Archived Habits you picked up from Target that you use in your personal life

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i tend to call customers "guests" which ive learned only target does cause all of my new coworkers make fun of me when i say "guests"
Took me a couple months to get over that one. I now call them customers.

I zone products while out with friends. We could be mindlessly shopping or browsing toys and stuff, suddenly where's Snorlax? Oh there he is, cleaning up the shelves.
I too zone when I take stuff, but I don't randomly zone things I haven't touched. Was never on the sales floor zoning enough to pick up that habit.
I have to restrain myself from asking people if I can help them find something, whenever I walk into any store. Or now I also find myself zoning every where I go, it's just bothers me seeing items not being in the correct spot.
It been years since I've been in softlines, but I still organize the clothes in my closet in ROY G BIV order.
When I'm calling other companies for information on my own time, like if I need to return something I bought online, I tend to say "copy" when they say something, as if I were on the walkie.
I definitly look like a jack ass everywhere I go, greeting people with a smile, asking how are you, and seriously almost saying CIHYFS!!!! Then I remember I'm not at work and I don't have to fucking say that!!! It's weird.
And you'd think that I would deep zone, organize, and clean at home the way I do at work. But, I'm too damn tired to do all that and I'm starting to live in a mess!
I un-zone at other stores, to mess with the competition. Also leave my cart empty in the middle of the store if I decided I don't need it. In general Target has made me a worse customer.

I push my basket like a pro now, backwards, beside me, etc. when it was always directly in front of me BT (Before Target).

I do a quick visual inspection of every bicycle I see. Tempted to check brakes & tire pressure.
I've found myself zoning at dollar stores and critiquing planograms. My fiancé thinks I've gone nuts.

I've also had interesting work related dreams as well.

And I figured out some stores purposfully break their crown keys into the walkie/stackers.
I can ID the proper price tag with merchandise by matching UPC coding on the tag.

Depending on if I love or pissed off with a store, I either return all products to their locations or toss them in a random place.

I dream at times I am still working at Target and other odd jobs along with it.
I'm CONSTANTLY zoning at other stores. It makes me so mad, too. Like, I just can't walk away from a shelf it's exploded everywhere. I even went to a different Target, and their clearance shelf by electronics is the basedeck and then one shelf in the middle, with literally just piles of stuff on them. By the time my dad found the DVD he was looking for and came back over to me, the shelf was at least organized enough where you could see the product.

Other than that, I do the smile and nod thing to lot more people now. Everywhere.
Guests was the hardest one to stop using. Lots of times at my new job I will start to say I have a guest looking for (whatever item) and my mind goes blank - so I will usually say I have a lady or a gentleman looking for (whatever item). When I first started saying guest, co-workers thought I came from the hotel industry.

At work, I also tend to say - go for Pink - when I pick up the phone ( no walkies here)
I FIFO my food in the fridge and pantry, I check dates, I zone in other stores, and I put up carts whenever I'm in a Target or a grocery store.
Yep, FIFO'd my pantry but it helped me find some 'interesting' things I'd forgotten about - artichoke hearts, water chestnuts, condensed sweet milk, bacon ranch pesto...
I shop clearance....DON'T JUDGE ME!

It been years since I've been in softlines, but I still organize the clothes in my closet in ROY G BIV order.
I can't imagine feeling the need to zone anything in my free time.

I am constantly trying to open up my iPhone with our store my device passcode. I am tempted to change my phone for the time I'm still at Target.

If my mom and I are out shopping, if she stops in front of something too long, I start zoning and complaining about their crummy zone.

All of my hanging shirts must be facing the same way in the hanger making the backwards "C" on the hook.
I do the passcode thing all the time. I have my iPhone, my iPad, and Apple Watch and the myDevice and I'm punching all kinds of codes in until one goes in I get so lost, lol. My iPhone & iPad have Touch ID but I don't use it all the time.
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