Archived How they’ll let the Seasonal TM go.

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I was a seasonal cashier last year and my GSTLs tried to be professional with letting people go. Typically, they brought them into TSC or over to Starbucks to thank them for their hard work and let them know we are hiring again in a few months (even if they didn’t actually want them back). This was immediately after Christmas. They worked that week and the week after schedule and were no longer on the schedule after that.
I was the one they kept and they literally just pulled me off lane one day, switched my light off, and said “so we’re making the new schedule and we’d love to put you on it if you’re willing to stay after seasonal” and that was that. Nothing else was ever brought up. Just that.
TL's do the deed at my store.
No notice or nothing, I just kept getting scheduled while others were confused about why they had no hours on the new schedule, which ended up with a stressed HRTM trying to calm them down. 😵
TL's do the deed at my store.

This is best practice. A lot of our ETLs don't even know the seasonals under them.

Your store should strive to do better.

Yeah it's never good to burn a bridge we have some seasonals this year who worked for us a year ago. I also know we have some seasonals we would love to keep but don't have room now but will in March when the dead wood quits.

Even as a seasonal losing a job is never easy. I think the person leaving should feel appreciated.

Yeah some of our seasonals were bums but I'm glad many of them chose us instead of toys r us or kohls.
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You should get a face to face before any schedule you aren't on is posted. This should NOT be with HR, but with your TL or ETL. This is when you should ask about coming back if you want to. Often, there just aren't enough hours to support keeping very many seasonal, but there may be room for you later. Ask all the questions then.

This was what happened to me. I was let go as a seasonal team member, but was told to come back in the spring as a permanent team member, which I did and was hired on the spot.
If I’d had my way a couple of em would be tar and feathered before being escorted out, along with one or two regulars.

We already delivered letters to seasonals outlining if they stay or go and when their last days are. I’m gonna miss some of em.
Some, but not all, seasonal workers are slackers. I remember at the end of one holiday season, a seasonal team member, who was about to let go in a day or two, came up to me while I was zoning and asked what was I doing. I replied, zoning while thinking which is what he is supposed to be doing.
We won’t be able to give the ones we’re deopping a 2 week notice. We barely have hours to give to the people we do like, so we can’t wait around and give the bad ones a full 2 weeks. So I’m posting with fake shifts so they don’t stop showing before Christmas, and we’ll have the convos after Christmas.
We won’t be able to give the ones we’re deopping a 2 week notice. We barely have hours to give to the people we do like, so we can’t wait around and give the bad ones a full 2 weeks. So I’m posting with fake shifts so they don’t stop showing before Christmas, and we’ll have the convos after Christmas.

Understand the "why" of what you're doing, but it's still sleazy. No incentive for those dropped TMs to show on XMas Eve day if they have no job on 12/26.

Makes me wonder if that's going on at my store. Leadership hasn't signed off on swaps in a week now, makes it hard for folks to get on with their life when they don't know if they have to work a certain day or not.
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They're supposed to give you two weeks notice whether they keep you or not but some stores don't follow that

Understand the "why" of what you're doing, but it's still sleazy. No incentive for those dropped TMs to show on XMas Eve day if they have no job on 12/26.

Makes me wonder if that's going on at my store. Leadership hasn't signed off on swaps in a week now, makes it hard for folks to get on with their life when they don't know if they have to work a certain day or not.

Our seasonal are still working up until the 31st. As far as swap shifts, leadership is prob too busy to pay attention to that. Our TMs know they just need to mention it to us and we’re fine with it. Checking that isn’t high on our priority list right now
Our seasonal are still working up until the 31st. As far as swap shifts, leadership is prob too busy to pay attention to that. Our TMs know they just need to mention it to us and we’re fine with it. Checking that isn’t high on our priority list right now

Past leadership ok'd swaps daily, even during the holidays. Not sure, but I belive the LOD checked the book.
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