Archived my store morale is going down the toilet

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Jun 24, 2011
So many team members at my store have quit recently, or are on their way out the door.
The immature ETL staff is just oblivious to the issues, and don't have a clue.
I am very concerned about us making it through 4th quarter, heck through the
next month.

Not sure if I should call the hotline, just don't want to seal my own fate by doing that.

any ideas??
I don't have a DTL at the moment, so the STL/HR seems to have free reign on TL appointments, headcount allocation, promotions, demotions, firings, and hours allocation.
we have a newer, younger DTL - will give that a try though
my store is the same :/ pretty much everyone quit becuase our TLs etc are 100% worthless, and for some reason they have started to come up with really really stupid crap to coach people on, its like they want no one to work there and just have the store closed, heck i got coached for leaving 2 minutes early and another TM got coached for being 2 minutes over his 15min break. Dunno what happend but in the coarse of 3 years the store went from happy fun place to work, right to dreading even having to punch in
my store is the same :/ pretty much everyone quit becuase our TLs etc are 100% worthless, and for some reason they have started to come up with really really stupid crap to coach people on, its like they want no one to work there and just have the store closed, heck i got coached for leaving 2 minutes early and another TM got coached for being 2 minutes over his 15min break. Dunno what happend but in the coarse of 3 years the store went from happy fun place to work, right to dreading even having to punch in

OMG it sounds like our store. Our store use to be a terrific place to work. Then we got this STL that brought everyone down. The moral went right out the door AND the guests were noticing it. No-one was happy. Luckily he lasted only a year -- got fired. Our new stl is okay BUT all but one of the lod's are crappy. The last 2 team surveys have been horrible. This last one was the worse. They ask why and for ideas but NEVER follow thru. It gets worse and worse each week! I love working with most of the people there but moral ain't at our store -- left us about 3 years ago.

Good luck trying to get it back -- if you find ours send it back!
I posted on another thread about how the execs seem to think all the should have to do is toss pizza on the tables, and everything should be rosy.

No, the BTS should have given them a clue, but no wait; they only had a couple of feedback sessions - where a total of MAYBE 10-12 team members were able to attend.

Oh, and the TL haven't had their feedback yet.

the ship is sinking and the plug walked out the door.
In our area one person quit, another got termed, another is putting in his 2 weeks, one is on maternity leave (& said she doesn't plan on coming back), one is out with a back injury & we have 3 newbies to train.
Pulling out my hair now....:O
In our area one person quit, another got termed, another is putting in his 2 weeks, one is on maternity leave (& said she doesn't plan on coming back), one is out with a back injury & we have 3 newbies to train.
Pulling out my hair now....:O

that does not sound like fun
4 of the 6 people I have trained in the last 6 months for backroom day....Gone already. One just stopped showing up two days ago.... Tomorrow is going to be soooo fun because it was only going to be three of us to start with and ow down to two!
Part of it is that retail can be difficult to staff... But a big part is also the terrible mood and disrespect in our store... Seems like day by day the standards get lower, from what is expected from the team to what it takes to get hired.

.... Sad part... The four who left doesn't count the ones we hired and didn't work out from square one. One kid failed the drug test. One didn't show for orientation. One called out sick his first day. One showed up for orientation, but not the first day, and one worked until break time and bailed!
Annie, don't give up! Your strength through this nightmare will help others to stay with spot. We are on the similar roller coaster with reduced staff & more workload, at my store too.

Just in case, You might document anything weird or gut feeling on, for backup. I have been doing it since last year.
Annie, don't give up! Your strength through this nightmare will help others to stay with spot. We are on the similar roller coaster with reduced staff & more workload, at my store too.

Just in case, You might document anything weird or gut feeling on, for backup. I have been doing it since last year.


Write everything down.
It always looks betters and it gives you a chance to organize your thoughts and not forget anything.
i'm hesitant to even complain anymore about morale or the stl or etls. Everytime one of them leaves, the replacement turns out to be even worse. I think it's about at rock bottom, then we hit a new low. And yeah our current executives got torn apart from the BTS, it was worse than the last group of "leaders" we had, and they were down 30 percent from previous scores. What is being done about it? Nothing worth mentioning, because nothing will get fixed.
i'm hesitant to even complain anymore about morale or the stl or etls. Everytime one of them leaves, the replacement turns out to be even worse. I think it's about at rock bottom, then we hit a new low. And yeah our current executives got torn apart from the BTS, it was worse than the last group of "leaders" we had, and they were down 30 percent from previous scores. What is being done about it? Nothing worth mentioning, because nothing will get fixed.

That's why corporate needs to rethink their AE's and seriously start putting the people who actually staff the store first instead of just focusing on spreadsheet analysis. Basically, Target needs a new CEO who doesn't just care about their golden parachutes. A college degree to be an ETL isn't a bad thing but it really should be combined with work experience in the retail environment. Start promoting from within -- the TMs who know what it's like to be at the bottom and actually have experience will make better ETLs than the idiots fresh out of college and a sheltered life.

This stuff should be common sense but the higher you go in the ladder, the less there is. It's essentially a culture of "**** you, I got mine."
^^^ plus when the planets are in perfect alignment and they decide to perform an internal promotion, they almost always promote the worst possible candidate they could. It's like they try to find people who won't work out. I've seen one, maybe two internal promotions that worked out.
Welcome to target. After being with the company 3 years, I am OUT. Target is a horrible place to work if you are just a team member. They set UNrealistic goals, treat you like crap if you try to explain maybe the task will get done in a quicker fashion if one more person was added, or NO RWT says this. F*ck what a computer says, After being here 3 yrs, I know what it will take to get it done quicker and in a more efficient way.

I started out at Target actually not minding going to work at night. 6 months to a year later. I finally realized why i never before stepped into retail. You bust your ass and get crap in return, except a minimum wage pay check. Youre expected to jump up and down for ICE CREAM or a slice of pizza. lmao. I was lucky i guess to get my first 2 years a $0.37 and $0.50 raises. I surely though busted my ass and the gallons of sweat i gave, i surely deserved more.

A simple reply turned into a rant, but It felt good getting this out.

Morale of the story is. Dont expect much from target. Like the slogan states. They Expect more, and Pay Us less.

I wish all still with Target good luck 4th Quarter. I know it wont be easy.
^^^ plus when the planets are in perfect alignment and they decide to perform an internal promotion, they almost always promote the worst possible candidate they could. It's like they try to find people who won't work out. I've seen one, maybe two internal promotions that worked out.

wait - listen, I think ^^^ this is about to happen. It's wonderful when a plan comes together.

oh crap - it's not a good plan, who knew?

it will be just what the mad doctor had in mind for fourth quarter

A simple reply turned into a rant, but It felt good getting this out.

I know we could do better - not sure where the engine went off the rails.

But I have been with spot long enough that I know better.

I think this may be the best we can do - and would love to be looking from the outside at 4th quarter.
I kept telling myself that Spot has the best intentions with it's plans and that some how things just went wrong in the implementation.
But it has happened so often and in ways that seem to benefit the bottom line in rather evil ways that I can't say that anymore.
Seems like my store has a lil bit of everything that is wrong within all your stores combined into 1

ETLs: only are temp ETL is the most friendly helping & knowlegable out of all of em

We finally got a stl (3rd 1 in 18months) I do miss the 1st one we had b4 the retirement came that stl always found hours for the store (or as most in my store called in hiring freeze)

Tls: out of the 9 we have tho we are suppose to have 12 according to our DTL 3 of them will do anything and everything they can to keep the Tms morale as high as possible

Tms: we are down 1 brand TM (tables) atm & within the next 3-5 months we will be down 2 GSA's due to them bettering themselves career wise

The Flow Team is really not even a team anymore with the so called "no hours" for 2600 piece trucks for a 12 person normal size in our store team bc of hours and expect to be done at 8am haha maybe 8pm more like it

A few weeks back we had a double truck totaling 5800 out of all flow traind tms they only scheduled 15 out of 28 possible for that day ( I was scheduled to close that night) when I got in at 3pm they were almost done backstocking the truck or so it looked like it was the 3rd isle in the BR was so blocked up and half the 2nd with backstock from the truck and other misc stuff it was a warzone to get work done
you got me beat on the flow team! we are supposed to have 27 tm's, we have 15 tm's on a good day. multi call outs on a bad day.
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