Archived has anyone else seen the new vibe stuff?

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it started trickling in. i can't wait to watch these videos, i hope they're "amazing". overall i think the way they are going about this, is stupid - but the ideas behind it aren't bad. i can tell a lot of the TLs (and some ETLs) think its dumb from the overuse of the word amazing on the walkie already. if business walks are simpler/faster then, great. it shouldn't take 1/2 our TLs the 3 years it takes them currently to work on them. as for the front-end empowerment stuff - that's fine too, but i really hope they make it clear what is and is not acceptable so its not a bunch of people all doing different things. the defecting/replacing stuff seems pretty straghtforward. is the regular "empowerment" still within the $20 range? its never been consistent at my store. they will call you literally over cents for a price check/etc. what if an item is $10, but they say its $5? etc. i tried reading through the workbench stuff, i haven't found the stuff that changes the way reviews are done which was mentioned in this thread. anyone get to that?
Yeah, I'm wondering about things like the limit of one web coupon per product per guest....can they now use two? What about finding a balance between a web price and an in store price? What about when an 80 year old man screams about showing his ID for alcohol?

It sounds like encouraging guests to ***** and whine at us to get their way around policies, while the friendly ones get screwed.

I know we'll now hold clearance for a few hours, which is no big deal since if a guest brings it to a register or GS it generally sits in a bin or cart for that long, anyway.
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What I saw was for 90 day reviews - AMAZING (exceeds expectations), Meets Expectations, Does not meet. I believe that's it, I'll look over it in a bit and confirm or change it.
i thought the review was part of the next wave? is that stuff already on work bench?

going over the "going the extra inch" during roll out... all i heard was tm saying "thats what she said". and "your mom". i really want to talk to the person who came up with that in particular and ask them if they realized what age group they are employing to replace all the old folks...

we've had tm coached in the past for giving too much great service. they really were going above and beyond. i brought that up, but the stl was just "well, just because this is the focus doesn't mean you get more payroll or don't do as much". FAIL. just going by our hrbp's scant information, it will be similar to business walks, etc... target has a baseline of what is supposed to happen, but then some "i'll show 'em" etl that wants to put their "stamp" on it (ie get recognizzzzzed), and it'll end up being a disaster. business walks weren't annoying to me. but having to do them weekly (per stl) instead of bi (like bp said), making an extra copy for the etl (per etl), having one on display on the board at all times (per random stl that everyone wanted to copy), plus a copy in our binder (per hrbp-we couldn't just pull it down and file it at the end), plus all copies had to be updated 100% filled in as complete weekly. that's a lot of extra work just to say "i wrote a great team card today". and since our hrbp is BINDER QUEEN, i doubt we get to get rid of the useless tl binders. no one knows the answers to the questions we have.
like the fitting room----we had a priority Q3 or 2 practice talking about fitting room protocol... drilling it in everyone's head 6 items, counting, ap, etc... now we're supposed to let them take in more if they want? what if they want us to model the clothes? we do that too? what happens when some jerk wants to use a fitting room for a little red and khaki room of pain? are we supposed to open the doors, adjust the lighting, and videotape? i know thats silly, but these examples they give are just as bad.
on the flip side, it's so atrocious that my team has completely demolished it. they are amazing all over the frickin' place, and pushin' it so much i think the etls are getting sick of it already.
They are behind on giving me my 90 day review (too bad, they're stuck with me now) so I'm curious if this will be redone to the new, amazing way.

The other issue is one I sort of highlighted about my training in GS. How are people who are just starting at Spot supposed to handle this? It's really hard to go the extra inch and know when to hold to the rules and when to fold to the guests if you don't know what the rules are and why they are in place to start with. Ok, I don't know why all the rules are in place (do any of us?) but with some good guesses, it's a good starting place that these poor TMs won't have. And you're just setting them up for coachings for not following the rules by giving too many inches.
The overall goal is good, the concept is great, some of the ideas are good and some are complete ****. The way they are presenting it to us is insulting. Some of the changes will be good and some will never be implemented. HQ is so out of touch with the TMs in the stores it's scary.
They put up our new Vibe board yesterday.
I came in this morning & there it was.
So I was told tonight that payroll will be increasing to account for the extra guest service that we'll be giving. It's giving an inch because we want to compete with Amazon by being Amazing, but we don't want to go the extra mile because we don't want to give away the store. This particular ETL agreed that VIBE rating and inches should not be used in the same sentence. 😉
All I gotta say to you Vibe haters is if you aren't feeling the vibe, maybe you have to go the extra inch first.......*snickers loudly*
This thread is AMAZING. Really, some posts made me laugh out loud.

I'm glad I'm gone, this is the kind of crap I don't miss. Know what's amazing? Knowing I've been a ex-TM for a month. 🙂
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