Archived Hardlines Day in the Life

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For me, opening/mids usually consist of doing reshop, or helping out with truck/flow push..Opening usually is more focused on reshop, mids more so on push....closing, usually it's 5:30-11, so maybe a cart or 2/hour or so of reshop, followed by zoning until 10, last hour back to reshop, throw in covering electronics breaks...going for backup....
Opening- lol yeah right the team lead or VM open during the week. We push truck or backup all day and try to do some reshop, when we aren’t covering gstl, electronics, flexes, doing the 40 items in pcv, helping ship, or doing whatever else needs to get done.

Mid- ??? What’s a hardlines mid? Oh you mean the person we have in back to school on weekends?

Close- zone from 4:30pm-11pm, struggle to finish reshop from 11-12
I think the routines are gonna very from store to store.
No one mentioned audit, re-shop, sales planners.

Alot of backing up the lanes, helping guests and working CAFS.
Opening- zone through stationary and seasonal.. min spent 1 hour... then help with truck since we tend to not control our team memebers with call-outs. Push cafs, reshop, help backup (answer department calls too),and at the end we do audits.
Mid-what’s mid? Lmao usually thrown in seasonal or help with backup since our rush hours are either mid or opening... and or zoning all shift long.
Closing- reshop, whatever is left from truck, cafs, backups, ad take-downs and zone zone zone... with e2e no more hardlines. us flow twebs are now in control with each assigned department doing everything within a 6 hour shift. smh. one call-out and we all have to suffer the whole day.
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My day as hard lines is push returns and zoning Backing up and that’s about it besides helping guests!
At my store closing shift usually finishes pulls (and freight, if it was a bad day) and then zone. Main pulls & reshop is usually done by someone working 3-7, so there usually isn't much left by the time I get in at 5.


We get assigned to a department and are responsible for helping guests & zoning, and reshop if there's time. Some stores expect you to actually complete your zone in a closing shift and will walk it with you, but my store doesn't stress much about it if you don't finish your zone and our SrETL has this way of mentioning that we're supposed to call out on the walkie when zone is done so we can walk it with an LOD, but that's never happened in the 9 months I've worked here, so.
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