Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

Always something to do! Even on front end where you aren't expected to anything except make sure the guest just had the best shopping experience of their life, you can find something to do. Front end: sanitize something, zone, FIFOing candy is always a good one since no one does that.
We have a long time tm who plays music so loud with a speaker that he hangs on his belt. We can hear he is approaching the backroom 2 min away 😂 yeah of course before the store opens .
We have several TMs who do this. One of my pet peeves. No beef against listening to whatever when the store is closed, but keep the volume low or use an ear bud. So annoying.
Very rarely find myself so bored as that. When I do and my truck push and back stock are done, I'll spend some time in the back room (off the sales floor and away from stupid mask resister guests), making sure my back room shelves are in good shape. It's something I get to do so rarely that it's usually sort of fun.
We have several TMs who do this. One of my pet peeves. No beef against listening to whatever when the store is closed, but keep the volume low or use an ear bud. So annoying.
We have TMs who have their earbuds in constantly, either listening to music or talking on the phone. I loathe this with every fiber of my being, and if I were leadership I'd ban it from my store when we were open and if people violated it I would ban earbuds completely. So unprofessional.
We have TMs who have their earbuds in constantly, either listening to music or talking on the phone. I loathe this with every fiber of my being, and if I were leadership I'd ban it from my store when we were open and if people violated it I would ban earbuds completely. So unprofessional.
Agree with you. Leadership seems to ignore it at my store as well and I think it's so disrespectful to guests.
You are getting paid to work. You are asking about loafing. That’s a conduct issue. When you don’t do your job others have to do their work and yours too. Try to adult here.
Pretty passionate response for someone who gets paid min wage 🙄 it’s okay to have fun at work sometimes people chill tf out
We have TMs who have their earbuds in constantly, either listening to music or talking on the phone. I loathe this with every fiber of my being, and if I were leadership I'd ban it from my store when we were open and if people violated it I would ban earbuds completely. So unprofessional.
Handbook specifically states no earbuds. Highly enforced in my store. You may not use them before after or during store opening.
We have TMs who have their earbuds in constantly, either listening to music or talking on the phone. I loathe this with every fiber of my being, and if I were leadership I'd ban it from my store when we were open and if people violated it I would ban earbuds completely. So unprofessional.
I did just that . I banned the speaker during unload because they wouldn’t address the spills right away and also the ear buds because they would use 2 instead just one and be aware of what’s going on. P.s i still use the overhead
We have TMs who have their earbuds in constantly, either listening to music or talking on the phone. I loathe this with every fiber of my being, and if I were leadership I'd ban it from my store when we were open and if people violated it I would ban earbuds completely. So unprofessional.
It's called: stealing company time.

But to be fair the OP asks about what to do when bored at work. Just stare at someone who is working and when they ask you what the hell you're doing; tell them you're auditing them but not on paper but all mental like. They will be amazed-balls. Or less!

I usually bust ass at work. Coworkers think I have a good work ethic but in reality my plan is to make the day go as fast as possible so I can get the hell away from my coworkers and back to my not coworkers. Outside of work I would listen to you for hours but inside of work the longer we bullshit, the more it DRAGS for both of us.
Minimum wage is $7.25, dumbass. We make more than twice that. Do the rest of your team a favor by putting in your two weeks and kindly piss off.
Again get off your high horse and chill tf out 🙄 you work at Target try having a real job then you can talk 💁🏻‍♀️(Also idk what bunk ass state you’re from but here min wage is $15)
What does that even mean? Apparently, only some of us "work" at Target. I'm a single parent who supported my family working at Target. I put a kid through college working at Target. I own a home working at Target. Get over it? Not likely.
Sounds like your upset about it? 😂
All I hear is a bunch of Karen ass responses to my post.
In all fairness tho I don’t know how anyone in target can be bored . If I’m not checking on the truck , I’ll be in the fixture room making sure all signing is out , check on plano see where they are at with the workload, making sure style break out gets done , planing the workload for the fallowing week, helping opu tm find their stuff , call transportation to add sweeps, reading up on weekly updates, making sure vendors are only ordering what we need , checking with the receiver to make sure irs, recalls , esim is done , fixing bulk , making sure no plastic pallets are in the steal , keep an eye on what’s going to offsite , dropping the 141 for the whole store , auditing sea, making sure all departments are doing their quarantine returns , checking on trailer detail for the next day , ensuing all price change gets done , once trucks done assign inbound to support in the area that struggles etc. So i don’t know how one can get bored 😑.

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