Archived I'm a male and just got a GSA position! Any other male GSAs here?

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I've been a male GSA for the past year. It's alright and has never posed any problems, but I'd prefer a different environment. the front end really is not for me.
congrats dude! my target has one other male GSA, also our new GSTL is male.
I've been a male GSA for the past year. It's alright and has never posed any problems, but I'd prefer a different environment. the front end really is not for me.

I feel like such an ass...I think I've referred to you as "she" more than once.

Hahahah eh, it happens. The false gender references are helping keep Spot off my trail 😉 😉
We've pretty much had an even number of male & female GSAs, GSTLs & cashiers. We've never had a female cart attendant.
Same, our GSTL's have always been female, but GSA's is 50/50. Considering we've gone through like 12 in the past year..
We have two female cart attendants: one is the tommy boy "I can hang with the guys" kind of person, the other is a 16 year old new hire who thought she would be cashiering...
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