Archived How to be deal with rude/offensive/entitled guests when we can't react?

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My LOD's back me up when I have shit eating cocksuckers in my face. Oh, did I say that out loud?

I can handle a lot, I can keep my cool and keep a smile on my face when "guests" are being complete assholes but occasionally there's one who yells, or starts cussing, so I call for LOD and let them deal with it. I don't get paid enough to take abuse. There have been a few times where I've called LOD and given them a 10 second run down and then said "I'm walking off stage" and let them have at it.

No one should have to put up with being called names, being degraded, being treated like shit, just because they/we're in service. We ALL have the right to be treated with dignity and common courtesy so if someone's being a dick above and beyond the usual whiny, self entitled, dickishness, then get LOD or GSA to handle it. We just don't get paid enough.

But this week has been too busy for me to even notice the rude idiots so I honestly am sitting here with beer and a glazed over brain.
My LOD's back me up when I have shit eating cocksuckers in my face. Oh, did I say that out loud?

I can handle a lot, I can keep my cool and keep a smile on my face when "guests" are being complete assholes but occasionally there's one who yells, or starts cussing, so I call for LOD and let them deal with it. I don't get paid enough to take abuse. There have been a few times where I've called LOD and given them a 10 second run down and then said "I'm walking off stage" and let them have at it.

No one should have to put up with being called names, being degraded, being treated like shit, just because they/we're in service. We ALL have the right to be treated with dignity and common courtesy so if someone's being a dick above and beyond the usual whiny, self entitled, dickishness, then get LOD or GSA to handle it. We just don't get paid enough.

But this week has been too busy for me to even notice the rude idiots so I honestly am sitting here with beer and a glazed over brain.

I agree with all of this except that you really should move from beer to something harder. Less gas, more alcohol. 😉
Any guest who starts cursing at an employee needs to be asked to leave the store. I've had AP remove a few guests who cross the line into harassing behavior/language.
As long as you are calm we will solve your problem to your benefit, sometimes just to get you out. However, shouting, yelling etc crosses and line and you will get escorted out by AP.

We had a guest yell scream and then slap one of our ETLs over a $5 gift card. That person is now banned. This is 24 hrs after we had a visit from Spot because we are near a new concept store launch. (if I say who it will out me sorry). So to answer the first post, its where you draw the line. Commie is right. If you agree with them, they can't disagree with you.

I teach. I comment. hell, sometimes I send people across the city. I know most people are having a bad day so I figure if I tell you where it is, you remember that I helped you.

I have this lady who habitually bitches about the prices, so we fix them for her. She's elderly and 15 cents isnt anything so she gets want she wants and leaves.

I have got an angry person to calm because I explained why his crap keeps burning up (he forgets hes not in Britian. I got him a step transformer) I got people twine, got them buckets, obscure cds, boxes, etc to help. However, they wont calm there sint much you can do.

Crux of the idiot slapping? Didnt understand that the gift card is only after you complete the transaction.

I try to actually listen to what they are saying when they are pissed, always apologize and then solve the problem. But TTGoz is right people are extremely shitty. However, There is a point where the people isnt attacking you, you are the convient pasty.

I was talking about Trump and muslims privately to a fellow TM who served in Iraq and Afganistan and a guest over heard and got pissed. They heard five words out of context and proceeded to berate me. I just smiled apologized and asked if they needed anything. They left.
LMAO the bathroom policy!
Bruh for almost a year straight everyday we would get a FAX from the same person complaining about that shit.... the message was always the same...

And thank god I am a PMT and rarely put myself in position to deal with nonsense. At least guest nonsense.
Like I don't mind just walking away
We are blessed that we have 3 bathrooms from our p-fresh renovation. Old PMT changed third sign to unisex and people quit griping about it. Those who wanted to grip about the policy would do so and then shop. It was annoying. When it faded and the Texas bill failed to pass the sign returned to multiuse.
This is one of the reasons I’m glad I’m at guest services now instead of cashiering. At least there , there are a lot of boundaries as to what we can and can’t do for guests.
Sometimes you should go above and beyond to make a customer happy but you also need to stick by your workers too. The biggest insult is when the ETLs side with the customer and never ever take your side into account.
I'm a sarcastic asshole when they're being pricks. I just don't tolerate being disrespectful. My first step is to address the behavior. I have said many of times and stepped in when I seen my team being crussed and yelled at, that "I'll do what I can to help you but if you continue to talk to them or me that way, I got nothing for you". That shuts them down.

I had to use the "a conversation is a two way street and at this moment you the only one talking. You're not listening".

At the end of the day, Target doesn't even pay their TLs enough to deal with the kind of people they created. Spot has been enabling bad behavior for years and the result is "give me my way" guest. I have never been to any other store and heard "GET THE MANAGER!" as much as I do in Target.

My ETLs will back me because they know my character. I make things happen, but I draw the line at disrespect. My team deserves respect too and I won't fold to the guest like team members aren't human.
Not in my store.

Our leadership, while having their faults, all unanimously agree we're not getting paid enough to deal with that shit. If a guest tries to abuse the rules or is being belligerent, they will be talked to by a leader or escorted out of the store.
We had a good line of scammers and people wanting to get cash back for gift card purchases just normal things my ETL at the time told me not to step til the LOD asked me too. I told the TL's, GSA, and other ETL knew I was serious about safety and even if I lost my job I would step in and ask the guest to leave or tell them it is time to leave. If they refused I just asked the the LOD to call the police that normally made them leave in a hurry.
The leadership at my store absolutely does NOT kiss the asses of guests who are being abusive and hateful, and name-calling any TM with stuff like "stupid bitch" will have the AP guy asking them to leave if they continue being rude and disruptive. Our STL even told us in the meeting before Black Friday to direct all mad guests to him because "y'all don't get paid enough to deal with that." (I raised my hand and said if he wanted to pay me enough I could give him a quote)
I don't get why some stores don't handle rude guests the same way we do. If someone is swearing loudly it creates a negative experience for other guests, like say parents with young children who don't want to hear profanity. If a guest gets that mad over something petty like a $5 price difference it's probably the case that they're just angry malcontents in general , so trying to "make it right" for them while they're screaming "FUCK YOU BITCH I'M GOING TO BEST BUY" is counterproductive. Behave like a normal ass human being or GTFO.
i had an incident with a co-worker that infuriated me and let's just say she gave a guest something for free because he saw a team member getting one. they were getting one bc 1) they work at target and 2) its the Holidays.

I have never been so mad. i told her she was lucky i couldn't fire her because i can't trust her, target can't trust her. what else is she giving away? If a guest asks for anything you smile sweetly then you say it is one of the perks of working here during the Holidays and if they are interested Target is hiring. Then offer them ice water lol.
I don't get why some stores don't handle rude guests the same way we do. If someone is swearing loudly it creates a negative experience for other guests, like say parents with young children who don't want to hear profanity. If a guest gets that mad over something petty like a $5 price difference it's probably the case that they're just angry malcontents in general , so trying to "make it right" for them while they're screaming "FUCK YOU BITCH I'M GOING TO BEST BUY" is counterproductive. Behave like a normal ass human being or GTFO.
I just had a similar experience with a guest swearing loudly yesterday night. She was buying some clothes on clearance that were already 30% off the regular price, but she argued that the ones on clearance should have been an additional 30% off, since she can't read or whatever. She wanted a much cash back as possible so she split her items into two transactions with a throw she supposedly found on clearance, although when I price-checked it, it was regular price. I was planning on asking the GSTL to deal with her when she inevitably would have argued about the price of the throw, but unfortunately, the throw was gone after I helped her with her credit card payment. Either a team member put it back in reshop, or a guest took it from the side of the register while we weren't looking. I asked another cashier where the throw was and he said that another guest bought it.
The guest went off on a huge profanity-laced tirade that was audible throughout the front end. The GSTL and another cashier came over to try and calm her down, to no avail. She accused the other cashier of buying it for himself, and went completely off the rails. I really wish that I called AP or an STL because like you said, since she was being a jerk and creating a negative atmosphere for other guests. The GSTL and two other cashiers went to look for the same throw, but no one could find it. The guest finally left after about thirty minutes of screaming when she realized that a manager besides the GSTL wasn't available, and afterwards, the cashiers came over to me and we all agreed that we should call AP/ETL/STL the next time this kind of incident occurred.
I just had a similar experience with a guest swearing loudly yesterday night. She was buying some clothes on clearance that were already 30% off the regular price, but she argued that the ones on clearance should have been an additional 30% off, since she can't read or whatever. She wanted a much cash back as possible so she split her items into two transactions with a throw she supposedly found on clearance, although when I price-checked it, it was regular price. I was planning on asking the GSTL to deal with her when she inevitably would have argued about the price of the throw, but unfortunately, the throw was gone after I helped her with her credit card payment. Either a team member put it back in reshop, or a guest took it from the side of the register while we weren't looking. I asked another cashier where the throw was and he said that another guest bought it.
The guest went off on a huge profanity-laced tirade that was audible throughout the front end. The GSTL and another cashier came over to try and calm her down, to no avail. She accused the other cashier of buying it for himself, and went completely off the rails. I really wish that I called AP or an STL because like you said, since she was being a jerk and creating a negative atmosphere for other guests. The GSTL and two other cashiers went to look for the same throw, but no one could find it. The guest finally left after about thirty minutes of screaming when she realized that a manager besides the GSTL wasn't available, and afterwards, the cashiers came over to me and we all agreed that we should call AP/ETL/STL the next time this kind of incident occurred.
The GSTL should have called the LOD or AP right away. It would not have taken someone long to bring that 30% off original price sign to the front.
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ive had a guest call me a “little bitch” and to throw them off their game i smiled and said “thanks, it’s my favorite title” sometimes you just gotta kill em with kindness

I taught my daughters that bitch meant Beautiful Intelligent Talented Cunning Honest.
So when people call them bitches they just laugh and agree.
I just had a similar experience with a guest swearing loudly yesterday night. She was buying some clothes on clearance that were already 30% off the regular price, but she argued that the ones on clearance should have been an additional 30% off, since she can't read or whatever. She wanted a much cash back as possible so she split her items into two transactions with a throw she supposedly found on clearance, although when I price-checked it, it was regular price. I was planning on asking the GSTL to deal with her when she inevitably would have argued about the price of the throw, but unfortunately, the throw was gone after I helped her with her credit card payment. Either a team member put it back in reshop, or a guest took it from the side of the register while we weren't looking. I asked another cashier where the throw was and he said that another guest bought it.
The guest went off on a huge profanity-laced tirade that was audible throughout the front end. The GSTL and another cashier came over to try and calm her down, to no avail. She accused the other cashier of buying it for himself, and went completely off the rails. I really wish that I called AP or an STL because like you said, since she was being a jerk and creating a negative atmosphere for other guests. The GSTL and two other cashiers went to look for the same throw, but no one could find it. The guest finally left after about thirty minutes of screaming when she realized that a manager besides the GSTL wasn't available, and afterwards, the cashiers came over to me and we all agreed that we should call AP/ETL/STL the next time this kind of incident occurred.
The guest was trying to confuse you. She did some clearance ticket switching on the items too. Call gstl. To handle it.
I just had a similar experience with a guest swearing loudly yesterday night. She was buying some clothes on clearance that were already 30% off the regular price, but she argued that the ones on clearance should have been an additional 30% off, since she can't read or whatever. She wanted a much cash back as possible so she split her items into two transactions with a throw she supposedly found on clearance, although when I price-checked it, it was regular price. I was planning on asking the GSTL to deal with her when she inevitably would have argued about the price of the throw, but unfortunately, the throw was gone after I helped her with her credit card payment. Either a team member put it back in reshop, or a guest took it from the side of the register while we weren't looking. I asked another cashier where the throw was and he said that another guest bought it.
The guest went off on a huge profanity-laced tirade that was audible throughout the front end. The GSTL and another cashier came over to try and calm her down, to no avail. She accused the other cashier of buying it for himself, and went completely off the rails. I really wish that I called AP or an STL because like you said, since she was being a jerk and creating a negative atmosphere for other guests. The GSTL and two other cashiers went to look for the same throw, but no one could find it. The guest finally left after about thirty minutes of screaming when she realized that a manager besides the GSTL wasn't available, and afterwards, the cashiers came over to me and we all agreed that we should call AP/ETL/STL the next time this kind of incident occurred.
I had a guest in line with his 2 daughters. He kept insisting that it was another percentage off (about what your guest said). However, I didn't even have to call anyone over to deal with him as both daughters took care of it. We have a store down here in the south that does do that. Both daughters told him he was thinking of that store. It was great!
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