Myself and 5 other women reported the same man to HR today.

ASANTS, but sexual harassment was the one thing that my store was really serious about not allowing. In our training we were told that as leaders any complaint had to be taken to HR that day whether the complainant wanted to involve HR or not and if HR was not there, then it went to the LOD, or we would be the ones in trouble. HR was supposed to take it from there.
Anyone who feels uncomfortable walking to their car after work should ask AP to walk out with them. No one should be made to feel unsafe at work.
I hope no one tracks OP down.

It is possible to team up for false charges and a guilty aggressor could claim that. Or an innocent person could correctly explain that as the guilty accusers claim it's been going on for years, blurring occurrences that too long has passed to be countered. Or, what happened at a previous workplace, no one was guilty, it was just a big misunderstanding blown way out of proportion.

I get the sense OP is truthful, but as they say there are three sides to every story. Or maybe I'm completely wrong and the public declaration is a ploy to drum up and refine what is needed to be said to frame an innocent person.

If the OP is truthful, I hope she kept those texts.
If someone harasses you or touches you without your consent, you go to HR. Don't do it in a group. It doesn't matter if its 1 or 20 people its happened to. 1 is too many. If they do it again after you have reported it, you march your behind up to HR immediately and tell them they did it again, and demand they make it stop NOW. You advocate for yourself. If HR stammers about "it takes time" "we are working on it" that is not good enough. You call the HRBP or corporate. No one has the right to touch your without your consent. No one should make up uncomfortable to be at work. This isn't just a get over it issue. This is the law.
His behavior is definitely inappropriate but if he was physically attractive there would be no complaining and no post here. Lol.
Poor, poor uggos.
No no no. I'm sure it does happen that attractive men (and women) get away with inappropriate behavior, but to make an assumption like this cheapens the OP's concerns. Have we learned nothing from the #metoo movement about taking such reports seriously?
@starflower, I do agree a bit with @Tessa120's concerns about lurkers, but a person who engages in the behavior you outline is likely to think he's done nothing wrong and not even recognize himself.
You need to get it on record pronto at your store, preferably with HR and SD at the same time if possible. If not, HR first, then SD. Every single point on your list is actionable, aside from the staring one - that's a little tricky to pin down. I know it seems obvious to you, but it'd be so easy for him to say something to make you seem mistaken.
Keep your meeting as emotionless as you can; stick to the facts and what you've experienced. Let others tell what they've experienced.
You are not overreacting. People being afraid they're the only one or are overreacting are why jerks like him get away with what they do.
Anyone who thinks attractive men wouldn't be reported for harassment is dangerously close to incel type thinking. Yeesh.

This. I can’t go in to detail cause the guy hotlined me after the situation but he won an insta-final. If he even breathes in an uncomfortable manner he’s done. As easy as it is to get termed it’s surprisingly hard to get someone problematic termed.
Yeah, like attractive guys never harass, molest/assault, or commit rape.

Oh, of course they absolutely do.

But if you don't believe that super attractive people are allowed, by society(us), to get away with more than ugly people, as it pertains to this type of thing... you've got your head so far up your ass I don't know what to think.

It applies to men and women. Attractive people get away with more. Think about it... if some truly, truly ugly guy comes up and touches you on the shoulder... you're much more likely to be creeped out than if some super hot guy comes up and does the same. That's human nature. I'd feel the same way about a woman doing it... and I know this, because I've been through both... where ugly women have made a physical pass and super hot women have made a physical pass... it does make a difference.

It's not ok in either instance, I'm just saying... it's human nature. Anyone who denies this is a denier of reality and living in a fantasy land of what they wish was true, not what is true.

If you don't believe me, it's time to do some research.

That all is a LOT different than saying a woman will be more accepting of uncomfortable and scary behavior from a guy based on his hunk score. Creepy is creepy, scary is scary, danger sense is danger sense, and it doesn't matter one whit what the hunk factor is. Lots and lots of women have gotten the heebie jeebies from attractive guys not listening to no.
That all is a LOT different than saying a woman will be more accepting of uncomfortable and scary behavior from a guy based on his hunk score. Creepy is creepy, scary is scary, danger sense is danger sense, and it doesn't matter one whit what the hunk factor is. Lots and lots of women have gotten the heebie jeebies from attractive guys not listening to no.

Eh... the level of hunk frames the entire situation differently from the beginning and thus your perception is different from the beginning. It's impossible to know without extreme specifics, which OP didn't provide. While the general complaints were there, how each situation specifically unfolded is relatively unclear.

If you don't think that a super hot guy fake crying over you not following him on social media would unfold differently than a super ugly guy for the vast majority of girls, again, you're not living in reality.
Behavior is behavior, no matter the hotness level. There's a certain vibe, a certain "something's wrong" factor, no matter the level of attractiveness. And that wrong sense accelerates after saying no and it be ignored.

Attractiveness does not mask a sense of "I own you, you have no choice, you will let me own you and do what I want to you".

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