Archived Goodbye Table Talkers and Red360

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i like how walmart has sunlights. They presumably save on energy during the day and it's a more natural light than what Target has. Walking outside after a long shift at target still hurts after years of it.

The sunlights are nice, but I much prefer Target's drop ceilings for aesthetic reasons. It doesn't feel like I'm walking around an enormous warehouse.

If they're really getting rid of table talkers, that's sad. There are so few ways to pass store-specific information on to team members already.

We do have a "TV talker" that I'm sure will live on.
Last year my store switched to solar and they started keeping the lights dimmer. Yay for solar, but it looks so sad and dreary in there. I read somewhere on the internet that target will be adding solar to even more stores this year.

I liked the table talkers, though. We didn't always have the birthdays and anniversaries in ours, but I liked the ones that were informational, because otherwise no one would know anything.
i like how walmart has sunlights. They presumably save on energy during the day and it's a more natural light than what Target has. Walking outside after a long shift at target still hurts after years of it.
Luckily my target is in an indoor shopping center, so this doesn't happen to me. But when I pull out of the garage, I'm helpless if I forget my sunglasses.
I hate table talkers tbh. I don't need people knowing how long I have been with Target ( gee thanks) She's been with Target how long? 6 years you say?? Woah she's a lifer!! ( Hides in corner) People at my store think anyone who have been there longer than 4 years are lifers. Yep I am a lifer.... So hence me hating those table talkers lol
They already cut like 33% of the lights in my store at certain times of the year. They say it's to conserve energy during peak times of electric use. Maybe. Sounds like being cheap to me.
During hi-peak use, our store (plus several other major business chains) reduces lighting for 2 hrs.
It's a city thing, designed to prevent brown-outs, reduce energy use, etc.
I hate table talkers tbh. I don't need people knowing how long I have been with Target ( gee thanks) She's been with Target how long? 6 years you say?? Woah she's a lifer!! ( Hides in corner) People at my store think anyone who have been there longer than 4 years are lifers. Yep I am a lifer.... So hence me hating those table talkers lol

Anniversaries are the only table talkers at your store? Those are usually posted elsewhere in my store, but as of March they print off a million copies and put them in those thingies with the table talk info sheets. I thought it was just in there as a distraction from the lack of actual news
They announce Birthdays and Anniversaries at huddles. I never go to them on my birthday in hopes they will forget.
That may not stop them, if you're well enough known or an ETL likes/"likes" you enough. I had "Happy Birthday" sung over the walkie to me on my birthday this past year. Honestly? It was nice, as it was a lonely birthday. Plus I loved the fact that an ETL was doing the majority of the singing. YES, recognize that I exist and am a human being with a birthday, muahaha...
Crap! I was thinking we were talking about the website. But the magazine??? Ugh. Come to think of it, I haven't seen one at all in a long time. Likely the lady I live with tossed it. <_<

I do not think the mag is going away, at least in some capacity. If you access in store, you can get the coupons delivered to your phone. It still says the Spring issue is coming soon so hopefully it is!
I hate table talkers tbh. I don't need people knowing how long I have been with Target ( gee thanks) She's been with Target how long? 6 years you say?? Woah she's a lifer!! ( Hides in corner) People at my store think anyone who have been there longer than 4 years are lifers. Yep I am a lifer.... So hence me hating those table talkers lol

it was something to waste break time on since everyone looks at their phones anyways. I'd occasionally learn something since I never get a chance to go to huddles in the backroom and don't give a damn to read anything on the website.
At my store ( slightly off topic sorta has to do with table talkers) for the birthdays they used to do something special for everyone ( if you worked on your birthday) you would get a free pop at the cafe now they do nothing🙁 not even a birthday wish at the huddles. They put it on the table talkers but that is all.......
Used to get a cake once a month for the team members whose birthday fell into that month... if they weren't there, a big slice of it was saved for them. It was a simple but nice gesture. That was a long time ago though... My guess it was stopped to save cash for other treats for the TMs. The anniversaries and birthdays are still posted on a large calendar in the break room.
I've been wondering why our table talkers haven't been updated the last couple of weeks. My store was really pretty good about keeping those updated. It was also nice to see the b'days & anniv dates so that I could wish TMs a HB or H Anniv. Looks like they're now taking out the last personal touch....

Do I see a trend here.....close Target people that were hired...."close Red360"......stop table talkers.....give starting people the $9.00 raise to make things look good....turning off lights at "non-peak" electrical demand times.....what is next.....close Starbucks......stop selling CDs.....close the under performing stores.....close stores that don't make their Redcard goal........close Target America.....and leave Target India open??

I have to say that while skylights are nice.....what a stupid way to spend money that Target doesn't seem to have?
I've been wondering why our table talkers haven't been updated the last couple of weeks. My store was really pretty good about keeping those updated. It was also nice to see the b'days & anniv dates so that I could wish TMs a HB or H Anniv. Looks like they're now taking out the last personal touch....

Do I see a trend here.....close Target people that were hired...."close Red360"......stop table talkers.....give starting people the $9.00 raise to make things look good....turning off lights at "non-peak" electrical demand times.....what is next.....close Starbucks......stop selling CDs.....close the under performing stores.....close stores that don't make their Redcard goal........close Target America.....and leave Target India open??

I have to say that while skylights are nice.....what a stupid way to spend money that Target doesn't seem to have?
Don't give them ideas... haha.
I'm waiting on my new MR1 and adjacencies to post. Another store in my district is down to four sections of browser. Losing somewhere around four to five aisles of entertainment with the latest innovation. We could stand to lose space in the browser. We have 68ft of browser and never enough albums to keep it full and impactful.
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