Archived Hours where art thou?

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Question targets new fiscal year doesnt that start at the end of january? Im curious my tl just called everyone in our dept and made us all cut shifts told us we would all get 5hrs on the 2wks if we didnt cut this week :/ now I know thats a load of bull so I said hell no. I guess market and front end got calls to. But I havent heard of our store cutting the week of a holiday so im wondering why the scramble to cut :/ this store smh lol bts is going to be a blast

The fiscal month ends on Saturday. The 31st counts as January so your tl is probably trying to make sure you make payroll for the month.

Your store has to give you what you're scheduled for. Cutting shifts is supposed to be voluntary and if he follows through with that threat and gives you 4 hours, a hotline call should be in order
The fiscal month ends on Saturday. The 31st counts as January so your tl is probably trying to make sure you make payroll for the month.

Your store has to give you what you're scheduled for. Cutting shifts is supposed to be voluntary and if he follows through with that threat and gives you 4 hours, a hotline call should be in order

Thanks HRZone figured as much will see what happens I always get over 30hrs so hotline call will happen if they do that. There are three other tms that got the same threat the refused so we will be hot if it happens. This etl team is being brutal toward longtim members so hotline has been called quite a bit this last year -_-
No, then you'll want some.

It's my meth... ALL MINE.
As long as I'm on the upper side of 25 hours, I don't mind. These old bones could use some time at home.

I understand that one.. I need about 30ish little more little less to pay what I need to pay and keep the bones letting me out of bed.
I understand that one.. I need about 30ish little more little less to pay what I need to pay and keep the bones letting me out of bed.
My cost of living would be roughly 20 hours a week minimum. I'm also generous to a fault, and pretty materialistic on top of that, so 25~ is ideal.
lol what? I've never seen any of my ETL's touch a truck load and precious few of my TLs. They would just leave it for us to deal with the next day.
Not at my store; saw my TL today finishing up in small appliances/kitchen and I've seen the logistics ETL also helping finish a truck, more than once. I wish they would leave it for us to finish the next shift - it'd be more hours for us, but also, I kind of like that maybe they get a clue sometimes how long it really takes to push some of that little stuff that comes in repack boxes.
Reviving this thread a bit hows everyone's end of feb schedule looking? Staying at 20hrs here sadly income tax went all to rent but I have a roof for one more month. I hope march pans out better when families start getting their taxes :/
31, but with only two-three people who work Cafe right now it makes it easy to rack up hours.
im at a consistent 4 hours a week.

fucking sucks.

Don't you have open availability? I would try to have an honest conversation with your leader.

You can't value someone as a team member and give them 4 hours a week. Our only people with 4 hours a week are our special needs tms and the ones they can't manage out.
Don't you have open availability? I would try to have an honest conversation with your leader.

You can't value someone as a team member and give them 4 hours a week. Our only people with 4 hours a week are our special needs tms and the ones they can't manage out.

I do, I've brought it up already but they kind of just dismissed it. I'll have to try to have a more real conversation, in the meanwhile, I have been picking shifts up on Branch, but right now it's all Beauty and Food Cafe shifts, and like one softlines shift and one electronic's shift and those are all more specialty shifts which I can't cover because I'm un-trained but I wouldn't mind picking up some shifts in those areas, just waiting for some cashier who's getting 20 hours a week and doesn't want to work a single hour of their life to post mad shifts again lmao

EDIT: I'm off every Tuesday and Thursday, Wednesday I'm usually not scheduled but sometimes they do or will call me in
40 this week and the next two weeks after. Cosmetics is a beast next week. One POG is 26 hours. Got to be people at your stores getting 40 on POG.
Seems to me like Flow/Truck keeps getting shorted and the same for POG, but others still seem to get all their hours. Thinking I could get some other job seeing as Target seems to not want me there.
What really grinds me is that the Beauty person on truck days is often tasked with what doesn't get completed for the health care side of things - and then she puts things in the wrong places. When she even bothers to remove the plastic sleeves from product that comes in repacks. I've found items left in their 3-pack bundles, on the shelf with other correctly stocked items, or in their little bundles and left in random places. Based on that, I feel confident saying she never FIFOs things like vitamins and eye drops. Oh, and spider-wrapping those small, high-priced, theft-prone items? Yeah, like that gets done. But hey, the truck folks clocked out on time, even though they could have stayed to finish.
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