Archived MP Pizza Price Increase

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Fulfillment Expert
Jul 12, 2013
Has anyone else noticed that the price of Market Pantry frozen pizza has gone up by a crazy amount?

I was grocery shopping yesterday after work and noticed the price at my store is now $5.19, up from $2.77. I had a Food TM scan the label and verify just to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

To put it in perspective, the regular price for DiGiorno pizza is $4.99.

You think that's something I should mySupport? I can't imagine what HQ is thinking if that's a legit price.
So they can drop the price soon-ish and slap a temporary price cut etc on it. Maybe or Corp has lost it
they did that with the eggs recently,now they are on sale in our area for what was the reg price
I think that happens because of comp shopping. Our milk and eggs shot up after the nearby Walmart and Aldi had their prices go up, then they came back down about a week after they went down at the other stores.

Really strange with the pizza, though.
prices at target go up and down like a rollercoaster. I never understood this. I guess its a way to make money and fool no one.
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So they can drop the price soon-ish and slap a temporary price cut etc on it.

This. Plus the Cartwheel like pp mentioned.

I shop a fair amount at Target, and notice "New Lower Prices" on items that are featured at what would be the normal price if it hadn't been artificially inflated just to have it "lowered" again.
My vendor milk aka market pantry gallons skim, 1%, 2%, whole go up by 1 or 3 cents one week then next week come down 10 cents then another week back up by 5 cents. Wtf.
Mine would go up by up to a couple of dollars. Like one day it would be cheap enough for the guests to want to buy it from us again, and two days later it would increase to being more than at a real grocery store. This isn't Amazon where some prices fluctuate constantly. Target needs to stop playing around with the guests. My leaders only make up rules like not to TPC because the prices would be different than those at other Targets. Wtf. But yet the HQ can play around with the prices all they want that we don't even have time to print new labels.
I don't think it's because of the Cartwheel. I feel like they would have increased the price on the name brand pizzas, too, if that were the case. Plus, this was an 87% price increase. Even with the 25% Cartwheel, it's still more than $1 over the old price.

It just makes no sense why Market Pantry would cost significantly more than most of the name brands. Price is typically the sole reason why people by off-brands in the first place.
Has anyone else noticed that the price of Market Pantry frozen pizza has gone up by a crazy amount?

I was grocery shopping yesterday after work and noticed the price at my store is now $5.19, up from $2.77. I had a Food TM scan the label and verify just to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

To put it in perspective, the regular price for DiGiorno pizza is $4.99.

You think that's something I should mySupport? I can't imagine what HQ is thinking if that's a legit price.
It seems like they are doing excessive markup to make profit on their house brand by even going to the extreme of charging 20 cents more than the brand pizza and only hurting themselves because unless you are desperate for generic version pizzas, you will definitely buy Digiorno. Unless they tell the vendor their brand is suddenly discontinued, then you will have no other choice than to get MP pizza. Hah

I think they just don't know how to do business anymore.
I bought pizza today with cartwheel. The cheap Target pizzas were still 2 dollars and some change. I ended up buying the thin Digiorno pizzeria one though.
Still 2.77 in my store. Or back to, maybe.
I've never had our pizza before. Is it any good?

More into Red Baron. Or if I'm fancy, the California Pizza ones.
Meh. It's cheap frozen pizza. Kinda of a "you get what you pay for" thing. I stick to Digiorno.
I've never had our pizza before. Is it any good?

More into Red Baron. Or if I'm fancy, the California Pizza ones.

I actually enjoy our pizza, but I think I'm in the minority. My roommates prefer Jack's to MP, so I'm the only one in the house who buys it.

As @GoodyNN said, it's cheap frozen pizza. I'm not about to pay $5+ for it, that's for sure.
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