Archived Is there any explanation of why the hours are so low in most stores?

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My store is a ULV. My hours are somewhat constant three weeks out of the month. Usually, the last week of the month ( sometimes the week before the last week as well) I see about 5 hours less than the other weeks. All in all, I cant complain all that much about hours. On the other hand...Spot knew what it was doing with the increase to 9.00...they got the great PR of "caring about their workers" but they also knew they would have to recoup the additional money they would be spending. How ? By cutting of hours of cut hours here and there...before you know it tms don't qualify for health converage...BAM...more money saved....its an endless cycle. I get that Spot is a business and trying to make a profit ( there is nothing wrong with that). I have an issue when they make the news by increasing pay...but then off camera cut hours etc. So, in the end a lot of tms will be worse off than they were before the wage increase.
Are store hours have gone done to but only at the front end thou every team member but me and couple other people have like 22 26 hours.but everyone pretty much has 18 hours a week.
The longer I work at target the more I recognize the shady things that go on. End caps being tied and tubs of product to fill it with, but the location is filled with clearance to the brim. Meanwhile aisles with clearance balloons strung about. I don't know who built the clearance end cap in B but it's so pathetic that it makes you smile and laugh. One shelf a foot from the bottom base, and like 6 pegs 40-60 inches up. Hahhah. It really really was amazing. Also at least three of the pegs had zero product on it hahahhahah
Seriously, ONE SHELF
At my store my ETL told that for at least one week we were 40 hours less than the minimum a store can run on. I guess they over-scheduled by 40 hours and MySupported the problem. Who knows maybe this number is new bare minimum.
I'm at 31 hours the week I get back from vacation...I guess that's okay since it's summer vacation right now, but I feel like I'm not really enjoying my summer from school. 🙁
I was scheduled for 36 regular hours and 8 hours on Saturday this week. But I wound up leaving early 2 hours and called out, so I'm on for 32 regular hours and 8 holiday hours instead. But then I was scheduled for 20 hours next week and 4 of those hours are outside of my availability. Threw those hours up on the swap board and they were claimed so now I'm only working 16 hours next week. Go figure. I guess that's their way of evening out my hours. lol
Yeah, I've been stalking the swap board. LOL I'm off on Saturday the 11th, which is rare for me to get any weekend days off. I'm definitely not picking up any shifts that day! haha
I'm at 31 hours the week I get back from vacation...I guess that's okay since it's summer vacation right now, but I feel like I'm not really enjoying my summer from school. 🙁
Daaamn, how many cashiers do you guys have?
are you all naive did you look up what Obama cares does to employers
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