Our grocery team refuses to remerch NOP clearance. They just donate it all regardless of its markdown phase--even straight out of the backroom. I don't care for this at all. Not only are guests and TMs denied the chance to peruse grocery clearance, but the team is essentially using the food pantry to dispose of shit they're too lazy busy to deal with. Never mind every other department in the store manages to find time and space to remerch their clearance despite dealing with the same constraints.
My store does the exact same
Grocery clearance salvages out the week the POGs reset. Same as Cosmetics and Stationary. That's why there's not clearance endcaps.

Unless the POGs are set early. Then there should be space made to sell thru the clearance.
All I know is whenever POG team sets over there, we have to defect active clearance out, and it sucks, because there are always ways to make an endcap be available if one isn't available.

And there's just no excuse for defecting active, on-POG clearance straight out of the backroom and not even trying to stock it in its home location, let alone on an encap. It seems this particular team thinks the absence of HQ-designated grocery clearance space means market team has the special privilege of never touching clearance, ever.
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With the new gift card set they won’t be able to be purchased with them

Wait what?

I did notice that all the Target GC DPCIs are being reset in the upcoming transition on Oct 27th, does this have something to do with that? There wasn't anything about the transition when I was last looking on Workbench about a week ago-ish.
All I know is whenever POG team sets over there, we have to defect active clearance out, and it sucks, because there are always ways to make an endcap be available if one isn't available.

And there's just no excuse for defecting active, on-POG clearance straight out of the backroom and not even trying to stock it in its home location, let alone on an encap. It seems this particular team thinks the absence of HQ-designated grocery clearance space means market team has the special privilege of never touching clearance, ever.
I work near the end cap we use for HBA and Paper clearance and it's always shopped by guests (and TMs, including myself!) for deals. Yes, we do still salvage stuff out but it's not nearly as much because a lot of gets bought at 30% clearance, some more at 50%. Some of it even sells out of its home location before it gets to the end cap, although not a lot when it's only at 15%. If I know there's a lot of a clearance something in the back, I'll pull it and put it on the end cap with clearance stickers.
Sometimes, I see shelves up on a t-wall that doesn't usually have shelves, usually in the stretch between D and E blocks, and they'll used for Domestics and Toys clearance.
I have an end cap between OTC and Personal Care that I use for NOP stuff, some of which eventually goes clearance. Occasionally, something comes back and I retrieve it for a revised POG. Once upon a time, it had an active SP but that expired and nothing else took its place. The space always still in use though.
There's a clearance end cap in Kitchen, one in Stationery, one on each side of Domestics. Clearance racks in Style. Guests know where they are. (Although now that I think about it, I never shop Toys or Electronics myself so I don't know where those clearance end caps are.)
I will say, myDay has been getting some really really good updates recently.
Search is pretty good now, usability is pretty good, all in all its FINALLY in a pretty good state.

The one thing I do miss which I don't really understand why they got rid of is the compliance meal alerts sent to the TM themselves.
Back when myDay was first in stores, it would notify you AND all leaders when you were approaching your 6th hour of your shift, but now it only sends it to leaders.

Another thing I do wish was slightly reworked is how help buttons are handled along with the phone. There isn't an easy solution to this so I can understand why it couldn't be done.

When you need to pull Priorities for a dept, when I sign into it, I don't want its calls or help buttons or service hubs, I just want to pull the items. I think there should be a new tab at the top of the pull screen where you can filter by aisle, pog, etc, to a "Show all Pulls" button and it lists every dept in the store so if you need to pull for a specific dept, you don't get the alerts for them.

While we're here, the logic for sending alerts / notifications to myDevices from a service hub is different than a help button which is pointless imo. If I sign into Help Buttons, I also want to receive notifications for service hubs.
Are they redesigning the main screen when you scan an item? I’ve seen two different screenshots for “not legal” to sell items. One was the 4 circle buttons we know and the other was redesigned buttons that look nothing like the other.
Are they redesigning the main screen when you scan an item? I’ve seen two different screenshots for “not legal” to sell items. One was the 4 circle buttons we know and the other was redesigned buttons that look nothing like the other.

Close enough, Welcome back myWork 2.0


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Not sure if this is the right place but is there a way, in future updates, to be able to see if a clearance/salvage item is still located in the back from the Price Change section. Instead of having to flip back in to MyDay search, type the DPCI and see if it is located. Also, the on hands. I know it shows that sometimes but to show that consistently, especially with NOP items and salvage would be so helpful.

To put this simpler, in the Price change section when I am looking at an item instead of the bottom half of the page being blank could it say something like: 10 on hand, 10 in back. Located in 004A25 (or however the locations are written. I can't think right now.)

I know that is what the liability pulls are for but I am not always able to get to all the liability pulls before getting to Clearance NOP and it would be so helpful to know that an item is in the back and I don't have to hunt it in the floor.

This week was rough with all the Halloween salvage and the clearance NOP dropping in.

Thanks for listening.
They FINALLY gave change request a new sound. They are all the same which is less annoying but still better than before.
There needs to be 3 sounds.
  • SCO
  • Cashier
  • Cash transaction above $500
How do we not have an option to pull by backroom aisle by now??
How exactly would it work? When you go into a fillgroup, it already organizes it by backroom aisle.

Are you saying that you would want to pull ALL fillgroups by backroom aisle? Most fillgroups are already organized by backroom aisle. So I'm not really sure what your ask is here.
How exactly would it work? When you go into a fillgroup, it already organizes it by backroom aisle.

Are you saying that you would want to pull ALL fillgroups by backroom aisle? Most fillgroups are already organized by backroom aisle. So I'm not really sure what your ask is here.

No for ex. Let's say I want to pull seasonal priorities. We currently backstock them in 3 different aisles (2, 3, 4) due to space constraints.

Aisle 2 (main seasonal aisle) gets so busy for SFS I want to only pull priorities for items located in aisle 3 or 4 for now. There's no option to do that without having to skip a bunch of items.
Backrooms should be set up to mirror the floor by now. Find what aisles are in that backroom aisle and pull those. EZPZ.
You can pull by sales floor aisle already. But setting up backroom aisles to mirror the salesfloor would be crazy. Every time there was an adjacency change for a major transition, you would have to change your backroom? That would make any sense. The fill groups are fine as is.

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