Wish our cashiers would do that; we've had a ridiculous amount of paid and lefts lately. Of course the guests always end up back at the service desk griping at us because "the cashier didn't give me all my stuff"! Never mind that the guest was probably talking on their cell phone throughout the entire transaction and couldn't be bothered to hang up and pay attention to what was going on around them.
On another note, has anyone noticed that their newer cashiers are being lazy and not scanning individual items, just lumping them all together on the receipt? For example, guest brings up 2 shirts that are the same price but different DPCI numbers, Lazy Cashier just scans one of them twice making it look like the guest bought 2 identical items. Later when the guest tries to do a receipt look-up to return one of the items, it appears that their card was never charged for it! ARGH!:dash1: