Just got hired, hi everyone!

Jul 23, 2020
Joined this website a couple days ago when I was looking for help with the interviews. Had my first interview yesterday, second interview this morning, and was hired on the spot there! This is my first 'official' job - I've done stuff like tutoring, food delivery, camp counseling, but nothing really on the record - and so that was my first real job interview process (at age 19, lol). Really excited to start! I'll be a GM expert working mainly afternoons and closing. Orientation is coming up in a couple days so hopefully I'll get more details there.

Just wanted to not only say hi but also thank everyone here for the tips scattered throughout this forum - I would not have been as successful as I was in the interviews without it. I also wouldn't have known to mark off mornings in my availability, because if there's one big thing I've learned here, morning GM shifts SUCK. Plus, I do need to get online college stuff done in the morning, so it works out well. Won't lie, I don't understand half of the words you all use yet (I tried my best to cross-reference with the lingo guide but it was still indecipherable haha) but hopefully it'll come to me sooner than later.

I'll probably be back at you guys with my own questions soon, but I'm super glad to join the team!



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