Archived Is it worth coming back?

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Electronics you have a call on 2280
Jul 11, 2012
So I left Target last year (early 2017) Spot and I didn't end on good terms but I truly enjoyed my 5 years with the company. I recently got a call for a TL position and I was wondering if it was worth going back? How have things changed within the last year with spot? Any tips for my upcoming interview?

😳 Wait, you're seriously considering coming back right on the cusp of the holidays?

Spot is running completely different than when you left. They lovingly call it Modernization, but we call it Purgatory.😵 If you thought they expected more but paid less then, well, they expect even more now. I'd say if you come in willing to embrace all the new ways and kick ass at it you might as well try.

Is it worth it? I can't say, but all the tls seem exhausted lately.

Guest first has increased by 100 so I'd focus on guests and sales in the interview. We are all experts on the floor and are now actively selling. You might want to walk through the store dayside before you decide. See the process in action and also note empty spots. It'll give you a gauge for how well that location is faring under modernization.

Good luck and let us know how it goes! 🙂
I know the madness of the holidays I was a GSA at one point during my 5 years haha. Yeah that's a good idea I''ll probably stop by someday this weekend since I gotta get some shampoo anyway. Like I said I didn't hate my time with spot so I wouldn't mind coming back.
Read the Store Modernization and the Farewell threads. The best TMs, TLs, ETLs, and STLs have jumped ship in the last couple of months. Unless you can stomach downing gallons upon gallons of Kool-aid, stay away. Far, far away.
I'd stop by the store and see how many folks you know. I, too, left Spot and then can't back. (However I'm just a part-time TM). Ask those you know, who has left and why. See how the store looks, I mean really looks. Spot now stocks pretty much all day long. Hours have been cut even more. TMs are required to actively SELL. Even the front end is supposed to sell (I saw the paperwork for the TLs).

You said you enjoyed your time at Spot, keep in mind Spot isn't the same anymore. I can't stress that enough.
So much depends on the store you would be in and what TL position you would be in. Also, depends on your personal circumstances. Definitely go in for the interview--great experience if nothing else. Ask some questions too. "How have things changed over the past year?" "What are the biggest challenges facing Target right now? This store? My prospective department?" If your interviewer is hemming and hawing with answers, that would be a red flag for me.
I say do it, worst that can happen is you don’t like it then you can quit
So I left Target last year (early 2017) Spot and I didn't end on good terms but I truly enjoyed my 5 years with the company. I recently got a call for a TL position and I was wondering if it was worth going back? How have things changed within the last year with spot? Any tips for my upcoming interview?

If it’s for TL I’d say do it. You may have left on bad terms but your store realized you were an asset. Modernization is a shit show at some stores but it depends on the leadership team. Worst case you quit again - but with managment experience.
If it were me, I might consider coming back to the company even if things were crappy though I probably wouldn’t return to my old store and honestly I don’t think they would let me return to my old store. I didnt necessarily leave on best terms either so for me it would be a chance to patch up whatever went wrong.
If it were me, I might consider coming back to the company even if things were crappy though I probably wouldn’t return to my old store and honestly I don’t think they would let me return to my old store. I didnt necessarily leave on best terms either so for me it would be a chance to patch up whatever went wrong.

See if @theissueoftissue will vouch to his BP to bring you back lol
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