Archived My Store Is Filled With Sour Grapes

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Nov 15, 2011
I've had three days off this week with this one being my last. I pretty much work into the weekend starting tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I don't even think it's the work anymore.

It's the people.

I am a goofy oddball. A perfect fit for the rather intense overnight shift. Increasingly however there seems to be a continuous need to treat me as a zoo animal like that guy from that one Twilight Zone episode. Folks, on management and team member sides, talk to me for only a few minutes but then return to their respective cliques as if they will get clowned for talking to "that crazy guy" over there.

Case in point:

Half of the breakroom got upset with me Sunday because I essentially told me I refuse to see Man Of Steel because I already saw it back in the day when it was called Superman I and Superman II. I'm a movie nut, but I would never take it to the level of doing the dozens or being called an idiot. Yes, I know you are supposed to see a movie before you judge it, but I already knew what was in there.

Other things tend to annoy me about my team: Constantly I am asked sex questions and shown images of girls on Instagram because there is a notion that I am a sexless dweeb. I try not to respond, but we are forced into the breakroom so that we have no choice but to bother each other even with headphones on.

The whole thing reached a level where someone actually offered me a free ticket.

I'm still debating whether taking me means I'm assimilating or simply trying to squash this crap.
Half of the breakroom got upset with me Sunday because I essentially told me I refuse to see Man Of Steel because I already saw it back in the day when it was called Superman I and Superman II. I'm a movie nut, but I would never take it to the level of doing the dozens or being called an idiot. Yes, I know you are supposed to see a movie before you judge it, but I already knew what was in there.
I haven't seen the movie yet but Man of Steel is not exactly the same Superman story as the Christopher Reeve series or Superman Returns. Its supposed to be more dark and moodier than the originals....something like how the Batman Dark Knight movies was way different than the Tim Burton series.

But yes remakes can kill a movie franchise.

Other things tend to annoy me about my team: Constantly I am asked sex questions and shown images of girls on Instagram because there is a notion that I am a sexless dweeb. I try not to respond, but we are forced into the breakroom so that we have no choice but to bother each other even with headphones on.

The whole thing reached a level where someone actually offered me a free ticket.

I'm still debating whether taking me means I'm assimilating or simply trying to squash this crap.
That can be considered on the grounds of workplace harassment. Take that up with your ETL-HR and STL immediately if such TM(s) are offending you by this.
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The movie thing might be an attempt to at friendship, however ham handed.
And buliSBI is right Man of Steel is a very different movie both in plot and tone.
Seriously, if you do decide to go dump your expectations at the door or you will be disappointed.

I'm straight and really have no objections to porn, per se but there is a time and a place for everything.
Work is not either of those and forcing that kind of thing on someone is bad news.
I would complain to the HR ETL, that his a hostile workplace.
I don't know, you sound a bit eccentric. Maybe its you who is sour? 😉
I'd rather just get another job. Management is too buddy buddy with them and some of them are literally the same age as them, so how exactly can they turn professional and then go back to being buddies again? It's time to leave Target.
I, myself, am a pretty oddball person. I'm kinda out there and do my own thing.

You'll find me singing, making voices, and bouncing around time to time. My TL has even banned me from caffine.

Most of the time, I take my breaks in the planogram office for the quiet. (I'm a big reader and our flow team can get rowdy.)

I'm lucky to work with people who get it. I guess that's the best way to discribe it.

I've worked at places where people haven't and it's hard.

I would say, if you don't feel comfortable, maybe it is time. Which is sad, but you have to do what's right for you.

Yeah, and I just found out that to get a refill on my lovely iced coffee is $0.50 .... $0.46 after discounts.

No one can stop me now!
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