Archived Never Received A Yearly Review

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Dec 31, 2018
Obviously with the new year and spring quickly approaching, it's got a couple of people talking about yearly reviews and pay raises. Coming to think about, I never received my 2017 yearly review. Our store had ungone a massive remodel, so naturally I was constantly moved around. I've been trained in almost all departments so I wasn't directly reporting to any TL or ETL.
However I signed onto be a Hardlines employee, so most of their teamleads helped me along the way. That following April, one of the sales floor team leads told me about the review and how he had one for me ready. But unfortunately, it kept getting put off when I'd occasionally asked for it. About a couple of weeks later the team lead who wrote my review moved to another store. So I never received it.
so my questions are, Am I entitled to receive one? Would I have seen a pay raise by now if I received one? And would it do me any good to ask about it now?
Obviously with the new year and spring quickly approaching, it's got a couple of people talking about yearly reviews and pay raises. Coming to think about, I never received my 2017 yearly review. Our store had ungone a massive remodel, so naturally I was constantly moved around. I've been trained in almost all departments so I wasn't directly reporting to any TL or ETL.
However I signed onto be a Hardlines employee, so most of their teamleads helped me along the way. That following April, one of the sales floor team leads told me about the review and how he had one for me ready. But unfortunately, it kept getting put off when I'd occasionally asked for it. About a couple of weeks later the team lead who wrote my review moved to another store. So I never received it.
so my questions are, Am I entitled to receive one? Would I have seen a pay raise by now if I received one? And would it do me any good to ask about it now?
At this point it won’t even matter since the new transition to workday has completely changed the way reviews are done. Just wait for this years and ask questions about whether there’s been improvement.
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