Archived (Hi)gh Alert

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Team Member
Aug 26, 2017
Recently, my store has been on a "Say 'Hi' to every single guest you see, even if they're a mile away" kick. I've gotten called out quite a few times for missing one or two people who passed me at a distance. I've been stressed out when I there are a lot of guests around me, especially if there's an ETL around. I feel like a broken record, spinning in circles saying, "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!"

I don't want to freak guests out by saying hi to them multiple times if they come through my area more than once. But I also want to stay on top of guest service, not to please the leaders, but to do my job well. I'm surprised at how many people look genuinely happy after I greet them. So I do think it's a good thing. But I'm a super introvert, and at the end of the day I'm exhausted from being on "hi" alert. I'm reminded of that one SpongeBob episode when he met Kevin the Sea Cucumber for the first time.

"Hi Kevin. Hi Kevin. Hi Kevin. Hi Kevin."

How do you all stay on top of greeting guests?
Use your discretion. Yes saying hi to all guests can cause anyone to bug out. Inform your leadership you acknowledged the guests in other ways other than just saying "Hi". As a guest, if a worker just smiled in my direction or gave me eye contact, I considered that "guest service" Good luck
I think you should change your script. Saying "hi" is kind of an awkward comment to make to a guest. The responses you get to that would make me nervous.

"Hey" "what???" (Silence)

Saying "can I help you find something", "finding everything okay?" Etc are more comfortable because they are straight and to the point and keep you work focused. People will either say I am fine and you can keep going or they will ask you where something is located which allows you to not overthink how you're coming across.
My store is the same, I don't say hi to every single one of them. I might say "Hi!" but usually I go with "Hey, how ya doin? Can I help you find anything today?" or something of the latter. Another thing I like to do is apologize for taking up space in the aisles. I chat some customers up, it really depends.

I have a slight Minnesotan accent so it's even better, minnesota nice, anyone?

This is unrelated, but I love it when guests come up to me, state the name of the item they want, and expect me to know what they need me to do LMAO.
luckily for me, i work only until 12:45 so it's fairly slow. since it's just mornings i'm in my greeting of choice is "good morning" or some variation

though if a guest is like mid convo with someone theyre with or have headphones on or looks otherwise distracted, i'll just shoot them a smile and slight nod of acknowledgement
My store is all about guest service. It's no big deal for me as I am very outgoing. I say good morning, mention the weather, say hi to the kids, there are always kids, ask if they found what they are looking for. I don't really think about it, something comes out of my mouth!
I say hey and hi frequently just a simple head gesture and a smile goes a long way. Look out for people who need help and actively try to help them . 99% of the time they just want to know where an item is. Let's face it our stores are big , packed with a lot of stuff , and sometimes it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, literally! I have seen relief and appreciation in guest eyes when you walk them over to what they've been looking for, I get a high off that! Do you?
I think you should change your script. Saying "hi" is kind of an awkward comment to make to a guest. The responses you get to that would make me nervous.

"Hey" "what???" (Silence)

Saying "can I help you find something", "finding everything okay?" Etc are more comfortable because they are straight and to the point and keep you work focused. People will either say I am fine and you can keep going or they will ask you where something is located which allows you to not overthink how you're coming across.

"Can I help you find something?" is dead. The new Selling/Service training is specific about starting non business conversations with guests. CIHYFS and the like increase the likelihood of a guest saying "just looking," or something similar. We are supposed to be friendly so we can finesse things into their carts.
I say Hi and dont usually have a problems with Guests by me just saying that. They often come back to me because I wasn't pushy on helping them with them versus another TM who CIHYFS.
Recently, my store has been on a "Say 'Hi' to every single guest you see, even if they're a mile away" kick. I've gotten called out quite a few times for missing one or two people who passed me at a distance. I've been stressed out when I there are a lot of guests around me, especially if there's an ETL around. I feel like a broken record, spinning in circles saying, "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!"

I don't want to freak guests out by saying hi to them multiple times if they come through my area more than once. But I also want to stay on top of guest service, not to please the leaders, but to do my job well. I'm surprised at how many people look genuinely happy after I greet them. So I do think it's a good thing. But I'm a super introvert, and at the end of the day I'm exhausted from being on "hi" alert. I'm reminded of that one SpongeBob episode when he met Kevin the Sea Cucumber for the first time.

"Hi Kevin. Hi Kevin. Hi Kevin. Hi Kevin."

How do you all stay on top of greeting guests?

As others have said it doesn't have to be hi every single time. I try and change it up so I don't seem like a robot especially if I go from one guest to another and there right next to each other. You can say hi, hows it going, how are you, good morning, finding everything okay. Just finds something that feels comfortable to you. I always hated CIHYFS since it felt so scripted.
I greet every guest I see. They're generally on their way out since I'm SD but if I'm by the doors and they're incoming, I greet them. It's not always the same, but I acknowledge their existence and offer them a cart or cart wipe. If they're on their way out with no merch I ask them if I can help them locate something. I'm pretty outgoing so it's not a stretch for me to do this.

I think there's one guy I'd actually ignore but I haven't seen him in forever so, yeah.
My suggestion would be to try and say that while you may not necessarily say hello to every guest, say that you acknowledge every guest by offering a friendly smile and eye contact. It worked for me when I was glued to the doors, I went crazy saying "Hello, welcome to Target" every five seconds, but leadership was alright with me engaging in other ways.
Ah the ridiculous antics they come up with to dismiss the fact that corporate COMPLETELY SCREWED UP and missed the ball with competitors like Amazon and Whole Foods. Yes TM's, please continue to annoy the guests further so we can push them to online shopping even faster lol..
I like to greet guests with a good morning/afternoon, let them reply and if we are in the same area long enough I ask how their day is going, let them reply and then I ask if they need help with anything. I'll change it up a little based on what they seem like....friendly/not so much, man/woman, with/without kids, etc.

I get a kick out of seeing a normal shopping face (no expression) turn into a smile. I've realized how much we change with a smile and it is interesting how a smile can make someone go from regular to attractive. Makes me realize how I come across as a team member to guests when I am smiling or not smiling.
"Can I help you find something?" is dead. The new Selling/Service training is specific about starting non business conversations with guests. CIHYFS and the like increase the likelihood of a guest saying "just looking," or something similar. We are supposed to be friendly so we can finesse things into their carts.

To be fair that is for certain areas of the store like apparel, beauty and electronics. Building basket size is not an official job duty of your regular hardlines team member. That's why they still use the old interview guide.
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I've coached 4 Backroom tms for walking past guest. . Your position doesn't matter. Your a target team member wearing red and khaki on the floor.

Meh tell that to the etls who walk past guest typing away on their phones.

The problem with coaching people for this is no one greets every single guest they encounter.

If you claim you do you're FOS.
That sounds awful. I'll make eye contact and greet guests but having to scream to literally every guest would be the opposite of productive.
Meh tell that to the etls who walk past guest typing away on their phones.

The problem with coaching people for this is no one greets every single guest they encounter.

If you claim you do you're FOS.

I guess it depends on the store + district.. At our even the ETL's are doing it because the DTL made it simple. If you aren't saying hi you won't work for target.
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