Archived Guests Say the Darndest Things...

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Turn on Jerry Springer. There's a 72% chance you'll see me.

Oh Yes, I remember that show. It was ALWAYS on in our Break Room, along with Family Feud and a bunch of other game shows.

The favorites in mine right now are soaps, Soul Train (a local station runs them constantly), The Price is Right, Family Feud, and every daytime talk show on TV right now.
Turn on Jerry Springer. There's a 72% chance you'll see me.

Oh Yes, I remember that show. It was ALWAYS on in our Break Room, along with Family Feud and a bunch of other game shows.

The favorites in mine right now are soaps, Soul Train (a local station runs them constantly), The Price is Right, Family Feud, and every daytime talk show on TV right now.

At my store, it's always AM talk shows, The Price Is Right, Family Feud, or TruTV. When I was overnight, Baggage would be on when we all went on lunch. Every. Single. Night.
I just posted this in another thread, but it belongs here as well:

Me: Here's your change, 34 cents.
Guest: *takes the 30 cents* you can just toss those pennies in the garbage. I don't keep them.
Me: o_O What?
Guest: Throw them away or whatever you do with $h!t like that.
"The jeans here are just two damn expensive who the hell would pay $20.00 for jeans!" i'm thinking ***** i would.....
Old women.
Walking past seasonal an older guest stops me and asks me to sit in one of our patio chairs.
Not sure why, but, hey, I can sit down.
After I sit, she looks at me for a minute and says,
"I wanted to see if my husband would fit in the chair. He's a pretty big guy."

I'm female. 5'6" and 160-some pounds. I am in no way "pretty big"
Old women.
Walking past seasonal an older guest stops me and asks me to sit in one of our patio chairs.
Not sure why, but, hey, I can sit down.
After I sit, she looks at me for a minute and says,
"I wanted to see if my husband would fit in the chair. He's a pretty big guy."

I'm female. 5'6" and 160-some pounds. I am in no way "pretty big"

You know, they can be annoying & weird at times, but without these Guests, our lives would never be as interesting.. :p
I dunno.....there's a few I wish would make my life a little more boring.

But then you wouldn't have all these "Fun" stories to tell :(

Plus.. when you've dealt with someone crazy at work.. it's always nice to come home and say "well, it could have been worse :p "
You know, they can be annoying & weird at times, but without these Guests, our lives would never be as interesting.. :p
I dunno.....there's a few I wish would make my life a little more boring.

But then you wouldn't have all these "Fun" stories to tell :(

Plus.. when you've dealt with someone crazy at work.. it's always nice to come home and say "well, it could have been worse :p "

Yeah, I could've been the crazy guest you dealt with today.
If you were the one b!tchin' about your latte, then you WERE the crazy guest I dealt with today.
Next couple shifts are back on the FA side. Can't wait.
Ah. A vignette from yesterday...

Guest approaches me JUST AS I GET ON THE WALKIE, after hovering around for ten minutes ( with her four kids )...

"Do you have rain ponchos?"

* I pause to turn down walkie, clearly disturbing the guest, unfortunately *

" You know, PONCHOS you WEAR in the RAIN..????!!!"

You don't say?

Never heard of 'em.
I had just gotten off from working Food Ave and had to pick up some prescriptions for my mom and sister and heard this gem:

*two elderly guests are talking to the pharmacist, who looks pretty uncomfortable*
Old Man: *loudly* "So, which one of these lubricants will make us the warmest?!"
Pharmacist: *blushing* "Uhm... Sir, I don't know, maybe this one? It says that it has a warming sensation..."
Couple: "Thanks hun!"

Me: ... "Well, that was awkward..."

I would say that this situation was uncomfortable, but I don't want a lube joke thrown back at me. :p :)
As 2 youngish women are picking up their lattes, one says to the other:
"I like coming here because you don't have to tip."
"You don't?"
"No, they can't take tips."

Another reason I hate working Starbux....

Love having to argue with guests about why they can't tip us! Like we really want to say no to them!
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