Archived I'm tired. I want to quit...

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Yes my ETL-HR and TL have both reached out to me that if I need to take some time off or anything to talk to them. So that makes me feel better. And thank you for having my back.

I also feel like the people I work with don't understand at all. Some people I work with could care less that I'm pregnant and want me to help with a bunch of the heavy stuff. And I've already had some complications. So I guess it gets on my nerves when people try to make pregnancy seem like it's nothing...

The tough thing about being pregnant is its so different for every woman and even between children.
Friend of mine owns a fishing boat and was still working it up to the week before her first baby was born.
A couple of years later she had preeclampsia and couldn't get out of bed for four months
For a woman who was used to chopping her own firewood and running a dogteam that was a misery.
It's different for every woman.
No judgement.
The tough thing about being pregnant is its so different for every woman and even between children.
Friend of mine owns a fishing boat and was still working it up to the week before her first baby was born.
A couple of years later she had preeclampsia and couldn't get out of bed for four months
For a woman who was used to chopping her own firewood and running a dogteam that was a misery.
It's different for every woman.
No judgement.

I had no trouble working til 9 months happily and healthy before but with this pregnancy I've had complications and am always so tired. I'm only 27 years old. This baby makes me feel so damn lazy and it's the opposite of who I am! It makes me feel so crappy about myself and all I want to do is be home like nesting. Perhaps because kids are messy and it's a never ending battle of cleaning after them...I think the hormones are making me depressed too.
Are you more than half-way yet?
Don't be too specific or you might out yourself.
Yes my ETL-HR and TL have both reached out to me that if I need to take some time off or anything to talk to them. So that makes me feel better. And thank you for having my back.

I also feel like the people I work with don't understand at all. Some people I work with could care less that I'm pregnant and want me to help with a bunch of the heavy stuff. And I've already had some complications. So I guess it gets on my nerves when people try to make pregnancy seem like it's nothing...
You need to get a doctors note at your next checkup. Only so many hours per day, so many hours per week, can't lift more than yada yada.
And no, no one cares that your pregnant. Hundreds of other women have been pregnant working at target. Including myself twice. Worked 60 hours a week til my water broke both times.
You need to get a doctors note at your next checkup. Only so many hours per day, so many hours per week, can't lift more than yada yada.
And no, no one cares that your pregnant. Hundreds of other women have been pregnant working at target. Including myself twice. Worked 60 hours a week til my water broke both times.

I worked at Subway til 9 months, and I worked at one of the busiest ones in the US. I also worked at Macy's til 9 months. On my feet all day. I just don't see why it's so hard for me this time around. What is your position?
I worked at Subway til 9 months, and I worked at one of the busiest ones in the US. I also worked at Macy's til 9 months. On my feet all day. I just don't see why it's so hard for me this time around. What is your position?

Like I said, they're just like the kids, each one's going to be different.
Personally, I think it's hard to tell you what your options are when we know so little about you. You know your own body and financial situation better than we do. I could tell you to just reduce your hours, but maybe it really would be better for you and your family if you quit.
You said this pregnancy has had some complications? Have you talked to your doctor about possibly getting an extended leave? My mother had a high risk pregnancy and her job was refusing to meet her accommodations, so her doctor wrote a note to give her a 5 month leave. Her job (begrudgingly) honored it.
We've had pregnant women work throughout the store. When it gets to the point the can't really do the physical labor jobs, some go on leave, some switch to cashier, pharmacy cashier, service desk, othe non manual labor intensive jobs (which is not to say that cashiers don't end up doing their fair share of heavy lifting and moving around now and then).
I too am experiencing this dilemma. OP & I are very similar in this regard (with the exception of the pregnant part). I hate my job and I often hate going to work most days, and I could quit if I wanted to because I don't NEED to work at this time, but I like having money to spend. Being able to save & spend money on certain comforts makes me happy. So it's a trade-off.

Also, don't listen to that one poster who's just being a nag. He doesn't contribute much to this forum anyway.
Sometimes, we get a little off track. If you are not getting the answers at the store, you can call tmsc. It appears the questions have been answered.

Repeat after me, breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out. That may break some of the tension in this thread.
Pregnancy can be exhausting. I've led probably 30 women during pregnancies over my time in retail, and 2 things are always true.

1. You never piss them off. Bad idea.

2. Each one is different in terms of needs.

Target is required to make reasonable accommodations for you if you request it. If working early is an issue, I'm sure they could arrange for you to be a cashier with a stool, or possibly work fitting room for a few months.

Depending on your benefit status, and the specific complications (pre-eclampsia comes to mind) you may qualify for short term disability benefit during your pregnancy. Your doctor could give you more information on this.

Best of luck to you, and don't let it get you down. Remember that even though you don't want or feel like doing it, you still get up and go to work. Give yourself a little more credit.
I'm pregnant. I'm allowed to have any attitude I want.

Talk about entitlement. I wouldn't want you as a co-worker.

Anyway, to change your availability, go on eHr and then mytime. I recommend cutting back on the attitude, you'd probably end up fired before they approve if you act like this irl. As a flow TM, the last thing we want is to be working with someone so entitled they think they can do and say what they want.
Have some of you considered that she may have been joking when she said that? I thought it was pretty obvious when I read it, but apparently some people don't get it. Yes, when you're pregnant, you're stressed so you might have an attitude now and then. But I think she was trying to make a joke out of the situation by exaggerating and it went over some people's heads.

You people are acting like she's going to curse out guests or something. I mean, she works retail for christsakes. We've all dealt with enough entitled people to vow to never turn into one ourselves.

*I get that this is probably playing into their hands but I had to get this off my chest.*
Just approach your ETL and together you can work out your availability. I sat down with my pregnant TMs and we worked out a schedule that didn't push them too hard. It's really up to the pregnant TM what hours you can physically handle. eHR has the availability change. But if you want to expedite the process, sit down with your ETL and do the entire process together. Also other TMs should be helpful if you take the do it alone approach. I always asked my TMs why they wanted a change so I preferred to get it all out of the way immediately rather than missing availability changes. Good luck!
I can sympathize with wanting to quit while pregnant. My wife hated her job while she was pregnant and eventually ended up storming out one day... two weeks before her maternity leave would've started (and regretted it immediately). Hang in there and do what you can. Target has to make reasonable accommodations for pregnant women and I'm sure they'd understand if you need less hours. I'd recommend taking leave at some point. You'll probably need a break eventually.
If you've ever wanted to move into another work center, this is a great chance. Cashier and fitting room are usually where our expecting moms work and learning them could lead to the option to changing work centers if you come back after maternity leave. Which could mean a whole new choice in shifts. There are few things that could force spot to letting you learn something new. Good luck.
FlowChick each one is different. I had to quit working. Or doing almost anything constructive when I was about 5 mo preg.
I had carpel tunnel so bad I couldn't move my fingers. Then my feet swelled and I couldn't even get shoes on for the last 3 mo
Hey, are you 16? I feel like you're either really young or hopelessly emotionally stunted. I've seen a lot of your posts, I've been wanting to ask.
I'm pretty sure I've seen him say he's in his 50s...
I was 7 years old when JFK was assassinated.
I posted something last night and took deleted it bc it would get people mad but enough is ENOUGH!!!!!
Kartman is one of the nicest and most supportive people on this site . Knock it off
I am going to keep my opinions of the way some pregnant women behave at work to myself
As commie says all people are not the same
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One women told me her plan was to work until her water broke.

Is that the way it's done? I hope I'm not there when that happens...
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