Archived In our store Red Cards are the only things that matter.

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I wish i'd have actual "training" on how to go about it. I can assure when I try to ask each time - it isn't natural. I dumped up there when the prompts were off, and since then all I have ever been "told" is - "prompts are back on, so we need to ask when prompted". And then, "red cards, red cards!"

Seriously, that is ALL i have heard from my "leaders". I do what I do from things I read here - or hear on the fringes of things. Back to asking for ID for alcohol? heard 3rd hand... and while I was tempted to ignore it to make a point - i'm not going to be the reason for the fine. Heck, no one communicated to the other TLs in the store that policy changed.

So go ahead and beat me up or coach me - it won't matter to me, i'll just ask you why you haven't bothered to TEACH/TRAIN ME on HOW to do it.... and i'm certainly not going to do it on my own - because as a guest I hated it.

Oh, and my GSTL? She doesn't have one or use it. She comes in my line most of the time after her shift if she shops.... and if SHE can't be bothered to use it, well.....
There is no real training for asking people to get a red card. There is a script they would like you to use but everyone has to find the approach that works for them. I would ask them if they are going to save their five percent right off the bat and go on from that answer. Waiting for the prompt is too late IMO. If you're waiting for your Gsa to tell you how to do anything you're not going to last very long at target. There is no training for anything. Its always sink or swim.

I don't agree that guests sign up simply because you ask. Or if you coach the cashier right away. We've tried all that, its pointless.
Guests are way more likely to sign up if you ask than if you don't. I've actually had guests come up to me at guest services, telling me they want to apply for the REDCard, but the cashier didn't ask them and they didn't want to bother them. Helped out my conversion, but did nothing for theirs and did NOT make the GSTL overly happy.
Tonight I was alone on the salesfloor in a high vol super. I was expected to do back ups, pulls, call buttons & carry outs. I covered the electronics breaks. The LOD told me the STL was blowing up her phone. Was he concerned that we only had one person in grocery? Was he worried that we only had two people in softlines and one person for the entire salesfloor? No, of course not. He only wanted to know why we only had two red cards. Only. Two. RedCards.
Funny story about tonight, We had a BR person who at the end of the night spent 2 hours on the Front lanes. I hear "So and So has gotten a red Card Congrats to "So and So" from the LOD". 5-10 minutes later I hear the LOD ask everyone if the same said person clocked out for the day.. I couldn't help, but ask if that was what the prize was for the day over the walkie... It prompted another 5 minutes of discussion over the walkies from the entire sales floor about prizes.
Those are great stories and I'm glad you shared them. The point of this thread is that, at least in my store, RedCards are the the only things that matter. Guest service is no longer the priority. All of us are on the registers all the time. We are not even pretending to do 4x4 anymore. People are quitting left and right. We're missing call buttons and we're missing sales. More guests than ever before are complaining about the long lines at the registers and being pressured to get RedCards. I understand they have to be a priority but I don't think they should come before anything and everything else.
Those are great stories and I'm glad you shared them. The point of this thread is that, at least in my store, RedCards are the the only things that matter. Guest service is no longer the priority. All of us are on the registers all the time. We are not even pretending to do 4x4 anymore. People are quitting left and right. We're missing call buttons and we're missing sales. More guests than ever before are complaining about the long lines at the registers and being pressured to get RedCards. I understand they have to be a priority but I don't think they should come before anything and everything else.

It is a direct result of the lack of clear direction required to increase our sales. Because there is not a solid answer or direction on what Target should be doing to adapt and change to fit the new environment, they are trying old tricks. Get instocks in the store stronger through better zone routines, push the REDcard more, make service more of a priority... All of these things are actions that have been taken in the past, and ultimately will not improve Target as much as is needed. They need to innovate to the demands of the guests. What do our guests want that is UNIQUE to our store in particular. Great Instocks and Great Service can be easily replicated anywhere. That is not unique. The REDcard I will admit is great for our guests and a great reward to the loyal guests. However, it is one trick to keep guests coming back. If they really want an omnichannel experience, then you need to focus on all facets of the business that are available to guests, not just a piece of plastic that saves them some money.
I agree with Rock Lobster. Corporate needs to do better designer tie in's (aka Missoni) and focus on creating better home decor lines. ala Tar - Jay

Also - we can't seem to keep basic items in stock. Why should we ever be out of Charmin in the larger bulk pack? or cases of water.... or gallons of distilled water.... or white plastic hangers.

Fix the broken pieces in logistics.

Also Corp should give the guests a bonus for new Redcards -- aka 10% off your first purchase with your new Redcard, and 5% off ever after. Or send out more coupons to ALL the Redcard holders (looking at you Baby coupon books that I *never* got in the mail, even though I registered, and have a Redcard.) ETA: Or give the guest a "Congratulations coupon" that gives them 10% off their next purchase with their new red card - when they successfully open a Redcard.

Keep it Simple, Stupid.
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I have a rather large list of things that need changed actually 🙂

Its about keeping it simple, but also being ahead of the curve. The stores need to drive sales for ALL of Target, not just the brick and mortar piece.
Our store's goal is 60 cards this holiday weekend. With special prizes if you get friends and family to sign up! Because when spending times with my loved ones I want to tell them all about how they can save money at a store they don't shop at.
Our store's goal is 60 cards this holiday weekend. With special prizes if you get friends and family to sign up! Because when spending times with my loved ones I want to tell them all about how they can save money at a store they don't shop at.
Now I really don't want to go to work tomorrow.... I swear having 4 days off in a row is really bad sometimes... really really really bad.
Apparently regional is giving us targets now based on sales forecasts. We had to have 20 yesterday. We had 7.
The only good thing about their blind devotion to RedCards is that it's totally eclipsed the 4 x 4s. Pretending to do the 4 x 4s took time and energy away from what's most important, RCs! I can't remember the last time anyone mentioned 4 x 4.
Our surveys took a dump, constant backup with hounding for red cards, go figure.

Apparently we are mega "be bolding" and getting formal written coachings.

This new job better work out, because the minute the STL coaches me for speed when I'm busy talking about his RCs, it's not going to be pretty.
My GSTL says "be fast" then follows that with "get REDcards" as we all know the two don't go in the same sentence together. You are going to have a back up when someone applies. That's just the way it is.
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