Archived Hey Hi Hello

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Backstock Queen
Jun 14, 2018
I got hired about a month and a half ago as a backroom TM and just found out about these forums and I think it's such a cool idea so kudos to the people who run them! I actually really like working in the backroom b/c I sort of hate interacting with guests (my previous job was food service and it nearly broke me) so I'm a fan of hardly ever being on the sales floor. I also love being allowed to wear earbuds while I work so I can listen to podcasts/music (not sure if this is the norm for backroom TMs at other stores, but all the backroom TMs at my store have their earbuds in at least some of the time). I'm introverted af so the combo of hardly ever having to help guests + listening to a podcast while I work is pretty much the dream
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
Welcome to the TBR, and a happy late birthday.
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