Archived My device replacements?

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Oct 29, 2015
My store should be getting the new android my devices soon. I'm wondering if any stores already have these and how they are working?

With the current iOS my devices we have all sorts of issues, connection issues, scanner issues, and tons more.
Just wondering if there's hope for the equipment of target
My store got the Zebra devices a little over a month ago, I love them so far.

Everything about them is better, android, battery life is longer, they scan faster, and they don't have that annoying three second wait time before you can scan an item after unlocking the device.
My only gripe with them is a bit of a personal problem, but I've got smaller hands and the Zebra's are a tad bigger than the mydevices so it's a bit uncomfortable for me.
Plus they just look better, not a big orange/red brick.
but I've got smaller hands and the Zebra's are a tad bigger than the mydevices so it's a bit uncomfortable for me.

I feel like the handheld grip helps a little with that.

Remember the zebra has the same crappy apps as the mydevice so those issues don't go away but it's a much better functioning device.

Also if you are instocks and still have to do RFID you still have to use the old mydevice
Out of curiosity, do they also include holsters for them? Or do they fit the old MyDevice ones? I sorta personalized my MyDevice holster (nobody ever uses them, so I adopted one) a little and would hate to let it go.

I would estimate close to 80 percent of all stores have the zebras now.

Guess I'm part of the unfortunate ~20%, then. I'm eagerly waiting for when we get our batch, but that day has yet to come.
Now ya'll be careful with these. My mother has had them at Walmart for some time now, and the customers steal them at any opportunity they can. They can be hacked and made into a phone. I saw someone with one of these on the bus, and I don't think they work for Walmart. 😕
Out of curiosity, do they also include holsters for them? Or do they fit the old MyDevice ones? I sorta personalized my MyDevice holster (nobody ever uses them, so I adopted one) a little and would hate to let it go.

Unfortunately not yet, and they don't fit the apple holsters they fit great in the old lpda holsters though if your store has any left
Now ya'll be careful with these. My mother has had them at Walmart for some time now, and the customers steal them at any opportunity they can. They can be hacked and made into a phone. I saw someone with one of theres on the bus, and I don't think they work for Walmart.

This is true my old store was a risk 7. And we had one stolen off a caf tub
I ordered 20 LPDA holsters. I kept one from way back when and it fits them perfectly. Almost $200 though for them. Hopefully getting them next week.
They make actual holster's for them!? 😀

It feels much nicer actually having them on you. I used to never use the MyDevice and used the PDA for my shifts (almost always 8/10 of the time closing, so backroom wouldn't worry) and having the PDA to carry in your Reshop Cart is nice.

Nothing new to figure out how to use it, except the buttons took me a minute or two to learn. Love it.
My store rolled out the Zebras last week and they're amazing. I love 'em.
I am amazed by the Zebras. They are tons better than the MyDevices. I used to use my phone to look up DPCIs because the MyDevices were just too slow.
Now ya'll be careful with these. My mother has had them at Walmart for some time now, and the customers steal them at any opportunity they can. They can be hacked and made into a phone. I saw someone with one of these on the bus, and I don't think they work for Walmart. 😕
we were threatened with immediate termination if we lost one and couldn't find it.

i love them so much, they're a bit big and kind of awkward to hold, but everything about them is so much better. they scan better, the battery lasts longer than the mydevice (both scanner battery and the phone battery), my only problem is that when you look an item up everything shows up but the item youre looking for.
Ours have been decent so far, but we have had to call CSC on a handful of them that want an administrator password and lock you out.
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