Archived How many PDA's does your store currently have?

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Ten total - 1 = receiving
3 to 4 = back room
1 = LOD
1= planogram

Too many times there are those that REFUSE to sign out the equipment. Various team members won't accept the new mydevices and demand Pdas, luckily some execs are killing the option.
8 total
I want to ask and see if we could get more as (I am in Market) and our MyDevices (the connection) is absolute crap in our coolers.
Why isn't your sales floor team using MyDevices? The interface is more suitable for guest assistance.

the rest are taken by the old farts that refuse to call the eHR hotline to get their password renewed.

That about sums it up. Or they just can't be bothered to learn how to use the MyDevices. Tough cookies, kids. Back room can't operate without PDAs, so we get priority over you. Some of them just can't seem to comprehend this.
20. Though when it's truck day they are usually gone by 10 in the morning.
my store is a C volume PFresh. We have 9 pdas and are allocated 20 mydevices. The breakdown is as follows:
1 for receiving (she keeps it in her cubby, locked up when not there)
One for me (ETL-LOG) for backstocking, MSPKs during push, FAs
6 for backroom team (Truck days for am br team
1 for pog to pull their own batches

The mydevices are used for sftms, instocks and pricing. 20 is not enough for our store. STL, ETLs and SRTLs like to always have one, we need at least 2 for Price change team and we need them for instocks process. We also have 3 that are broken and sent out (for what seems like forever!)

I would love to get my hands on about 5 more mydevices and get our 3 remaining back that are out to be worked on!
Flow team has been grabbing wallows and mydevices lately. Come in at 8:00am, nary a device nor a walkie. I understand the need, but sales floor needs them just as badly.

Target, fix your shitty equipment problems.
I think we have 9 PDAs and 18 mydevices. At least one PDA is for POG, 1 receiving, the rest go to backroom (since pricing does not use the PDAs unless the mydevices are down).
We seem to not have enough mydevices though! There's always someone looking for a mydevice after about 9am!
Imagine how many PDAs/mydevices we could have had if Target didn't expand to Canada =(
I wonder what happened to all of the devices they were using?
Sent back to Symbol/Motorola whoever makes them for reuse elsewhere. Or recycle? I think thy were older models like 9090 so they wouldn't have given us more anyway. Stingy's.... Speaking of 9090 found a second 9090 that was hidden somewhere 4 months after I sent the lot of them away. Didn't work obviously...
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