Goodbye Indymes đź‘‹

No. If tech is nearby, they move the cleaning stuff to fix fire aisle. You need to work on GM push to understand.
I was referring to the Service Tablet alerts. I only used the fire aisle alert as an example because that is the only alert I've seen that someone can claim in MyDay
  • Is it like a fire aisle where one claims it or just an alert like SCO needs money?
    • If we claim it do we do it on the Zebra or Tablet?

  • Does it time how long a team member takes to respond and send multiple alerts like the Indymes and fire aisle?
It is like a fire aisle alert and is supposed to be claimed, but it can easily be claimed on the Zebra anywhere in the store and then just ignored.

I believe it only sends two alerts - the initial and a second reminder some 20-30 sec later. There are times when I've seen the alerts go off again a few minutes later but I've always assumed that was from the guest requesting help again. I don't believe the responses are timed like the Indymes were; since they can be accepted from anywhere in the store - it seems kind of pointless. If for some reason they are, it's a metric that nobody at my store cares about.
My store is getting these soon. I have a few questions
  • Does leadership tell people to respond
  • Is it a different sound or the standard sound that the SCO needs money uses?
  • Do TMs need to enable it in MyDay? If so what do we need to enable? Can leadership remotely enable it?
  • Do we only get alerts for the areas we are signed into or the entire store? If I'm only signed into Market do I get style notifications?

  • Is it like a fire aisle where one claims it or just an alert like SCO needs money?
    • If we claim it do we do it on the Zebra or Tablet?

  • Does it time how long a team member takes to respond and send multiple alerts like the Indymes and fire aisle?
depends on leadership. THey SHOULD but don’t lol

it is a different sound. there are two sounds. say a toy call button. if i’m signed into toys in myDay i get a quieter softer kind of chime. Kinda like the “FIRST REQUEST” then if no one claims it. it sends it to everyone in the store with a much louder sound.

you claim it in myDay

yes it times it. it times how long it takes for someone to claim they’re on their way and how long it takes for someone to “complete” the call. I will say though. all our call buttons are in the red lol.
As someone who worked electronics a lot in my early years with Target I can relate. As soon as I walked away from my area to grab a CAF or reshop… ”FAST SERVICE NEEDED IN ELECTRONICS!!! FAST SERVICE NEEDED IN VIDEO GAMES!!!!”
I was just sent on a whirlwind seeing some mention a CAF. It’s been 84 years…
I think all of ours have been deactivated or maybe broken. Haven't heard them in years but we definitely don't have alerts on our devices either. Sure don't miss them!
This just means your Indyme server is offline and no one at your store cares enough to call it in.
My store is just about to start it's remodel but we still use old style buttons and even a few phones still work. I am fine with going to this new button as long as the alert is something I can hear but don't want to mute. If it's like a unique ring tone I can mute it and then call over the walkie if I am with a guest. That said, I know our phone system is kind of useless, half the time the software does not auto login properly. Many times I get calls on electronics for other areas because I'm the only one who's logged on. This can turn ugly if buttons are handled the same way.
My store just reinstalled a couple of them. Our PML was told to by someone higher up. Maybe they're making a comeback? It was very weird hearing the "fast service needed" for the first time in probably 2 years...
My store just reinstalled a couple of them. Our PML was told to by someone higher up. Maybe they're making a comeback? It was very weird hearing the "fast service needed" for the first time in probably 2 years...
Someone higher up is very stupid. The indyme boxes in control rooms are literally being removed with store hardware upgrades. My store and 2 other stores in my area already had theirs removed.
Someone higher up is very stupid. The indyme boxes in control rooms are literally being removed with store hardware upgrades. My store and 2 other stores in my area already had theirs removed.
Ours are still in including the one that doesn't exist in cpp. "... in cleaning supplies, who's is responding?" Slowley the whole store is becoming zombi land.

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