Archived How can a cashier maintain an excellent score with slow guests?

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The standard Target training says to greet the guest, solicit the RedCard, and then instruct them to go ahead swipe their card or have payment ready.

There was the theory long ago to toggle back and forth from Total and going back into the transaction.

Suspend. Don't do it on long or complicated transactions. Nothing more pleasureable than a suspend getting stuck.

Price Inquiry.
I'm sick of team leads telling people to suspend trans. or hit the back button, etc. Target should know by now that guests take an eternity to pay and the speed score is a joke. They should stop the clock the moment you hit total. But most of my anger is towards the self entitled guests that have no common courtesy or respect for other people's time.
It's not like all the slow guests are singling out one cashier- they're pretty evenly distributed. Yet there are cashiers who don't suspend, who are friendly, and have green speed scores. So it is possible. Maybe look at these cashiers and what they're doing differently than you. It's just like REDcards, the people who don't do well squack and moan about all the things that make it impossible for them, yet one register away someone is consistently getting 1-2 per shift every day just by pleasantly asking every guest.
Speed is a relative metric; it can be used when convenient.
If your speed sucks but you're a red card rockstar, nobody cares how slow you are.
BUT if you DON'T get very many red cards, your speed score (even if it's just a point or two under) will be piled on as a reason to coach you for performance.
Ultimately you slow down the line by suspending orders, as you have to wait for the order to (hopefully) come back up. What the hell is the point of slowing down the line so it looks like you are going faster than you are? @Jill of All Trades is right...the slow guests are going to be generally distributed throughout all the cashiers. If some cashiers can manage to be green despite that, over the long haul you can, too.

Just concentrate on doing your job well instead of trying to figure out how to fake out the system and slow everyone down.
Scan one of the billion item in the guest's cart, let the guest pay for that one item, then wave as you give the store away (that's how it sounds like it's supposed to work from some of the posts I've read on here)!
Our suspend slips have been crashing the registers worse than the chip card update lately. Hit total as soon as you are done ringing.
Is this even an important issue? Even with slow guests, I've never been below 95% after enough transactions even out my score.
Is this even an important issue? Even with slow guests, I've never been below 95% after enough transactions even out my score.
Yes, but if you are only back-up cashiering, these slow ass people screw up your score. Then, your TL or ETL coached you on your cashier speed. Totally sucks.
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Yes, but if you are only back-up cashiering, these slow ass people screw up your score. Then, your TL or ETL coach you on your cashier speed. Totally sucks.

Huh. I've never heard of anyone actually getting coached about speed unless guests actually complained. Example, occasionally a new cashier just won't do well at cashiering.
I count back change out of habit....I do it so that guests cannot come back to me and say that I shorted them any money...especially If the change is a large amount...paying for a Pepsi with a $100 bill. I've seen it happen with other cashiers who pile bills and coins into the guests hand. I put coins in their hands first, then the bills.
Besides, they way things are going these days, they're not making and a big stink about speed at my store. They're just happy if people show up!
You don't have to get a perfect score all the time, generally the rule of thumb, at least at my store anyways is just to try to stay above 80% G. If you do this, you will have no problems. Goodluck! 🙂
My store has really gotten pretty strict with speed scores. About three weeks' ago our one GSTL has to coach 8 cashiers because their score was less than 90%. I was one of those coached (again!!) my score varies quite a bit from 83% to 89%. However, my store's goal is to have everyone at 90%. Since I'm not a RedCard queen, they remind me quite regularly that my speed is slow.

What I've noticed is that the "R" seems to screw up your speed pretty quickly.....two "R"s and the score is down to 85% if you've done less than 20 transactions, then from there it never seems to get back to a better score. I've noticed two of our registers that, when I'm on them, their scoring seems my score seems to stay around 84% on those registers....I try to avoid them if I get put on register doesn't scan any of the narrow bar codes (candy bars, pop, gum, ketchup, graham crackers......) and it doesn't read coupons on the bed scanner. For me, these two issues screw me up all the time especially with my speed score. When I get assigned that particular register I will do my best to get off it ASAP.

One thing I've done is that I try to ask the guest if they want a RedCard as soon as I get their attention when I'm ringing them up.....and then try to keep all conversation to a strict minimum......of course, now I've had a few guests who are complaining to the GSTL that I'm not as friendly as I used to be! My speed score hasn't I've no idea what the problem with me now is....

The last few weeks our surveys have been way down (in quantity) and they've had us put stupid little stickers by the survey information to "encourage" our guests to do them. Well, in the two weeks we've been doing this I've gotten over 25 surveys each , while my speed might be low, I sure as heck got a lot of surveys for the store. Two weeks ago we had 9 Red Card applications done on-line now, I can't say that I got most of them, but each week we usually only get 3 or 4 on line applications. This past week we got 7. So, something is making a difference with the Red Card apps.

I just can't figure things out....they want Red Cards, they want 90% speed, they want us to "educate" guests about Cartwheel, and they want to stop having to call for back-up.......we can't win!~!

My philosophy is "Do your best and the hell with the rest."
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