Archived Morale is at an all time low at my store

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Maybe it is. Maybe it is. For the record, not everyone at my store is a lazy dumbass. We have good workers but the bad ones outnumber the good ones 2 to 1. Do I consider myself a good worker at Target? I would say I'm average. I will try to help customers if needed by I'm not gonna be their bitch or slave. Do I care if I don't get all the back stock done before I leave at night? Nope because it's not solely my job to do all the back stock. I do what I can. I pull the price change batches, sweep, clean, and stay late for price change batches and to work pulls to the floor. That makes up for any mistakes or flaws in my opinion. If you don't like that, eat a cow patty.
Bitch to me is an annoying woman that makes my life harder just as an annoying man that makes my life harder is a dick. I'm not worried that much about Target. I won't be working for the umbrella corporation at the end of the year. I guess you could say I'm on a farewell tour.
You said last summer you were going to start looking. Then you said you would start looking after Christmas. Then you were waiting until May. I'm certain in 2 months you will push it back again. Seriously, it has no effect on us either way if you stay or go...but you seem intent on not changing anything.

So if you are truly so unhappy, and you don't want to remain that way, why not try and actually change your situation? No one else is going to do it for you. And until you decide to grow up and accept that fact, nothing is going to change.

I know, I'll tell us you will do something later...we've all seen this movie. We know how it ends.
Someone in your store (maybe you) needs to start leading by example.

At the end of the day, my hard work often goes unrecognized and certainly unrewarded in the form of a raise. I'm sure that's the case for many of us. However, the minute I start to have your attitude, it's only a matter of time before it snowballs into me doing the bare minimum each day. Other TMs would take notice and do the same. Before you know it, most of the store is being staffed by slackers.
I've noticed morale going down at my store too. Maybe it happens every year around this time, but no one is willing to respond for backup, half of them probably have turned their walkies down/off/to a different channel. It makes sense, they want to get their work done and don't give a fuck if some guests have to wait in line. Personally I'm fine with letting the lines go all the way back to seasonal, maybe it would get this company to schedule more cashiers when people start shopping elsewhere and abandoning their carts. THAT is why unions generally keep workers in their own workcenters, to prevent this kind of underscheduling and pulling from other departments. So I'd be fine if salesfloor was denied register access by work contract.
Someone in your store (maybe you) needs to start leading by example.

At the end of the day, my hard work often goes unrecognized and certainly unrewarded in the form of a raise. I'm sure that's the case for many of us. However, the minute I start to have your attitude, it's only a matter of time before it snowballs into me doing the bare minimum each day. Other TMs would take notice and do the same. Before you know it, most of the store is being staffed by slackers.
Your post reminded me of this I saw on Pinterest image.jpg
Jack, you are "spot" on! I am wondering if you work at my store. From the flow side of things, unless you are a TL you are sent home after 4 hours regardless of work remaining. The store has never looked worse and management could care less. 2500 piece truck today with a 500 piece food truck and no hours to process them. 10 plus pallets/flats of freight remained in the back room and the response is we should be able to get to it tomorrow.

Apathy is at an all time high, nobody cares about their work, and I don't blame the 20+ year old clueless executives. They are getting their orders from above.

And everyone who is saying go find a new job? What are you still doing at Target? Good god, there certainly are better paying jobs out there if you are as good as you are saying you are. Afraid to leave your comfort zone maybe?
@StillH20 people on this forum complain about guests, TMs, anything is up for grabs really from time to time. We also actively try to give the best advice we can to each other. Having only joined a few days ago, forgive me if I don't take your opinion on the ability, work ethic, and desires of the existing forum members seriously. Unless you've been a lurker for a considerable time, you don't even know the history of the forum itself.

You are right in saying that people might be very comfortable at target even though they don't necessarily enjoy working for the company. That comfort zone is hard to leave. However, I can safely say that no one here seems to absolutely hate working at target, their management and store in particular, and puts their health at risk by continuing to work at Target more than jack does. I don't tell jack to really seek employment elsewhere because I'm tired of him complaining. I tell him to find a new job or to stop focusing on the negatives and complaining all the time because I honestly think it is harmful for his mental health. He's not in a good environment at that store. If things were half as bad as he says they are, that place would be toxic for almost anyone.
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