Frustrated to the point of tears

Guessing that the lazy, cursing, complaining, credit taking seasonal has a relative in high places...🙄 In which case she is probably golden.🤬 Depends on whether leadership cares more about keeping the relative happy or the beauty sales up...💰
We understand. Welcome!

Stop fixing her mistakes and let the chips fall where they may. Everytime leadership tells you to fix one of her mistakes, point out to them what you won't be able to get done of your current workload, then go fix her mistake. As much as you want to, it really isn't your responsibility to clean up after other TMs. I'm dealing with a similar situation in Tech. We have kept on two very strong seasonals, plus myself and a current permanent make for a very strong Tech team. However, we have a fifth permanent TM on the team who we all have to clean up after. But, because of a tenuous connection with our SD, this person will not be termed even though they have cycled through almost every other area in the store due to their poor performance. Hang in there, don't give them any reason to term you, and let Karma do her job.
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What I felt working at Target is .. find your comfort zone and a daily routine. Do your things in maximum perfect way possible and keep on doing it. Many things will happen around you. Pretend you see them, hear them.. but care about none. If your TL ask you to do something just do it . Don’t think about the root cause. You do whatever you can. I m doing like this now . I get little to no help to finish my tasks however big it is. I do my best and they started trusting me to be literally the DBO of my department.
You said your TLs are aware of your good work. Sometimes they take things for granted . But you’ ll have your day. Have faith and keep up the good work. Happy New Year! 😊👍
Stop fixing her mistakes and let the chips fall where they may.
This. You don't have to be vindictive about it, or snippy, or petty or anything else except professional. Unless it's actually a safety hazard (a side cap that could fall over or off the fixture and injure a guest, for instance), leave things as your co-worker does it. When your TL mentions it - if they do - respond with, "That was something TM X did. Did she do something wrong?" Say it with a straight face, and let your TL handle it with TM X.
If you keep fixing her mistakes, your TL will be oblivious to what's going on. (Maybe TL already knows and chooses to be oblivious, but you don't have to sort of assist in that.) Your own mental health is more important than cleaning up after an inept TM.
We had a TM for a while (in Beauty, as it happened) who would be texting on her cell phone, on the sales floor, while obviously working on a task. (So, she wasn't on a break or shopping before or after her shift.) I happen to work pharmacy & personal care, so I saw her NOT working a lot. I didn't report her to anyone, just observed and figured she'd be gone before long because that kind of behavior always catches up to a person eventually. And it did and she's gone.
But you have to be wiling to let your TM's behavior catch up with her and stop doing stuff that keeps that from happening.
You mentioned that you have "been in the beauty industry for years now". Maybe you were in a very good workplace in the past, but what you've described at your particular Target's beauty department is (unfortunately) not all that uncommon. No matter what industry you work in, you'll occasionally encounter chameleons who are willing to step on you in order to promote their career success - at your expense. Although I don't know your situation first-hand, you've written well about your experience and I really feel for you. It is very uncomfortable, since it sounds like you are a very conscientious TM and your rival is a "player". I agree with FTC that you need to stop fixing your rival's mistakes, maybe start documenting each time this comes up (date, time, description) in a diary in case you end up being scapegoated for your rival's screw-ups. You might consider transferring to a different Target. Don't fret excessively about whether your request for a transfer is denied, if you're turned down then you know with absolute certainty that you need to switch employers. Thanks for sharing.
How is it that you went from loving the job, it's great, to the store is full of nepotism and the TLs play favorites, just because a single person came on board? How would leadership go from good to horrible just from one hire?

And if your TL sat in your HR meeting and was sympathetic but said let the TLs handle things, then maybe that was simply a nice way of saying that any display of emotional upset and any complaining about this TM that you've been doing is inappropriate. Examine how you act towards her and how you act about her to others and erase any unprofessional behavior that you are doing.
Things in your favor:

-You like what you do, and are good at it
-Your leader know this, as do others
-HR told you to let TLs handle coaching. (Yes this is actually a plus in my book.)

These are big positives.

Points you should re-examine:

-the existence of sub-par team members on your team means your leads don’t appreciate what you’ve done or do.

My read is that your store has a staffing shortage—your missing leads, team members, etc. And as your own SD referenced, the store was previously broken. The sad truth is that in certain situations leaders have to keep sucky people short-term in order to get the better people long-term. Sounds like this is happening with the people on your team. You can’t carry the team all the time, every day. (But push stills needs to get done everyday.).

-Leaders are cliquey, talk down to team-members, nepotism...

I’d be careful about letting your frustration with the situation create additional issues that might not actually be there. Every store will have clicks—that’s a given. And you will have leaders you don’t particularly care for. But that doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy.

If you like what you do, stay positive, and do you. Stay close to your leader and help them. Don’t fix the mistakes by the other team member—if they suck, they’ll dig their own grave. If you like your job, don’t let the situation get you down. Stick it out, be positive, and it will get better.

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