FMLA and accountable hours

Aug 28, 2021
So I took a FMLA leave awhile back ago. Not a problem or so I thought. My OM came and spoke to me recently telling me how many accountable hours I had. It seemed like it was way more then I should have so I asked for a list of my accountable time and they have 8 days listed that was part of my FMLA leave. Was I wrong in thinking that job protected meant that I wouldn’t be receiving accountable hours for the time during my approved leave? Thanks in advance for any answers.
Federal FMLA guarantees that your job will be protected while you are off work, so long as you return within 12 weeks. (26 weeks for care of a service member) Upon your return, you must be placed in the same job you left, or a comparable position. States may have additional FMLA laws and they will differ from state to state. You will need to check your state FMLA law. There is also sometimes a "wait period" between giving your notification that you want to use FMLA and it kicking in when using it for the first time. That is most likely the case here.
Yeah my leave was definitely approved I went back in and double checked that it was.
I did double check and went and talked to HR about it and they were able to correct all but 3 days. For the 3 days they couldn’t correct they put a note in my file to subtract them hours when they are getting my accountable hours.. That’s what I was told at least.

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