Archived How Many Hours Are You Now Getting?!!

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My hours are down b/c of school starting again... 32 hours one week, 40 the next, then 32, then 40, and on and on.... then vacation at some point, I hope!!!!!
Was sitting by the time clock waiting to end my lunch. A seasonal who got hired on comes to look at his schedule and the following conversation occurs

"What, they only scheduled me for 28 hours next week!"
"Oh. It's like it's January or something."
"But they've never scheduled me under 32!"
"Oh, it's like it's January or something."
"And I've got 24 the week after that."
"Oh, it's like it's January or something."

I hope he got the point after that.
I went from about 25-30 on the front lanes as a cashier, got moved to backroom day in early December and stayed around the same, then since Christmas - 16 2 weeks ago, 17 last week, 27 this week, and then 13 next week (which is on the sales floor, not in the back because the people doing the schedule were not the normal person doing it, and thought they would be fun)......
I went from about 25-30 on the front lanes as a cashier, got moved to backroom day in early December and stayed around the same, then since Christmas - 16 2 weeks ago, 17 last week, 27 this week, and then 13 next week (which is on the sales floor, not in the back because the people doing the schedule were not the normal person doing it, and thought they would be fun)......

Wow. My avg hrs per week for the year is 42. Did 42 last week and 55 the week before. I am trained in all areas of the store except Food avenue.
I can do guest service, cashier, food, softlines, hardlines, fitting room/operator and photo, yet I have a whopping 15 hours this week. Guess I really didn't need to buy groceries anyway.
I am on the FLOW team. They don't get as many hours right now because we are on 3 trucks. Learn to be more global and have a bigger availability. Look at the shift swap sheets. Tell your TL/ETL/STL that you are interested in learning new areas or need more hours. Here in my store they will try to give you hours specially if you are very productive and work with a sense of urgency.
I can do guest service, cashier, food, softlines, hardlines, fitting room/operator and photo, yet I have a whopping 15 hours this week. Guess I really didn't need to buy groceries anyway.

My husband always says that if we could give up eating we'd save a ton of money.
See if you can get on plano.
Right now the entire store is getting redone, so there are plenty of hours and they could probably use some bodies who are flexible and willing to learn.
I am sure that there are TM's that will call out, especially cashier's. Just get with your TL/ETL or even keep an ear out for TM's looking to give away their shift.
I would if there were any to pick up! LOL Literally no one is giving up hours right now at my store. Believe me I've looked.....

Same at my store! I'm only scheduled to work one shift next week! Though to be fair, I did have to request one day off........but still.

I am sure that there are TM's that will call out, especially cashier's. Just get with your TL/ETL or even keep an ear out for TM's looking to give away their shift.

(glares jokingly) Not all cashiers are like that! Just the highschoolers.
*tilts head and smirks* you'd be surprised loll I have one minor at the front end, the rest of my cashiers are grown adults and that TM acts more adult like then the rest of them.

Same at my store! I'm only scheduled to work one shift next week! Though to be fair, I did have to request one day off........but still.

(glares jokingly) Not all cashiers are like that! Just the highschoolers.
I volunteered to pick up some PA overnight shifts next week. It should bump me to 40, but man will it wrack my sleep schedule.
I'm on short shifts (4 hrs). The good news is that I've been able to lengthen them by staying after when needed. The bad news is that I've been bounced around to as many as 4 different areas! My new nickname is ping-pong.
Im a backroom team member and i still get 40 hrs per week. btw i was also told our store is going to become a super target soon which is rather exciting! Anybody here work at one? Do they extend the store because ours is pretty big already!

Still averaging 40 hours a week. I was told I would be getting 40 hours through January to get the backroom in order after the holiday season...updating, making pallet spaces, dropping down top stock from light duty aisles, etc.

I hope it continues through February and March, too.
At first, my scheduled hours went down to 28. Then one of our "core" Electronics TM's moved away and transfered to another store, so my hours have been hovering now around 37. So now we are down to about 5 core electronics TM's me included. Only two of us though get the lion's share of the hours.
as an HRTM, I worked 40 hours a week for about 10-12 weeks during the hiring season, and now I am getting 25 hours a week. I wonder if other hrtm are getting about the same amount of hours.
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