Archived Just Hired

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Oct 3, 2018
I just received my confirmation call and orientation is on Sunday! I am assigned to the presentation team! I have worked retail but not big box retail so please tell me what to expect, any tips or tricks that will help me succeed...TIA
I just received my confirmation call and orientation is on Sunday! I am assigned to the presentation team! I have worked retail but not big box retail so please tell me what to expect, any tips or tricks that will help me succeed...TIA

Welcome. Since you're new they will probably have you pushing the POG pulls as they set the aisles. Possibly pulling the pulls from the backroom too. Very easy to learn and do, but don't be afraid to get a little pocket sized notebook so you can write down directions. Once you get the hang of this they will likely graduate you to setting the planograms and fixtures. Stores do most things a bit differently but you will always be working with several people that will show you exactly how it's done. Unless your store has had ridiculous turnover, there should be at least a couple people on your team who have been doing presentation for a while and know every single little detail.

My store always does plano shifts early morning starting at 6 am, and as you will probably be using a Zebra device, the earlier your shift, the better because a lot of stores have issues with not enough equipment to go around. The earlier your shift starts, the better chance you have to snag a device before somebody else does. Make sure to grab one first thing! If your team lead is SUPER cool, he/she might already be holding on to one to give to you.

Good luck!
Thanks great info, but these acronyms are a killer!! The attached wiki is helpful, but would you define “pushing the pog pulls” in standard English vocabulary please??
Questions are your friend, don't be stingy with them. Pay attention to the people training you as they likely will have the best tricks/shortcuts for you to learn. Understand you will not learn everything there is to know about presentation any time soon; it can take YEARS to become an expert in the workcenter and become the person who answers, instead of asks, the questions.

If you can't find something in the fixture room, ask your signing team member as they probably have the room memorized from cleaning it repeatedly. Along with that, put your fixtures away; if you don't know where it goes, ask.

Also, expect your muscles to be sore if you move a lot of fixturing. Once your body adjusts, it will become easier.

**To answer your follow up question: pog is short for planogram. Pushing a pog pull is bringing new product out to the salesfloor and placing in the correct location on a shelf or peg.
My ETL - Log and Flow TL are so worried about getting the truck done that they spend almost no time properly training new TMs. I waste so much time rezoning wrongly placed items and back stocking over-stocked products. I bring it to my leaders attention but nothing ever gets done. Am I SOL?
Well completed my first day, my feet are screaming murder, but it went well, unmerched, helped reset (not much) remerched and learned how to backstock, not too shabby I think, My TL has only been in Presentation for a month tho..

Thanks Formina, that’s when he was a pup, now old, blind, diabetic and has had a stroke, but he is the reason I’m at the dot, as I was tired of my long drive, now 4 miles and 10 minutes, so I can give him his Insulin on lunch
I just received my confirmation call and orientation is on Sunday! I am assigned to the presentation team! I have worked retail but not big box retail so please tell me what to expect, any tips or tricks that will help me succeed...TIA

I think you made the right step in finding a community like us... we're a very large, active community that will be here to answer questions and help you. We also hang out a lot and shoot the gun in the off-the-clock section.

Ask your TL questions, ask others questions. Don't be afraid to "annoy" or "pester" because personally, I'd rather show you how to do things and answer questions to make a more productive team member. Pushing a POG is pushing a new product or Planogram plan out on the floor. I set a lot of endcaps at my store and it's a lot of fun, but you will be doing whole aisles and sections.
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