Archived I want to quit

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sumtimes the only way upper management knows how to motivate people is by trying to make them feel bad and insult them n be mean to them because they don't know any other way to how to motivate them. they have frustrations when it comes to training people because management doesn't like to do any work n team members have to do training but they complain the most about that because they don't get paid enough which is true. I wish management did all the training but they normally don't unless they r new n trying to bring up morale n eventually after being there management gets frustrated and upset n doesn't like to do any work because they think its beneath them to do the job so they just walk around n do nothing. when they get bored and get used to not working at all they get angry because part of human happiness requires work, play, and sleep. so if team members r deprived of any of those 3 things then they will be upset n not happy. in my store there is no AC until open times so a lot of people are frustrated because of working in the heat n humidity. u cant let other mean people get u down like the members on this website cus they r looking to vent on other people which is what u experience in ur store. its easy to vent on new team members because they have no say or no skills and can be driven out within 90 days very easy. a lot of new team members have been treated badly but over time n after they get used to environment n prove themselves things get better. what happens is people grow on each other even those that come off annoying. eventually everyone will like each other. that's why some people say this website is good for venting even tho a lot of webforum members try to insult each other but that's because they r unhappy and receive great joy of trying to make others feel bad. its a social complex in terms of ganging up on others in order to have something to relate to with each other. most of the time it is females like myself who get the brunt of the gossip n in the store it is usually the females who r the meanest to each other just like on this webform. so far it is just the immature n young ones who have bad information n assume things who r mean to each other. u have to remember the hardest ones to love r the ones that need it the most. so if they r mean to u u can ignore it or actually go out of ur way to be nice to them kind of like sucking up to them. u will be surprised how many people just want u to suck up to them n show respect because they think they deserve it. a lot of people have negative thoughts about themselves n they feel better when they go after others who they think r not as good as them sometimes the mentally disabled. some people who suffer from disability get a lot of gossip and grief in our store but they handle it well n they can always come to me n I reassure them n comfort them when people r mean to them so they can let it slide. like I said before eventually people grow on each other n they end up loving each other. it will get better for u I am sure all u have to remember is the fact that even tho u feel like u might not be good enough for target or r treated poorly those around u have the same job so what does that say about them if they r so much better? its a whole lot of funny most of the time n u have to think positive about urself and when u do others will sense that n like u more. even if there is no confidence u can always fake confidence like the rest of us or u can come to a webforum in anonymity n be mean to others n vent about problems if it makes u feel better but it will be short lived as its like a drug n u will find another way. another thing to remember is if they treat u poorly n u left they will find someone else to treat poorly. and just like this webform people are threatened by new people n new ideas because they r comforted by the normal everyday people they r used to n don't like change. a whole lot of people don't like change at all. but after 12 now going on 13 years workin in many stores I can tell u that the saying ever changing retail environment is true n u have to adapt n adjust. don't let them get u down because there is karma out there n most blatant mean people can be reported n get written up in stores n when they do they can only be mean to people on webforum so don't let it get u down
sumtimes the only way upper management knows how to motivate people is by trying to make them feel bad and insult them n be mean to them because they don't know any other way to how to motivate them. they have frustrations when it comes to training people because management doesn't like to do any work n team members have to do training but they complain the most about that because they don't get paid enough which is true. I wish management did all the training but they normally don't unless they r new n trying to bring up morale n eventually after being there management gets frustrated and upset n doesn't like to do any work because they think its beneath them to do the job so they just walk around n do nothing. when they get bored and get used to not working at all they get angry because part of human happiness requires work, play, and sleep. so if team members r deprived of any of those 3 things then they will be upset n not happy. in my store there is no AC until open times so a lot of people are frustrated because of working in the heat n humidity. u cant let other mean people get u down like the members on this website cus they r looking to vent on other people which is what u experience in ur store. its easy to vent on new team members because they have no say or no skills and can be driven out within 90 days very easy. a lot of new team members have been treated badly but over time n after they get used to environment n prove themselves things get better. what happens is people grow on each other even those that come off annoying. eventually everyone will like each other. that's why some people say this website is good for venting even tho a lot of webforum members try to insult each other but that's because they r unhappy and receive great joy of trying to make others feel bad. its a social complex in terms of ganging up on others in order to have something to relate to with each other. most of the time it is females like myself who get the brunt of the gossip n in the store it is usually the females who r the meanest to each other just like on this webform. so far it is just the immature n young ones who have bad information n assume things who r mean to each other. u have to remember the hardest ones to love r the ones that need it the most. so if they r mean to u u can ignore it or actually go out of ur way to be nice to them kind of like sucking up to them. u will be surprised how many people just want u to suck up to them n show respect because they think they deserve it. a lot of people have negative thoughts about themselves n they feel better when they go after others who they think r not as good as them sometimes the mentally disabled. some people who suffer from disability get a lot of gossip and grief in our store but they handle it well n they can always come to me n I reassure them n comfort them when people r mean to them so they can let it slide. like I said before eventually people grow on each other n they end up loving each other. it will get better for u I am sure all u have to remember is the fact that even tho u feel like u might not be good enough for target or r treated poorly those around u have the same job so what does that say about them if they r so much better? its a whole lot of funny most of the time n u have to think positive about urself and when u do others will sense that n like u more. even if there is no confidence u can always fake confidence like the rest of us or u can come to a webforum in anonymity n be mean to others n vent about problems if it makes u feel better but it will be short lived as its like a drug n u will find another way. another thing to remember is if they treat u poorly n u left they will find someone else to treat poorly. and just like this webform people are threatened by new people n new ideas because they r comforted by the normal everyday people they r used to n don't like change. a whole lot of people don't like change at all. but after 12 now going on 13 years workin in many stores I can tell u that the saying ever changing retail environment is true n u have to adapt n adjust. don't let them get u down because there is karma out there n most blatant mean people can be reported n get written up in stores n when they do they can only be mean to people on webforum so don't let it get u down

I want to read this..but it looks like a wall of text..
spotsbane/RedTemplar keeps dinging my rep with his insidious insults. Now you're threatening me!?
Knew it was you all along.
Pathetic loser.
Side note: do your LOD's ever talk bad about other TMs?

Obviously I can't speak for all ETLs, but at my store they do. It's not just ETLs who speak poorly about TMs;
TLs and TMs do their fair share. I think people forget that when you work in a store, you're constantly surrounded by people.
It's best to have those kinds of conversations in a more discrete location.

I overheard two of my ETLs talking about a team member, while I was zoning in the aisle over.
One of them turned red and tried changing the subject when they noticed I was there the whole time.

Another time, I was frustrated at a certain workcenter and I told another TM about my frustration.
I went on and on with my ranting, then I realized that the TL for that workcenter was standing next to me... she was shopping and overheard everything.
Moral of the story, don't talk about other people.

This is the kind of culture we have at our store.

I recognize alot of Target's are probably not on that high school level, but mine certainly is; everyone is on each other's Facebook page, Twitter acct, you name it. People who don't even talk to me have tried to get a friend request from me just to find dirt (not that there is much considering, in their minds, I don't have a life). The thing that kills me about folks at my job who engage in bad-mouthing people, even those who are managers, is that if everyone is living a better life than everyone else, why the hell are you bothering with mine?

And come Jan, none of this is going to matter.
Side note: do your LOD's ever talk bad about other TMs? There is one girl at my store who makes snippy remarks sometimes about people when they ask questions over the walkie and it makes me wonder if she does the same thing to me when I'm the one needing help...

Nott quite. We have one ETL who is questioning the courses of actions the STL and another ETL have taken with the store, and does not agree with it. But besides that, most of the "bad talk" is kept between TLs and TMs. With the occasional vent to an ETL.
If you're going to be in a leadership position, you should be professional enough to treat your TMs with respect, even behind their backs. At least, that's my personal opinion. I shouldn't be worried that my supervisor is going to gossip or complain about me to other employees.

And yeah, there are very few people from my store that I would add on Facebook. More because they're annoying than for privacy. 😛
Lots of TMs at my store facebook but very few have 'friended' each other.
Our TLs & ETLs def don't cross that line. If any did, they're not talking.

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

you've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.


you've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.


Clearly it was her mother.
I used to work at Spot long ago. Today, two unruly guests with their terrible children came in. Everything was going fine, right up until I greeted them. Instead of the usual "Can I Help You Find Something" bit that I usually say, the angry thoughts I have a lot hit me.

"You know, there's such a thing as parenting.." As soon as that passed my lips, I knew it was too late. I didn't realize what I had just done until I had finished speaking. The couple just stared at me in shock for a moment, and I went pale. I knew that my days of red and khaki and self-loathing were over in that one instant.

The couple goes insane. My TL comes over, and there's screaming about hate, "sensitivity training", lawsuits, and one of them even stood up and threatened to beat the crap out of me. The dad and I got into a fight, and my TL got scared, and said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air!"
I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said "FRESH" and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought "Naw, man, forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air!"
I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes, smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
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I had yesterday off and I don't go in til 3 today. Now I have a 9 hour shift every day until Christmas. Woooo

I also get to drive on horrible ice to get to work (according to literally every other post in my fb newsfeed). So that should be fun.
The police just came to my house to give me the info of someone who ran into my car (parked on the street). apparently there's been a lot of that today, but I don't think I can call in. I already called in once less than a month ago and I'm probably going to have to call in on the 28th if no one takes my shift bc I'm going out of town. Idk..
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