Archived How much effort do you currently give at work?

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Even though my pay sucks, I try to do the best that I can. I can't afford to slack off when my work center is so small (2 people) and only gets like 30 or so hours in total each week. If I let my work pile up, then I have to pay for it in the end with even more stress than before.
Working first year I gave 100%. Then I realized that my reward for working accurate, fast and well...was more work because nearly everyone else was doing the bare minimum. I cut it back, especially when working with a certain ETL that is an atrocious leader. I still will work hard for the other two ETLs because they recognize that working harder than others shouldn't be a punishment to pick up their slack.

I'd say 70% of my coworkers do the bare minimum. 15-20 do a bit above the bare minimum and just a few of us actually work hard.
I've only been at my job for five months, so I'm kind of in the "making an effort but slowly realizing there's not a whole lot of point" phase. I do my job to the best of my ability, because I take pride in my work and I want things to go smoothly. I don't slack off, and I work well independently and don't need to be checked up on or babysat. But some days I get a "good job today" and other days I get "what happened? Why couldn't you finish?" as though every single day in SFS is exactly the same with the same workload, and that's...frustrating, to say the least. Leadership at my store will act like your friend but then will talk down to you and treat you like an idiot, repeating the same unhelpful and inapplicable-to-the-situation "tips" on how to do your job better. I end up just smiling and nodding a lot. It's like one week they praise me for knowing how to do my job well, and the next week it gets super busy or everything is a mess and it's hard to find things, and they seem to think I somehow to do it.
As much as I can. If I'm gonna be there for 6-8 hours I might as well try to make the most of it. I get paid the same whether I do my best or my worst but at least if I do my best I have something to be proud of. Plus I want to do a good job for my coworkers. If one person is lagging behind, it affects everyone.
I tend to go above and beyond always because..why not? If I sit on my ass the day goes by slower.
Also I pull my own so I can casually comment on others performances without looking like a hypocrite. My area does have some dead weight but luckly I came into the area shortly before another very good person also joined up and we are just rocking it. Saddly our shifts cant support 40 hours a week each.
I give it everything I have everyday. Sure I have some days where I slack but if I leave work feeling like I could have done more then I’ll be back the next day giving it everything I’ve got.

If you’re not going to give a shit then why don’t you work somewhere you want to?
I give it everything I have everyday. Sure I have some days where I slack but if I leave work feeling like I could have done more then I’ll be back the next day giving it everything I’ve got.

If you’re not going to give a shit then why don’t you work somewhere you want to?
Drug tests.... is what I hear a common reason why people stick it out at spot..
I used to give it my all till me and a few coworkers realized we get treated the same as those that f off their entire shift, call in, ncns and leave early. So now I just do what I can with the amount of crap that gets thrown at me since I'm a "good worker" and that's it. Plus when those mentioned above get more hours it's like ok! Not gonna exhaust myself for a job that doesn't care
I'm somewhere in the middle. The thing is I'm straight up one of the best workers in the store and do everything from hardlines to electronics to starbucks in the same week, when I'm doing electronics I definitely try hard and active sell, but whenever I have a closing shift for the salesfloor I break so many best practice rules it's not even funny. I know what my zone has to look like in the morning to be acceptable and that's all I care about. and Starbucks is Starbucks, if you don't do what you're supposed to do literally everyone's gonna know, plus that crew is chill and we all make sure to do all we can in a day.

That being said if I get a shitty review I'm going to have a ton of questions for a couple of our leaders lol.
I was going above and beyond once at the boat without even knowing my STL was incognito watching me. The next morning he complimented me and it really set in...I didn't even know anyone was watching so yep...above and beyond for also makes the time to clock out MUCH faster!
I used to go above and beyond. Put a ton of effort into my job, showed up early, stayed late, came in on my days off, finished my work quickly so i could go to different areas etc. Ever since I found out how unappreciated I was, by a shitty review last year, being scheduled one day a week since the beginning of this year, and being told there’s nothing anyone can do about it, and I have to suck it up...I stopped and barely even do the bare minimum.

If you are consistently getting only 1 day a week, they want you to voluntarily term.
So I am in softlines, and to completely honest the majority of my team is deadweight. They'll come in, dick around, chitchat at the fitting room while ignoring guests, and they'll just cram reshop wherever without any concern. Leadership has had a few huddles addressing this, but they've just been more covert about it. I used to put in more effort into my work than I do now, but I'm tired of getting chided for not completing an area because I had to redo what some party girl couldn't be bothered to do correctly in the first place. Outside of due diligence, giving a hand to my team members in need, and working for my own sake of pride, I don't see the point in shooting for the moon anymore.
I love all these responses who 1) say they give 110% or 70% or 1,340,287%. These numbers are meaningless. And 2) other workers are deadweight. I wonder if those people say the same thing? It's all perception. You may think you are giving 176% while your coworker, who you consider deadweight, is thinking they give 177%

If asked, I think my bosses, coworkers' opinions I don't care about, would say I do an above average job. But as I'm walking away from a 99% revision in toys to watch YouTube in the bathroom, I know I don't work that hard anymore. I've gotten very good at knowing what is essential and what isn't. I do what needs to be done, and the rest, I toss in the compactor.

For example, I thought the stand alone make your own Easter basket FOS stands would be used, so I built them. They never got moved or used. Two weeks after Easter, the salesfloor senior tl finally disassembled them and tossed.

Next time, some of the fixtures may just go from pallet to trash. Who knows? I didn't see them come in.
Drug tests.... is what I hear a common reason why people stick it out at spot..
This is actually a good point. A lot of my coworkers smoke daily and would never pass a drug test. Even at my current new job, I had a coworker ask why I don't smoke, and I'm like dude, I wouldn't even have gotten this new job if I did since the first thing they did was drugged tested me
re: drug tests, that literally was one of the reasons I applied at Target specifically after getting fed up with my last job (which did drug test but used one of those shitty mouth swabs that can be passed by brushing your teeth a few times and swishing with mouthwash). I had already stopped toking for a couple months with a new job in mind, and passed the home-test kit that I bought at Target (ironically) but still paranoid that the fancier gas chromatography tests some companies use would fuck me. I could definitely pass one now though, bring it on Officer!!
I go above and beyond.. the level of my coworkers. But thats about 85%. I can't give 100%, because Target doesn't want things done right. It wants reports green, and everyone out on time.
I'm cross trained in about every sales floor position, and I'm "better and faster than (insert many TMs here)". When hours were low recently, I asked my TLs daily if they have extra hours/call-ins, etc. Kept up 30ish hours/wk. I might not have any friends here but I get paid.
If you are consistently getting only 1 day a week, they want you to voluntarily term.

Yeah I know. That’s why I won’t do it, not giving them what they want. Gonna continue to work my 1 day and pick up co-workers shifts to stick it to them. It really shows you what is important to leads when you work your ass off and do everything they ask and they still treat you like garbage.
I do have personal pride in my work, and my team is.. pretty useless for the most part. I'm constantly told they don't know what they're doing or they messed up doing x or y so I also feel like in additon to my own work ethic I need to pick up the slack from the others.

But lately I'm getting tired. I do my best and basically run end to end electronics on my own and because of that certain areas just don't get done.

Truck not done? My fault
Backstock not done? My fault
Research not done? My fault
Outs not counted? My fault
End caps not filled? My fault

I'm not even expected to do go backs anymore because I have to deal with everything else but the others can't even get that done.

So some shifts it leaves me to wonder if its even worth it or if I should keep trying that hard if no matter what I do all expectations fall to me. I find myself slowing down and working at a crawl on those days. Some days the leaders encourage me and remind me I'm doing great and they know its a lot and to just do my best. Those are the days I keep pushing to do my best.
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