Archived Knowing that someone on here works at your store

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I am friends with other Target techs on Facebook so when I say "online," people automatically assume that's what I mean 😉

It doesn't really matter because I won't be a Target employee much longer 🙁
I always say I know stuff from "the internet" or twitter. They like to do quizzes at huddles for $5 gift cards and I win a lot because I know random shit like the name of the CEO. I was using cartwheel for months before the store announced it. It was a hassle too because the cashiers were always like "umm I don't think we accept that..."
A couple people at work know I use this site, but I didn't tell them my username. But for me, it wouldn't be hard to figure it out. My username is pretty similar to my name. It's a nickname people outside of work have called me... And at one point I wrote it on my food in the break room lol. I stopped doing that when I realized it'd be easier to figure me out.

Idk.. I'm not bothered. The people who would find issue with anything I've ever said are the people who aren't likely to come here.
Try this. Go up to each other & Say hardlinesmaster(HLM), see what happens..
My cluster of work centers and sense of humor would make it obvious to someone at my store who I am. Especially since I've mentioned a vague location in the past. My store is quite unique in my district. I've seen people mention stores in my district in the past and I've wondered if I have ever run into them irl, but they were not from my store.
There is one etl at my store who has admitted to viewing this site but he clearly doesn't learn shit from it. My stl has also seen it and will say "oh we all know about it. It's monitered." Creepy...
I used to freak out my old STL. Before myTime was announced at our store, I went up to her and started asking her questions about it. She got all freaky like "How do you know about that???" I always said "I have friends..."
I've freaked them out like that, too.

I just alluded to "Undercover Boss."

I used to freak out my old STL. Before myTime was announced at our store, I went up to her and started asking her questions about it. She got all freaky like "How do you know about that???" I always said "I have friends..."

I say my friend from another store told me, is my answer.

"I have a cousin in another state who works for Target."

Seriously, I really do have a cousin in another state who works for Target. I wonder if said cousin has perused this site at any point.
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