they have stated at our store, things look good, they have already rescheduled several of the chats, of which i haven't taken the time the look at the list. last year, our store, was extremely dissatisfied with everything from too many roof tops not working therefore the store way to hot, to ok/fair mgmt. I have seen them try head over heals to correct a lot of things. a lot of things happened just before the survey this year, they kept hush hush, so the results would be better. i am sorry, for the most part, when i take that survey, i base it on the year, not what happened to me today or yesterday or even last week. it might be a part of how i answer it, but it not be the result of how i answer anything. i being a TM do not have the opportunity to ad additional notes at the end like the TL's do. it would be nice if they respected us all enough to allow us to do that. My biggest issue if fairness across the board. There are no two TM treated the same in my store. They start picking on someone, and see someone else doing the same thing, they never get coached, or written up. the amount of work that is expected out of two different people is not the same in my store. i am a high performer, heaven forbid i am not top notch every day. but let jimmy come in, who is a mid or low performer and he have a bad day, and thats ok. but i would get talked to over that. i am sorry i expect the same out of everyone, and that is, i don't expect anyone to do anything i wouldn't do. I am cross trained all over the store, and pay dearly for it with my knowledge and how much i get pulled to help people. that is one aspect of the survey, they just don't understand, and if you cannot explain yourself they immediately think it is a racial or a sex thing, of which neither of them come into play. You cannot be the only one in the chat to say, i don't think i am treated like jimmy is. it just doesn't work that way. I love working for Target. It is an awesome store. Has great products, good atmosphere, most of the time. Have gown into some wonderful friendships thru the years.