes. For example, we used to store the stuff in the backroom. Then up at guest services. Then we started putting it in the electronics backroom.

Nobody knows where the stuff is. The only thing people order is clothing, and we NEVER CAN FIND THE STUFF.

It's referred to as "the worst fucking thing" by pretty much all of guest services.

Softlines TMs are a very big help. Whenever I need to pull clothes, I always ask them and they easily show me where to find it.

Printers are also a problem in my store. We try to keep our printer in receiving desk but gets taken for damages.

The only thing so far that bugs me is we TMs can't get alerts while LODs do. We have to check every hour to make sure.
It's been picking up a bit at our store. I think we had at least 7 orders yesterday. It started off mostly shoes and SL but now I've pulled toys, XBox games, a Nook, crockpots, rugs, throws, all kind of crap. Evidently our pull time/percentage is terrible (big surprise). Depending on which LOD or GSTL is working they will sometimes call BR and let us know a new one dropped.

Just yesterday our TL told us we (all BR TMs) need to log into the PDA as Fulfillment TM from now on. This is annoying as you have to try and type in a password on a finicky PDA.
Yeah, we've started to get tons of them, like to the point where I think I spent a third of my shift yesterday out on the salesfloor. I don't necessarily mind the change of scenery, but it's started asking us to find softlines items that have zero on hand! It's hard enough trying to find softlines anyway, but to send us looking for stuff we don't actually have is just absurd.

I also had a couple of orders for a particular toy that's on sale for quite a bit. We've been out of it for some time, I've been told, but electronics can't zone or flex for shit so instocks hasn't scanned that toy as out because there was overstock of a different item just hanging out in that spot.
Alerts were modified so that they should be working on MC70's and MC9090's. MC40's and MC9200's don't have alerts working yet for them due to an issue with Win7 itself.

It is important to note that team members cannot dual-role in a TM role (ex. Backroom TM and Fulfillment TM) as the alerts won't simply work and you should only log in under Fulfillment TM. The exception to this is that you can dual-role with a single TM and TL selection (ex. Fulfillment TM and Hardlines TL) and alerts will still work. ETL and LOD roles still work correctly on their own.


If you only knew what was coming... POC 1-3 has now rolled out to all stores that just involves Order Online, Pick up in store.


POC 4 comes out early 2014 (T1375 is currently testing). POC 6 late 2014. POC 7, well beyond.
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Can someone tell me....after two days do the orders auto magically cancel or does someone have to manually do it?
POC 5 comes out early 2014 (T1375 is currently testing). POC 6 late 2014. POC 7, well beyond.

What exactly are these programs? I've heard rumors of a site to store program for online only items coming. That doesn't bother me really as that can be handled during the push process (if sent with normal DC truck) or by receiving (if sent by separate truck) and it has the benefit of bringing in people who may not have been coming to the store otherwise.

The part that bugs me about Flex Fulfillment is that we make a LOT of money from people who "I just came to the store to buy 1 thing and look at my cart!" The program creates a way for those people to go in the door and get that "one thing" without even looking at any other merchandise AND it uses up extra payroll (budgeted or not, it still uses up time) and equipment as well. It's the complete opposite of driving profitable sales.
POC 5 comes out early 2014 (T1375 is currently testing). POC 6 late 2014. POC 7, well beyond.

What exactly are these programs? I've heard rumors of a site to store program for online only items coming. That doesn't bother me really as that can be handled during the push process (if sent with normal DC truck) or by receiving (if sent by separate truck) and it has the benefit of bringing in people who may not have been coming to the store otherwise.

The part that bugs me about Flex Fulfillment is that we make a LOT of money from people who "I just came to the store to buy 1 thing and look at my cart!" The program creates a way for those people to go in the door and get that "one thing" without even looking at any other merchandise AND it uses up extra payroll (budgeted or not, it still uses up time) and equipment as well. It's the complete opposite of driving profitable sales.

You get extra payroll for FF? Im pretty sure my store has less then we did last year..
You get extra payroll for FF?

Not exactly, more like it's just getting spent because backroom (day and night) are having to work more hours to get everything done due partially to FF throwing a wrench in the whole process. With the weather down here, so many people were ordering crap online that I damn near could have had someone doing only FF all day.
You get extra payroll for FF?

Not exactly, more like it's just getting spent because backroom (day and night) are having to work more hours to get everything done due partially to FF throwing a wrench in the whole process. With the weather down here, so many people were ordering crap online that I damn near could have had someone doing only FF all day.

Yeah that's how it is in my store too... they still expect me to get everything done by MYSELF. as closing backroom, in a AA Store, with like 20+ FF's everyday. I really hate those people who order like Sandwich bags or batteries from FF, like are u kidding?
You get extra payroll for FF?

Not exactly, more like it's just getting spent because backroom (day and night) are having to work more hours to get everything done due partially to FF throwing a wrench in the whole process. With the weather down here, so many people were ordering crap online that I damn near could have had someone doing only FF all day.

Yeah that's how it is in my store too... they still expect me to get everything done by MYSELF. as closing backroom, in a AA Store, with like 20+ FF's everyday. I really hate those people who order like Sandwich bags or batteries from FF, like are u kidding?

Likewise, as a closer I can relate. Came in a 1pm today to my delight that the FF system went full retard. An STL said as she was pulling a order an error message popped up. After exiting then returning to the menu the ten remaining Picks were now Put Into Holds. Additionally the system wouldn't let them scan items into holding locations. I'm like defuq. She wanted me to find a way to pull them all, print labels for them, and scan them into locations. In other words, "Go forth and find pixie dust to sprinkle on this situation :-D."

Grabbed my printer and I headed over to GS since STL said the tablet there would have all the FF orders listed. One-by-one I jotted down the DPCIs and sought out the items from backroom or sales floor. Of course in between every two items a customer would inquire about an item. I'd either have to stop and pull something from the backroom or show them the aisle the item was in. Just as frequently that STL would walkie the system was fixed and to see if the two new FFs could be printed labels and scanned into holding. "When I'm done with the old ones first, I'll get to the new ones." "Yes, yes I'll check soon." "Copy, will do."

We easily had 20-25 FFs today, each of which had 2-3 DPCIs on average. Was schedualed til 10pm and last BR TM left at 6pm. Still have a shit ton of cardboard to crush, 9 price change batches to pull (IFUR alone wound up being two vehicles over capacity), sweep receiving, not to mention set the line. Had it not been for LOD who crushed cardboard and O/N Backroom TL who assisted in setting the line, wouldn't have been able to do it all. Then thirty minutes before I have to clock out, four FFs popped up. I heard me heart break just a little before unwillingly picking up the printer I had just plugged in...

You get extra payroll for FF?

Not exactly, more like it's just getting spent because backroom (day and night) are having to work more hours to get everything done due partially to FF throwing a wrench in the whole process. With the weather down here, so many people were ordering crap online that I damn near could have had someone doing only FF all day.

Yeah that's how it is in my store too... they still expect me to get everything done by MYSELF. as closing backroom, in a AA Store, with like 20+ FF's everyday. I really hate those people who order like Sandwich bags or batteries from FF, like are u kidding?

Likewise, as a closer I can relate. Came in a 1pm today to my delight that the FF system went full retard. An STL said as she was pulling a order an error message popped up. After exiting then returning to the menu the ten remaining Picks were now Put Into Holds. Additionally the system wouldn't let them scan items into holding locations. I'm like defuq. She wanted me to find a way to pull them all, print labels for them, and scan them into locations. In other words, "Go forth and find pixie dust to sprinkle on this situation :-D."

Grabbed my printer and I headed over to GS since STL said the tablet there would have all the FF orders listed. One-by-one I jotted down the DPCIs and sought out the items from backroom or sales floor. Of course in between every two items a customer would inquire about an item. I'd either have to stop and pull something from the backroom or show them the aisle the item was in. Just as frequently that STL would walkie the system was fixed and to see if the two new FFs could be printed labels and scanned into holding. "When I'm done with the old ones first, I'll get to the new ones." "Yes, yes I'll check soon." "Copy, will do."

We easily had 20-25 FFs today, each of which had 2-3 DPCIs on average. Was schedualed til 10pm and last BR TM left at 6pm. Still have a shit ton of cardboard to crush, 9 price change batches to pull (IFUR alone wound up being two vehicles over capacity), sweep receiving, not to mention set the line. Had it not been for LOD who crushed cardboard and O/N Backroom TL who assisted in setting the line, wouldn't have been able to do it all. Then thirty minutes before I have to clock out, four FFs popped up. I heard me heart break just a little before unwillingly picking up the printer I had just plugged in...


6PM?! Oh god. And I thought only having someone till 7:30 was bad... Well I guess I get off at 12 usually though so.. it's kinda different, but they get to help with price change at least.
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