Archived Food Ave- how do you handle throwing out do much food?

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Steritech doesn't walk the break room, if it's still edible and I have to get rid of a lot of it (ie. Missed salvage or when ever I cone across the rare scenario)
However just like all the tms who ask why I don't put more back there... The trash compactor needs to eat too.. He has a ravenous appetite

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Are you perishables assistant

The only QMOS that I've managed to somewhat contain is the bakery table. It's been fairly low. I don't push any more than 2 or 3 naans at a time because they don't ever sell. Same for the danishes. I don't push out a lot of the AF ciabattas or the AF baguettes. I keep everything on basically a permanent 25% TPC.

As PA at my store I try to instill this into my store about the bakery table to reduce waste, but the days I come in after I was off it will be packed with an entire box of whatever was on the CAF pulls that day and in 20 days ill have to Qmos whatever i couldn't TPC off. Its sad really and its usually a TL or the another PA that does it.
As soon as a holiday has passed, the tables in the breakroom are stacked high with boxes upon boxes of theme-decorated cookies & cupcakes which flies in the face of Wellness Wednesday.
Are you perishables assistant

The only QMOS that I've managed to somewhat contain is the bakery table. It's been fairly low. I don't push any more than 2 or 3 naans at a time because they don't ever sell. Same for the danishes. I don't push out a lot of the AF ciabattas or the AF baguettes. I keep everything on basically a permanent 25% TPC.

This is exactly Why I love our new capacity change thing..

(so far).

Just change the Capacity from 6 to 2, and put landmines where the other four would have been squished into.
We've had to stop putting bakery in the break room, we have some TMs that are slobs and cause ants.
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