Archived Job change

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I left target recently to work as an assistant dept manager at harris teeter. Big mistake!!! Company is soooo unorganized and there is a culture in that company of "if its not mine its not my problem" no teamwork at all. Luckily my store had a TL position open up so i will be back after i finish working my notice. Grass is definitely not always greener on the other side. Target may have their problem but it can be soooo much worse!
I left target recently to work as an assistant dept manager at harris teeter. Big mistake!!! Company is soooo unorganized and there is a culture in that company of "if its not mine its not my problem" no teamwork at all. Luckily my store had a TL position open up so i will be back after i finish working my notice. Grass is definitely not always greener on the other side. Target may have their problem but it can be soooo much worse!
Kroger did buy out Harry t , last year.
You can beleive what you want. Just don't forget you will be fight for an ASM position from current assistant managers from both neighborhood market stores and regular store. For an assistnt to get promoted they need to be over almost every area, it's commen to transfer stores every 6 months. Then you will be fighting against external hires and internal promotions.

Them telling you they want people to be ready in 6 months is like dangeling a carrot in front of you. Yes it's different from target. But remember walmart attacks a certain kind of "clientele".

The grass is not always greener, but you will learn soon enough.
Maybe, but again I'll take my chances and still think its ASANTS to an extent.

You know, I'm not saying walmarts better to work for than target. Maybe in general its worse, its just hard to compare when almost every store or district is different.

Target has seemed like a good company overall, but honestly my store is complete shit. Management keeps running away all the good workers and always act like dicks on power trips. They make being there a living hell. Yes, I tried to leave, they block any attempt at a transfer as they have with others. Promoting is literally impossible. Every TL and up there is an external and has been there a while.

I may come back one day...but for now I'm tired of their games, and in order to get what I want...what I deserve...I'll have to move on for now.
Maybe, but again I'll take my chances and still think its ASANTS to an extent.

You know, I'm not saying walmarts better to work for than target. Maybe in general its worse, its just hard to compare when almost every store or district is different.

Target has seemed like a good company overall, but honestly my store is complete shit. Management keeps running away all the good workers and always act like dicks on power trips. They make being there a living hell. Yes, I tried to leave, they block any attempt at a transfer as they have with others. Promoting is literally impossible. Every TL and up there is an external and has been there a while.

I may come back one day...but for now I'm tired of their games, and in order to get what I want...what I deserve...I'll have to move on for now.

Haha. Where do you think half the management staff for walmart comes from? Previous ETLs.
People that quit or get fired from my store often go to work at the nearby Super Walmart.
Our DTL sent an email out a while back to all the stores reminding them Target does not pay experience pay to TMs and the stores are not to be bumping up TMs to higher wages beyond pay grade minimums and their yearly raises.

All districts are not the same.
Higher store payroll means a smaller bonus for STL & DTL's
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