Question for ya'll that are on ePick? When you guys went live, did you get any notice?

Cause our OPU went live today and no one said a fucking word to us, our TL supposedly didn't know(did verify no e-mail about it) and our ETL was off today.. Our Leadership said no one told them? I just don't believe that.

I only knew what was happening today when the alerts kept going off for missed goal times, cause no one knew our store went live. So they never looked over in ePick, they just called CSC who was less than helpful. Why are our batches not dropping into Move? CSC - "We have a lot of stores reporting this issue today, here is a ticket number." Leadership didn't figure it out until 1pm when 90 OPU orders piled up and missed just about every goal today. They still don't know about the 30min part yet..
We also started Wednesday. Yes, there was communication. ETL and TL were off, but everyone knew what to do, because said communication was passed on. Your store sucks.
Recalls are all handled upstream so should not be available for guests to order from .com. We don't have any checks in ePick for this reason. The toggling back and forth between myWork and ePick though is something that's in our backlog.

1) True, once you scan a cart it will become paused. If you don't actually pick anything though, you can hit cancel and it will release that cart.
2) The pathing list isn't there yet because there have been more important things to get out to stores before peak.
3) When you pause a cart, it should bring you to the location you were last at. If it wasn't doing this consistently, were you using different devices to check this? It's possible that the devices weren't on the same version so would give you different results.
4) Neptune is working on fixing the pathing issues. We dove into this on Friday so hopefully will see improvements soon.

See pathing comment above.

You should never have to wait 45 minutes to get back in. The timeout for RTS is only 10 minutes. You should be able to force quit the app and jump back into the RTS batch where you left off.

Ghost location issue is fixed now.
Pathing issue - see answer above. We're working on this.

@mobilelady thanks for your replies! Just to clarify, I was simply piggybacking on the toggling "issue", not insinuating we were getting orders for recalls. I should have been more specific. Apologies!
Nobody told our SFS team ePick had gone live for two days. Yet the leadership freaks out if SFS doesn’t immediately say they’re working on an order when it drops in... but can’t be bothered to tell the team about something this important. SMH.
Time limit is always the challenge but it’s fine as long you have ppl to help you and your pretty good but don’t worry to much. The blame will still fall into the hands of tls stl dtls also when you come across clothes nop that can’t be rfid since new epick shenanigans just gotta hit up the girls you know.
I was told it was a mess yesterday because they didn’t find out until 4 PM that it moved to a new app. Was greated with that message this morning.
Has anyone heard anything about the possible future update that would allow us to pick from the floor instead of the back? The longer E2E goes on the worse it is trying to get to any BR locations.
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We also started Wednesday. Yes, there was communication. ETL and TL were off, but everyone knew what to do, because said communication was passed on. Your store sucks.

I know my store sucks donkey balls, just wanted to confirm cause it never filtered down to the TL level. It's ok only 700 orders piled up between both apps, and only two people working SFS.. I picked 300 orders in the shit show that is my store(INF'd anything not easily found) and cleared yesterday's ePick workload, my partner was clearing out the Move que, cause those were still active as well.. We are so fucked..
It didn't for the first couple hundred stores.

It didn't for mine either, cause we still have a crap ton of orders sitting over in MOVE. And nothing I pulled or my partner pulled today were duplicates, she is working Move, I ePick.

@mobilelady with the ePick app there is a bug when pulling assortments, its wanting the item out of the assortment, but won't pull the assortment itself until after you pull the item in the assortment. You can scan every assortment box on the shelf and none are correct even when you know that box has the item you need in it. Proven when I had an open assortment case and pulled the size medium shirt. But it would not recognize the assortment it was tied to. Example you need a size medium shirt, your shelf location is all assortment boxes, in Move it was ask for the assortment case then the actual size medium. In ePick it wants the size medium, and when you scan that, then it asks for the assortment carton. A bit backwards. And I had to INF a lot of items cause I couldn't open 5, 10, 15 case packs to see if it was the right type of item then move on to the next if it wasn't cause assortments don't always have a description on them of what is in them.

Or has anyone else noticed that or are we just lucky and its just us?
It didn't for mine either, cause we still have a crap ton of orders sitting over in MOVE. And nothing I pulled or my partner pulled today were duplicates, she is working Move, I ePick.

@mobilelady with the ePick app there is a bug when pulling assortments, its wanting the item out of the assortment, but won't pull the assortment itself until after you pull the item in the assortment. You can scan every assortment box on the shelf and none are correct even when you know that box has the item you need in it. Proven when I had an open assortment case and pulled the size medium shirt. But it would not recognize the assortment it was tied to. Example you need a size medium shirt, your shelf location is all assortment boxes, in Move it was ask for the assortment case then the actual size medium. In ePick it wants the size medium, and when you scan that, then it asks for the assortment carton. A bit backwards. And I had to INF a lot of items cause I couldn't open 5, 10, 15 case packs to see if it was the right type of item then move on to the next if it wasn't cause assortments don't always have a description on them of what is in them.

Or has anyone else noticed that or are we just lucky and its just us?
No, I've noticed that too. It gives you the DPCI of the item it wants rather than the assortment DPCI, so you can't pick the entire carton. If you scan the assortment label in MyWork it should list the DPCIs of everything in the assortment, so you can find it that way.
The mobile checkout app

Ok start to finish: How do we use these labels?

I briefly saw some communication about mobile checkout printing but nothing on when we're supposed to use them and how. When I complete an order in mycheckout nothing prompts me to connect to a printer.
No, I've noticed that too. It gives you the DPCI of the item it wants rather than the assortment DPCI, so you can't pick the entire carton. If you scan the assortment label in MyWork it should list the DPCIs of everything in the assortment, so you can find it that way.

"Oh just scan it in a different app, is not a solution its a cop out." And trying that yesterday caused my scanner to not reengage when going back to ePick to the point I had to reboot it, which is what you want at the top of a ladder having to climb down, rescan your cart and them climb back up. Doing the process twice for every single location that was needed. And swapping Zebra's did not fix the problem - both had the same issues..
Ok start to finish: How do we use these labels?

I briefly saw some communication about mobile checkout printing but nothing on when we're supposed to use them and how. When I complete an order in mycheckout nothing prompts me to connect to a printer.

Not myCheckout, but Mobile Checkout for in store purchases. Tldr we can take payment for in store items from anywhere in the store and print off the receipt for the guest
Not myCheckout, but Mobile Checkout for in store purchases. Tldr we can take payment for in store items from anywhere in the store and print off the receipt for the guest

Oh thanks! I didn't know it was something new. I'll have to check for more communication when i get back to work.
"Oh just scan it in a different app, is not a solution its a cop out." And trying that yesterday caused my scanner to not reengage when going back to ePick to the point I had to reboot it, which is what you want at the top of a ladder having to climb down, rescan your cart and them climb back up. Doing the process twice for every single location that was needed. And swapping Zebra's did not fix the problem - both had the same issues..

You know you can just manually type in the cart name

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