Archived How long did it take you to become a GSA?

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Jun 10, 2016
At my store, Im striving to become a GSTL or at the very least, GSA. Im currently a cashier who is fully trained at guest services. I've been at Target for 11 months. I was hardlines at first, then electronics, then cashier. I want to be a GSA more than anything at the moment. What does availability have to be like?
Took me 2.5yrs...but target was my first job while in high school so I had a LOT to learn and I was young. Plus I had to wait until I graduated and started college so that my availability was better. 4 days open or more would be good, but I've seen GSAs with both more and less open availability

That being said if I hire a GSA I want at least 4 days open.
My ETL started seriously talking about it about 5 months in, though had been talking about it on and off for a few months before that. It was 7 months in before a spot opened up.
About 8 months in (I too was hired as a cashier) I started getting GSA shifts. One or two a week. Then the vast majority of my shits became GSA. This was mainly because they were short on front-end leadership and didn't have anyone better to fill the position -- that's pretty much how it was explained to me, anyway. That went on for about a month until I kept harassing HR to formally key me in as GSA so I'd be paid the proper amount. They dragged their heels about it and made me do like 3 interviews. Totally unnecessary and a waste of time for 50 cents more an hour. After it was done, I spent my last ~6 months @ Spot as GSA.
I want to be a GSA more than anything at the moment. What does availability have to be like?

Also, you sound literally like me a year and a half ago. I was desperate to become GSA. Don't fall into that trap. Everyone on this forum warned me it would be a crapshow and they were absolutely right. The only thing the job was good for is getting me management experience, which enabled me to land my current job at Lowe's making $14/hr. Otherwise, soo not worth it. Don't allow yourself to get stuck as GSA -- you should immediately seek out TL positions to promote to afterward or find jobs elsewhere after you've got some experience down. Don't let Target make you be a manager for two measly quarters.

Technically 3 years. Was running target cafe as a tm for a year and a half. And then took gsa, because my leadership was dragging their feet on getting me on bench
Just over two years. It worked in reverse for me. Usually from what I hear and see they come to you and say 'we think you might good at x and want you to advance with the company.' I went to them and asked if their was an opportunity for growth and became a GSA within a month of that conversation. Tomorrow is actually one year as a GSA for me.
It would have taken me 7 months if I had actually wanted it... And a year and a half for gstl... If I wanted it. But I don't want anything to do with the front end.
They started talking to me about it a little over two months in, and I started training for it two months after that.
I actually got onto the bench even before becoming a GSA. I went to the TL interviews not long after my 90 day mark.

So really, there's no set availability or amount of time you have to spend before moving up. GSA pay is also negotiable, despite what they might tell you. Anything is possible if they like you.
Hmmm, it took 5 months.

I did have a college degree though, was a hard worker and faster learner with excellent communication skills...

and of course the most important part: that my store was in desperate need.

You should consider applying to TL positions that are in need. If they are desperate for people in a certain area, then they might look at your work history and hire you for that position if they trust you.

Don't let others persuade you to take another position besides GSA if it is offered though: its the stepping stone in Target. I was able to quickly leap from that to FATL which I figured would be a pretty sweet gig (FA was in shambles when I took over). Now I'm coasting in FA, makin sales, doin my thing: but it was only possible because of being GSA.
GSA given to anyone interested when the timing is right, it's all about playing along with the vibe game.
~6 months in, I asked them if I could be trained as a GSA.... Aaaaaand here I am now, with about half a year of GSA experience
I'm a PA and it hasn't even been 3 months of my employment at Spot and they keep badgering me about possibly training for GSA shifts. Probably because I think I'm paid the same?
PA is pay grade N09: starting between $11.00 and 11.50 depending on the area.
GSA is N07: $10.50-11.00 again depending on the area
GSA is probably the all around worst job in the store. You don't get paid enough for the expectations that are held on to you.
This. You're expected to make the 'manager' calls, deal with difficult guests, almost everything a GSTL does... for 50 cents more than a cashier. It's a joke. IMO, starting GSA pay should be $12.50.
GSA given to anyone interested when the timing is right, it's all about playing along with the vibe game.

This. I could've done it three or four months into working at my location. After 11 months and while considering it off and on the entire time, I finally told them I'd do it since they needed someone. No interview. Basically a week of training altogether and a 75¢ raise, plus the $1 raise to the minimum, and a 41¢ merit raise. My pay went up over $2/hr and I'm making $11.41/hr.

I was originally a FATM, but basically ran the place singlehanded. It's what made the higher-ups notice me and my work ethic and reliability. That's one reason why I didn't even have to go through an interview process. They'd all wanted me as GSA for a long time and had talked about it multiple times in meetings apparently. I think it's a good stepping stone, like someone else has mentioned. It's good for getting some leadership experience, for sure.
my etl wanted me for it during my 90. i got it way after. it turned out a lot better for me, even though i was pissed at the time. i learned so much more during that time i'm much better in the store.
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