Archived has anyone else seen the new vibe stuff?

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it's all about making sure the guest has a fantastic experience, you know, not just saying hi! But asking CIHYFS? and then doing handstands and cartwheels down the aisles while taking them there. You should probably grab them a cart, run to the backroom while you're at it to refill the empty spot on the floor, or quickly make a raincheck, and don't go slow, cause you're going to need to run up to the front lanes to ring them up, and then provide the carry out as well. All by yourself. Because you, yes, you, are AMAZING.

I guess while you are near the front you might as well grab a few carts from the lot, do the bathroom check, refill the tp in all the stalls, and send note to the SFM cause the guest just broke the toilet paper holder - again. On your way back to the floor, run by food avenue and start the popcorn again.
it's all about making sure the guest has a fantastic experience, you know, not just saying hi! But asking CIHYFS? and then doing handstands and cartwheels down the aisles while taking them there. You should probably grab them a cart, run to the backroom while you're at it to refill the empty spot on the floor, or quickly make a raincheck, and don't go slow, cause you're going to need to run up to the front lanes to ring them up, and then provide the carry out as well. All by yourself. Because you, yes, you, are AMAZING.

I guess while you are near the front you might as well grab a few carts from the lot, do the bathroom check, refill the tp in all the stalls, and send note to the SFM cause the guest just broke the toilet paper holder - again. On your way back to the floor, run by food avenue and start the popcorn again.

All this because you're the only AMAZING TM we're going to schedule on the floor that day.
Of course we'll still make sure you barely get enough hours to get by, if that, but oh well be AMAZING any way.
it's all about making sure the guest has a fantastic experience, you know, not just saying hi! But asking CIHYFS? and then doing handstands and cartwheels down the aisles while taking them there. You should probably grab them a cart, run to the backroom while you're at it to refill the empty spot on the floor, or quickly make a raincheck, and don't go slow, cause you're going to need to run up to the front lanes to ring them up, and then provide the carry out as well. All by yourself. Because you, yes, you, are AMAZING.

I guess while you are near the front you might as well grab a few carts from the lot, do the bathroom check, refill the tp in all the stalls, and send note to the SFM cause the guest just broke the toilet paper holder - again. On your way back to the floor, run by food avenue and start the popcorn again.

You just described my typical day! You are Amazing!
One of the changes about the interview/hiring process is that there is now only going to be 1 more seconds!

Are you sure about this? I saw parts A and B. I only got a peek, so I'm not saying you're wrong, but I read through them both. Could it maybe be that the ETL only does a 2nd if they pass the TL interview? That would save a whole bunch of time. I still feel 2 interviews are necessary. I'm not sure if I'll like it if they totally do away with one. Especially since Part A is shorter now.
Are you sure about this? I saw parts A and B. I only got a peek, so I'm not saying you're wrong, but I read through them both. Could it maybe be that the ETL only does a 2nd if they pass the TL interview? That would save a whole bunch of time. I still feel 2 interviews are necessary. I'm not sure if I'll like it if they totally do away with one. Especially since Part A is shorter now.
Yeah I can't tell you how many times I've had to have an ETL come in to do a second interview on a candidate that clearly is not a fit for Target. Not even on the fence, just clearly not going to be recommended. It's a waste of time.
a moment is showing a guest where the dog food is for her new puppy...amazing is when that dog rolls over for the first time...

i didn't know spot was working with hallmark on this one...

When I saw the picture of the dog I was like okay? Then I read the quote and I just couldn't stop laughing!
I was told today that TLs will do the phone interviews. If they pass that they come in for second interviews with an ETL. Then HR can extend them a job offer.
Wow, so glad I stopped by to hear about this amazing news lol. It kinda makes me want to start working amazing into as many sentences as I can when chatting with my TLs and ETLs just to see if they catch on 🙂 I'm very curious as to what the meat and bones are of this new process though.
I was told today that TLs will do the phone interviews. If they pass that they come in for second interviews with an ETL. Then HR can extend them a job offer.

Wow so they won't be doing two in person interviews? Interesting. It's a good way of screening applicants so only applicants a TL deems as worthwhile even make it to the store to meet the saves some time on the ETL's part and less applicants will be in TSC using HRTM's time. That sounds promising.
so what kind of amazing pay increase will we get since we are obviously all amazing? surely they wouldn't keep someone who was not meeting expectations? is this a "we keep you" or "we fire you" type review?
what about the tm who really are amazing? what's their incentive if you take away the extra nickel? how will they go on?

i vote if you fill out an application, we'll give you a set of labels and a tub of stock (plus 5 bucks compensation or 1/2 hour of min wage--whatever). if you can make a beautiful endcap, you're hired. if you can figure out how to get it signed and put in the labels correctly, you're automatically bumped up to tl/etl interviews. did we waste 5 bucks? nope, because we saved an hour of tl/etl payroll not having to interview you and pretend like you really are an amazing team player who didn't louse up your last five jobs.

i havent read the vibe yet, but i can see me saying "amazing" and "vibetastic" 40 times a day until this rolls out, just to.... set the tone and ensure everyone buys into it when it rolls out officially, of course....
I printed out the guide for myself to go through up until Friday when they discuss it during our TL meeting. I have to reread how they are combining business walks and leadership statuses into 1 and how the contribution meeting is changing. This VIBETASTIC crap is NOT amazing.
Wow, i dont like the idea of phone interviews. I like to see how they interact with me and their body language, they can bs easier over the phone. I do like the idea of business walks and statuses being combined because they are basically the same thing. Sounds AMAZING!
This whole thing is AMAZingly ridiculous. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep a straight face when I talk to my team about "the vibe". Sounds like someone is trying to sound "young" and "hip" with this lingo and failed miserably.
So I read through the vibe crap...

You know what would be AMAZING Target?? AMAZING would be allowing me to punch in an hour early because you cut my hours and with routine I came in my normal time. AMAZING would be letting me stay later because you cut my hours at the end of my shifts too. Because you cut everyone's else hours in my department the order is not close to done when it is usually done by 11am. Is not having food on the floor AMAZING to you Tina? Gregg? You are idiots. Go suck a bag of dicks.
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