How can products sold at other Targets be added to our store?

Jul 2, 2023
After our store remodel, some popular products disappeared from the sales floor, and even though they're sold at nearby Targets, never returned to our store even more than a year after the remodel. Specifically, padlocks, furniture felt pads, and adult step stools went away completely.

We have an entire empty section/column in the tool, paint & Command Strip aisle that has been barren since the remodel -- enough space to add several choices of those items, but our store carries none. It's like a Twilight Zone episode, because that empty space is a blind spot for everyone from new employees up to the district manager, and the guests and I are the only ones that can see it. I get asked several time each day for those items by disappointed guests.

I've been working for the company many years, but only weekends, so I lack training on procedures. What are the proper channels to get those items back, so I don't have to hear "I didn't really want to, but guess I'll have to go to Walmart" from yet another guest? -BobSherunkel
After our store remodel, some popular products disappeared from the sales floor, and even though they're sold at nearby Targets, never returned to our store even more than a year after the remodel. Specifically, padlocks, furniture felt pads, and adult step stools went away completely.

We have an entire empty section/column in the tool, paint & Command Strip aisle that has been barren since the remodel -- enough space to add several choices of those items, but our store carries none. It's like a Twilight Zone episode, because that empty space is a blind spot for everyone from new employees up to the district manager, and the guests and I are the only ones that can see it. I get asked several time each day for those items by disappointed guests.

I've been working for the company many years, but only weekends, so I lack training on procedures. What are the proper channels to get those items back, so I don't have to hear "I didn't really want to, but guess I'll have to go to Walmart" from yet another guest? -BobSherunkel
Talk to the sd but I’m sure they or the remodel etl have already shot up emails.
Talk to the sd but I’m sure they or the remodel etl have already shot up emails.
I haven't even met my current SD. I've been through a dozen in fifteen years. We're in a very rich neighborhood, so we can't fail even during a recession, but somehow the SDs find a way to botch it. None of them figure out that corporate gaslighting doesn't match reality in the trenches.

Also, I really do believe that huge empty space is a blind spot that none of them can see.
Maybe the remodel forgot to set the padlocks, etc.
The remodel lead left after the remodel was "finished", and quite a few things weren't actually completed. I think I'll just try to catch this newest SD when I'm off the clock some day and pitch the idea. After years of working in an environment where all the managers care about is meeting their personal numerical benchmarks and don't appear to understand we're all there to sell things, I'm not going to expect much. I only care because I'm tired of apologizing for the store several times every shift.
Search for locks on a zebra & look for the pog.
We definitely don't sell any of the items I listed. Not on the pog since the remodel more than a year ago. Yet, every other Target in the radius around us sells them, and the entire shelf section of the tool aisle I mentioned has also been empty since then. I don't think the pog knows the location exists. Nobody else questions it. As I said, it's like a Twilight Zone episode.
If you have empty spaces, something isn't set right.

There was a mix-up a year ago with many of these items and they were mistakenly placed on clearance. But there were new POGs sent to fix the issue and being them back; it sounds like your store maybe missed these new POGs, likely because you were in a remodel (lots of moving pieces so POGs that are more peg heavy can fall thru the cracks).

When you pull up the POGs for these empty spaces what does it show is supposed to be there?
Have you audited the empty locations (assuming there are labels there) to trigger replenishment?
If you pull up the virtual salesfloor (under Set Workload) for Storage/Utility does it show untied POGs for Locks or Step?
Are there locks and step stools backstocked but not on the floor?

The SD may be able to get these items added back in if there isn't an issue on the store's end like unset POGs. But as it is right now, it sounds like something is off in the store and that where I would start digging first. And tell guests to fill out the surveys complaining of the lack of those items.
If you have empty spaces, something isn't set right.

There was a mix-up a year ago with many of these items and they were mistakenly placed on clearance. But there were new POGs sent to fix the issue and being them back; it sounds like your store maybe missed these new POGs, likely because you were in a remodel (lots of moving pieces so POGs that are more peg heavy can fall thru the cracks).

When you pull up the POGs for these empty spaces what does it show is supposed to be there?
Have you audited the empty locations (assuming there are labels there) to trigger replenishment?
If you pull up the virtual salesfloor (under Set Workload) for Storage/Utility does it show untied POGs for Locks or Step?
Are there locks and step stools backstocked but not on the floor?

The SD may be able to get these items added back in if there isn't an issue on the store's end like unset POGs. But as it is right now, it sounds like something is off in the store and that where I would start digging first. And tell guests to fill out the surveys complaining of the lack of those items.
I do ask the guests to file a comment, but I doubt any of them want to spend the time, considering they'll be spending extra time driving to another store to get what they came in for. There are no scannable labels in the dead zone. There are none of those items in backstock. The back room has been purged several times since those products stopped shipping to us. Since I'm only at the store during the busy and woefully understaffed weekends, I do a heavy load of grunt work and have had to self-train on the fly with the devices. I'll have to figure out the virtual salesfloor you're talking about, because I've never heard of it. I'm certain it will take more than a standard procedure to reclaim the dead zone and get the products back. I've talked to TLs and ETLs about it, and they treat it like one of the Lord's great mysteries, or a dangerous Pandora's box to open..
I do ask the guests to file a comment, but I doubt any of them want to spend the time, considering they'll be spending extra time driving to another store to get what they came in for. There are no scannable labels in the dead zone. There are none of those items in backstock. The back room has been purged several times since those products stopped shipping to us. Since I'm only at the store during the busy and woefully understaffed weekends, I do a heavy load of grunt work and have had to self-train on the fly with the devices. I'll have to figure out the virtual salesfloor you're talking about, because I've never heard of it. I'm certain it will take more than a standard procedure to reclaim the dead zone and get the products back. I've talked to TLs and ETLs about it, and they treat it like one of the Lord's great mysteries, or a dangerous Pandora's box to open..

You may need to send a ChatBot then, asking about the dead spaces in these aisles. You can find the ChatBot in myDay under More and then Help, follow the prompts to get to what you want answered. You will need the POG numbers and probably to take a picture of the empty spaces. May take awhile for an answer but at least it would be documented and then you could always have the SD escalate it (maybe remind the SD Target doesn't sell empty space very well).
...take a picture of the empty spaces.
Space. Just one empty void. The entire section of the aisle has no shelves or pegs. I suppose all that was cannibalized over time for seasonal resets and other projects. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's creepy how everyone acts like it's supposed to be empty.
We definitely don't sell any of the items I listed. Not on the pog since the remodel more than a year ago. Yet, every other Target in the radius around us sells them, and the entire shelf section of the tool aisle I mentioned has also been empty since then. I don't think the pog knows the location exists. Nobody else questions it. As I said, it's like a Twilight Zone episode.
All your tl etl or sd needs to do is my support it. (Or whatever the current term is)

This isn’t a new problem no store has ever experienced.
Check the adjacency to see what is supposed to be there. If it’s a missing POG or you have the POG, but the section counts are off, ChatBot is the answer. It’s probably the latter since you just went through remodel. They may not have sent the right POGs for the physical space you now have.

Sometimes those items you mentioned get moved to an endcap as well, which you might also be missing.
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Sometimes those items you mentioned get moved to an endcap as well, which you might also be missing.
I think you've hit on the truth. Locks & stools disappeared from that empty location with the remodel, and an endcap with furniture felt pads disappeared from the planogram altogether. There is no endcap on that aisle anymore. The only mystery is why none of the managers have cared in more than a year.
There's got to be a glitch somewhere - it just doesn't make sense to (1) have all those products to be just gone and (2) absolutely nothing for sale there. That's wasted real estate and when you think about how many end caps and side caps and free-standing towers are everywhere, there's just no such thing in retail.
The "virtual sales floor" is under the "set" function. There's another thing there too, and I can never remember which one is more helpful. Try both to find the POG numbers.
That section now is up and beginning to populate with products. Which means 2 things:
1) The situation described was unique enough that someone with the power to change it read this thread (thank you for using your spy skills for good & not evil).
2) My cover is blown, so I won't be using this handle anymore. When you see me again, you won't know it's me, and I might throw in a few irrelevant lies just to make sure you don't. 😉Thank you all!
That section now is up and beginning to populate with products. Which means 2 things:
1) The situation described was unique enough that someone with the power to change it read this thread (thank you for using your spy skills for good & not evil).
2) My cover is blown, so I won't be using this handle anymore. When you see me again, you won't know it's me, and I might throw in a few irrelevant lies just to make sure you don't. 😉Thank you all!
you're not buying drugs, opsec doesn't have to be that crazy on here
target has almost 2000 stores, I bet there are many with broken pogs after a remodel
you're not buying drugs, opsec doesn't have to be that crazy on here
target has almost 2000 stores, I bet there are many with broken pogs after a remodel
No doubt there are, though I don't think you followed the specifics. I won't rehash them, but if you care to reread them you'll understand that the problem didn't just solve itself immediately, exactly, and entirely after a year & a half. I think the anonymous policy described on the site is wise, so it's no hassle to fade away. I doubt many of the people here could complain freely in a non-anonymous forum.
No doubt there are, though I don't think you followed the specifics. I won't rehash them, but if you care to reread them you'll understand that the problem didn't just solve itself immediately, exactly, and entirely after a year & a half. I think the anonymous policy described on the site is wise, so it's no hassle to fade away. I doubt many of the people here could complain freely in a non-anonymous forum.
It's happens with every remodel.
Those products have been out eveeyqhere and were replaced with temp pogs for a long time. They have been replaced recently like maybe 3-4 months ago. Yours were probably delayed because of remodel. If it makes you feel better go on and make a new account but I think you are fine I doubt your post here had anything to do with it.
That section now is up and beginning to populate with products. Which means 2 things:
1) The situation described was unique enough that someone with the power to change it read this thread (thank you for using your spy skills for good & not evil).
2) My cover is blown, so I won't be using this handle anymore. When you see me again, you won't know it's me, and I might throw in a few irrelevant lies just to make sure you don't. 😉Thank you all!
Or there was a revision set this week.
No one read anything . What I can tell you is that All OD’s have been aware for the automotive and home improvement pogs having issues such as disappearing from the pog list and map for a year .
Mine got a revision just about 3 months ago after not having it for over a year after remodel as well.
Our padlock pog disappeared last year and got replaced on the adjacency with a bright room plastic bins pog that's in multiple locations already. It's so bizarre.

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