Archived My First CA

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MasterBlaster (User has passed away)
Nov 20, 2014
I are with sadz...

I called another TM a snake...

I guess I won't do that again. 🙁
Worse, I think...
I signed it.
Whoa! I would love to hear the story behind this. Also, what a ridiculous thing to get in trouble for.
It's a long story...

The worst is my TL said this would make me an "effective TM" come raise time.

I was hoping for @ least Excellent - even Outstanding.

Never called out, always came in when called.
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It's a long story...

The worst is my TL said this would make me an "effective TM" come raise time.

I was hoping for @ least Excellent...

Never called out, always came in when called.

Sounds more like they needed an excuse to save money then. It's not like you called someone a stupid motherfucker or something. Is snake even an insult? Snakes are cool animals! You should say you meant it as a compliment!
I can't believe that one action decides my yearly raise...
Hmm, my next review will surely be an IE then. I may possibly be on a final for a comment I made a few months ago.
I hope my TL is wrong...

The other ETL's love my cart grabbing / FA awesomeness.
Unfortunately I wouldn't get your hopes up for anything more than an E Kartman. And Nauz, you'd know if you were on a final because your GSTL would have to take you into an office, have you sign (for the 3rd time usually) paperwork and specifically say it was a final warning and you'd be terminated if the behavior wasn't corrected.
Just be careful with what you say to others Kartman. Regardless of how you meant it, if someone else is offended by it, it can be considered harassment. Yes I know, a little extreme but nowadays people are so easily offended. Keep your head up, this doesn't define you.
Just continue to do your job... keep your nose clean, and watch your mouth... I hope everything works out for you!
That's some serious bullshit.
You must have insulted one of their favorites.
Sorry to hear that.
Keep on keeping on, brother.
Don't let them get you down.
Is CA coaching?
Corrective Action, which is a documented plan to improve behavior based on a series of past events.
Coachings are 'warnings' that your action/recent event was not brand/not considered company-appropriate & was noted by someone in leadership. Several coachings can lead to a Corrective Action.
Must've been extreme for them to blow past coachings to a CA.
I called someone who tricked the LOD into making me (I was the CA that day) close the cafe a "snake."

Oh the horror...
Hell if I know. This person has been with Spot over two decades and knows how to work the system, I guess.

Go figure...
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