Archived Leadership Expectations

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Jun 21, 2011
Hi everyone! I was wondering if there is someone who has a list of the leadership expectations as I've just started shooting for the tl bench in my district with the support of my hardlines TL and I want to go in knowing my wins and opps. I used to have a copy when I was first asked by my TL if I wanted to develop. Another question, has anyone on the board ever been being developed alongside a best friend and if so how did you guys stay supportive for each other knowing you are both shooting for the same positions at your store? Thanks in advance for all the help!
Communicates Effectively
Engages and Inspires
Drives for Results
Manages Execution
Solves Problems
Demonstrates Accountability
Relates well with others
Manages Talent
Demonstrates Courage
Maximizes Productivity

I'm 90% positive that's all of them but someone let me know if I'm missing one!

As for your friendship, I think it's great that you're able to be developed alongside your best friend. Support each other and always keep in mind that there will be other positions - if not at your current store, then at another. Focus on your own development and making yourself a valuable leader.

I've never vied against a best friend for a position, but when I was an intern I became close friends with around 10 of my peers. We all received ETL job offers, but I did compete against a few of them for a campus liaison position. All that aside, my development was much less difficult/stressful knowing that I had the support of my peers. We were all going through the same reviews/training/experience/etc. so it was nice being able to talk each other through it all.
This website has been such an amazing resource for me and now for my development aspirations. Thank you guys for your help and feedback! I really do appreciate it greatly!!
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