I'm not 100% sure what's wrong with me lmao, they always shower me with compliments. My only CA has been for accidentally NCNSing once. Never been coached, never "talked to" unless it was about redcards a year ago when my store was putting the pressure on.
Talking to other people in my frozen dairy department(my work center) only the leaders are really getting good consistent hours, everyone else is at 10 hours or less back there. The veterans are getting at least 20 hours, I think I'm just getting the shaft, because two other TMs are as well.
But, the majority of my shifts have been cashiering and my GSTLs really fricken like me. I sell service plans, I've gotten like 2-3 redcards in the last month(thank god), and I'm speedy, friendly, I talk to everybody, lots of small talk and conversation. My GSA kind of walked behind me one day when it was a super busy Friday with limited cashiers and he said "hey, nice job TTGOz, you're really churning these guests out, I love it, everyone else has got a line while you've barely got 3 people standing in it at once." and walked away.
I have been worried about my performance back in Frozen Dairy but really only that was back when I had only me and one other person past 12:30pm and we had 500 DPCI 1000 each 1 o'clock pulls. (Just throwing a number out there, but it's close.) and I feel like maybe no one can really blame me for not getting that done and pulled on time all by myself while the other person pulls the frozen 1 o'clocks and works those out leaving me all alone in Dairy.
But, otherwise, none of my leaders have brought anything up to me, but, then again, I've never really asked. I've made comments like "Oh, man, yeah sorry it's kind of slow going back here I've got a lot to pull!" and they always understand, never told me to pick my pace up or anything. I go pretty fast already.
I just think I'm getting the shaft, this is how it was last year at my store when I was still just a cashier.