Archived Is anyone else’s AP absolutely insane?

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I'm certain there's a hidden camera in the fitting room closet. A lot of the softlines folks don't realize it I think, they go in to adjust their bra or to change into the black New at Target shirts if they are handed one at work. I tell my coworkers as I can when I see them going in there, but I'm sure AP gets quite the show.
Ok, seriously, why the f*** would they be changing in the FITTING ROOM CLOSET when they could change in the Fitting room which thats its purpose. Honestly, its dumb.

We have to have signs in our off stages TL work area because TMs want to take breaks there. So there is a sign there, in the signage room and the conference room reminding TM they arent supposed to be taking breaks there. So a camera in a closet serves a legitimate purpose. Its like if you want to scratch your crotch in public, you can't get pissed if someone is watching.
When a new round of shirts are passed out they are kept in the closet. So if a TM doesn't think there's a camera just shutting the door to swap shirts seems quicker than leaving the room to use a fitting room and then going back into the closet to stash the personal shirt.
I'm certain there's a hidden camera in the fitting room closet. A lot of the softlines folks don't realize it I think, they go in to adjust their bra or to change into the black New at Target shirts if they are handed one at work. I tell my coworkers as I can when I see them going in there, but I'm sure AP gets quite the show.
Stores are only allocated 3 coverts and they move constantly. I can’t imagine they waste it in the closet.
Waste? The amount of merchandise that flows in and out of that closet and sits for, that closet before coming back out, an item could get "lost" by a dishonest TM.
That closet likely doesn’t have a door either if your store has been built in the last 5-ish years. Dunno about whether they change that on older stores that get remodeled. Still, in any case wouldn’t recommend changing there. That’s what changing rooms and bathroom stalls are for.
Yup, no door here. I have gone in there to step off the sales floor, but there's no complete privacy.
Stores are only allocated 3 coverts and they move constantly. I can’t imagine they waste it in the closet.
Any camera can be a "covert" if you're creative enough. I had 7 "coverts" running at my old store 😉
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